Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

I have had mishaps before, no water for a couple hours when they were bigger.
In my case I figure about 3 or 4 hours and they start wilting. If ya get water to them they bounce back.
I think these girls went a good 24 hours. I got the water back on last night but no change today.

I am very sad!!

I would be upset if that happened to me...but I use DWC so it would take a long time!!

Good Luck!

I Hope they will recover!
It's cool guys, Over the last couple weeks i have been fighting Powdery mildew in that cab.
I kinda wrote it off already cause I been hitting it hard with Organocide.
The only reason the grow was still there was cause I was gonna see how the buds smoked when treated late in flower with that stuff. My guess is it would have tasted like shit anyway.

On the bright side of things, Now I have plenty of room for cuttings once I disinfect that cab.
My larger cab is healthy and I'm flushing out the nutes now.
Chiller Update

Ok guys, My experence with this Aqua Euro chiller CL 85:

Unit would warm but not cool, I'm only using a 6 gallon res. The place I got it "the reef playground" would not return my emails so I contacted the manufacture. I sent it back to manafacture, they tested it, unit did not cool and they sent me another one.

Second unit did the same thing, would heat but not cool. I contacted them today and rather then asking for another one I asked if I could upgrade to a better chiller. They agreed. I payed another $140 for a total of about $300 and now they are going to send me there 1/13th hp chiller, I am to send them back this one.

Heres info on the new chiller. It has a heater port but not a heater.
I am not concerened with that, I just need cool water this summer.


  • For tanks up to 60 gallons
  • Integrated dual stage thermostat
  • Finest titanium chiller for fresh water and salt water tanks
  • Precise dual temperature control for accurate settings
  • High quality, durable, reliable
  • Quiet-Low noise
  • High BTU ratings (heat removal)
  • Heater control power outlet (heater not included)
  • Removable easy to clean air filter
  • Includes fittings and instructions for easy set up
  • Overall Dimensions: 16" H x 8" W x 10.5" D
  • Tank size: up to 60 gallons
  • BTU: 800
  • Chilling capability: 30g (-20°), 60g (-10°F)
  • Flow: 160 - 290 gph
The first one CL-85 is a micro chiller. rated for a 12 gallon tank. All I could find was "85 watts of cooling power"
The next one in there line up is 150 watts of cooling power. Still a micro chiller.

This is the first one in there line that is rated in horse power. 1/13 hp.
Now this does list chilling capability as you can see.

Yea man, its way overkill but I didnt know what to do. I was trying to save a few bucks by going with the micro. I read people using this ice probe thingy. I was looking at that too but WTF. It has 50 watts, I am suspose to have 85 watts of cooling power with this.

Honestly I am just tired of it. If things are not done right, I dont want to do it at all.
I was about to go all soil when the manufacture offered the upgrade. I thought about it and the new products from Hydro Innovations like there water cooled hoods and figured down the road I may want more cooling power. Maybe I can cool the whole cab with it. So I called them back and placed the order. It should be here by wednesday, I am to send mine back when it comes.
Well, if they're rated anything like air conditioners, the bigg one should solve your problems. My room should only need a 5k btu a/c, but I went with 11k btu and it can get me to like 65 on the hottest days. Worth the extra $$ to just not have to think about it anymore and move on to other things.
Temps 78°
Humidity 39%
PPMs 350 PH 6.1

I gave the girls there last res today. R/o PPM 30 ph at 5.8
The mites are back. right on time, its been about a week. I'm not gonna trip on it. Not much I can do besides another bomb and im gonna cut in three or four days. I figure I'll start taking the leaf thats got the most mites on it tomorrow. That will show them. Camera is frozen again. Should have some pics tomorrow.
Shit, 3 days is a long time for mites

Maybe use some sort of physical way of removing the majority/heaviest populations

A weak, concentrated vacuum or ladybugs? Ladybugs will clear the webbing too, by moving through nodes, eating mites.

Smoke might also work, like smudging or something that produces lots of thick smoke.

A rubbing alcohol mist evaporates very quickly, so maybe there wouldn't be much getting into the Herb itself?

3-4 days of uncontrolled mites gives me a cold sweat

40 cells per hour per mite times, say a mere 1000 mites

40,000 cells PER HOUR seems like it would cut production/weight by at least 10 or 20 percent, eh?

and they reproduce exponentially faster as temps go higher; 78 is almost ideal
Ya know, I agree with you. I have had a grow covered in webs in a few days.
I have also had moldy buds from spraying so late in flower. Damned if I do Damned if I don't.

After reading your post I went in and squished all I could see between my fingers but being a cab grow I cant get to much.
I love your heart!

I get the same way, I check on them so regularly for mites now.

Rubbing alcohol evaporates so quickly, and I think with a few days to go between now and harvest, any residual would be processed out by the Flush and, of course, it would DISSOLVE the little voracious love children, as they need to be

Maybe try a superfine, light, distant mist on the bottom of your smallest or most ventilated plant?

Your plants are your family, if there were mites eating your child, you'd mash every one (and harvest them once they reached maturity?) :)

Sorry, not trying to say what to do, I just think about it from the plant's perspective

That must itch like FUCKING CRAZY

or worse

IDK at the same time, the way plants die so elegantly, it makes me think they accept their fate pretty willingly
I F'n hate spider mites... it is a never ending battle against mindless zombies... I sit crouched over my plants for hours a day smashing spider mites with my fingers... Now I count how many I kill a day by hand... usually around 30 and I even got spiders on my plants helping me out... you can see the dead spider mites in their webs... I LOVE SPIDERS... ladybugs just got ate by the blue jays
yea tem little basterds suk. that the bad thing about growing is them dam mites, i have them too. its a never ending thing with them bitchess!!!!
Hey guys, Camera workin today and got those shots.





Heres the biggest bud, or what I can see anyway.


Things are going sour fast, signs of PM now with the mites. Good thing I'm gonna chop soon. Im just waiting on the flush.​
Its Sticky Time!

Looks like I timed it right, well it could have been better if there were no mites at all but I cut as soon as they hit the tops of a couple plants. The mites seemed to like the Afghan Kush better then the White Rhino. Amazing how fast they can multiply. They did this in a couple days even with me smashing all I could see. Maybe I need new glasses.

Afghan Kush plant with spidermites,


If your plant looks like this its time to cut. lol

Im really gonna take several precautions next grow. I have had them before, I know what it takes to keep them under control. I'm going to start treating for them on the second week of flower and keep it up untill harvest. I got a combo in mind.

Anyway Heres a nice shot of a White Rhino Bud.


I Cut one plant at a time. Here is the first plant tossed in a 3 foot tub so you get an idea of Yield.
I got Five of these and the Rhino.


Close up,


Its hard to tell what I got when they are all in the cab.
After trimming all the Afghan Kush I trimmed the White Rhino. (took about 5 hours with help)

Now this Rhino grew fantastic!


Close up,


Sideways LOL
Long as my arm I tell ya!


Anyway Got it all hanging.
I got a lot of small stuff too. About 1/4 of a paper shopping bag full. No room in the dry area for my screen so I'm just gonna dry them in the bag. Oh, and about 2 bags of leaf and stem. Im not gonna mess with that though. Its in the trash.

Cool, Now its time to clean out the cab and get ready for cuttings from my green house grow. Im thinking a blueberry grow would be nice.

The new chiller arrived yesterday.
Looks Badass man.