DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
I started the girls in a 14-16-18 soil mix that I use for clones and seedlings. Then I added some organic pooh later on, you just sprinkle on top! lovely smelling stuff. Then when I planted I had some of my recycled coco from my last grow, threw some of that down, also some Kalk which is an organic product I use, rich in microbio organisms and magnesium. Helps keep the ph balanced as well.
When I went along yesterday I gave the half strength Supermix Grond (Ground) from Bio Nova. The soil along there looked very moist when I put them in, and it has a sort of clay feel to it......they seem to be reasonably happy.

Holy smokes bru. Had to check up on ya. Im quite sure your mix is going to produce some beauties. I catch ya on the flip side bru. 1bmm.


Well-Known Member
Hey peeps, this'll be the last pic update for a while. Will be back in a few weeks with more.

Here we go:

Thelma Headband MarkIII

OG Kush:

Divit Kush - upstairs getting lanky...

Deep Purple Querkles

Casey Jones:

Baby Casey Jones from Seed:

Starting to get frosty...smells quite strong already, almost fruity at the moment....kinda reminds me of the smell from the NY47...hopefully cheeseyness prevail.....

And here's a little Looking In shot.....:mrgreen:

Enjoy, laters,

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Great update mate, looking forward to the next one, they should be monsters by then
Whats going on RIU? Its been so quiet for over a week


Well-Known Member
Great update mate, looking forward to the next one, they should be monsters by then
Whats going on RIU? Its been so quiet for over a week
funny, was thinking that as well. maybe the world cup...lmao, i'll be away to that in a couple of days...god I am boring myself talking about it haha.
......see your lads seem to be doing well in the cricket?

mr west

Well-Known Member
Ive givwen up watching sports lol. I recon its the lovely weather is a reason its so quiet. Or everyones got plenty of weed an is too stoned to post. im always here tho


Well-Known Member
Well the games today have been fairly gash....watching the spain game at the mo....snoozzzzzzzzze

mr west

Well-Known Member
im watchin my m8 play fallout 3 on my station lol and shmoking a bud or 3 of last bits of head band yummy>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
Ok folks, take it easy and I'll catch up with you all on the flip side of the World Cup.

Plants are being left for two weeks with a friend...a non grower:shock::shock:....so pray to the Ganja gods that my girls will be okay, and my little clones will be hunky dory. Worse thing that can happen is that they'll be a little thirsty, I hope.

laters, peace out


Well-Known Member
Hey D looking like a Thrilling game for you at the world cup bru. Holland and spain. Welp I say go holland lol. Late 1BMM

mr west

Well-Known Member
That jus shows u how quiet riu has been. DST last post was 11 days ago and hes left the coutry for a trip away. Normaly there would be some bollocks getting chatted al accross his thread and maybe carried on onto other ppls thread. Except its a ghost town everywhere

mr west

Well-Known Member
I was hoping that germany would make it to the final and be beten by the dutch lol that would of been funny


Well-Known Member
Bringing me back to another time with the Specials there buddy. I had some thing where I acted like a little rude boy for a few months. Too funny. I sure was a twat sometimes back in the day.

I'm thinking DST swung someway to make it into the final tomorrow. I can't wait to see what those of his are going to look like by the time he gets.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah be a nice3 update wen he gets back forsure lol. Wonder how much bigger his outdoor stuffs got lol specialy the cali orange headband