::dubbas blue widow grow thread::


Well-Known Member
They don't look bad for being run under t-5's. Next run that mh will make all the difference in the world. They do look nice and healthy. Good Job!

Maine Brookies

Active Member
Yeah, I should probably just throw them in the trash, since there not up to your standards.
Uhm, i meant i wouldn't keep it around as a mother, not that i'd throw it out. And where did i suggest that you should do any-fuckin-thing?



Active Member

So the flower cycle begins, I'm very happy with the turn out of the veg cycle. Most of them are 24 inches and will have 8+ more weeks to go under the hps. I decided not to
clone these since I have other plants started in my other tent.


Well-Known Member
You have 'em bunched together for the pic right? Looks like a rather cramped space; hopefully you have room for them to double.

nm lol. I see now that you have them at one end of the tent..what is that, a 5x8?


Active Member
47x47x79...yeah they are spread out more..its going to be pushing it, I may have to tie them down if they stretch, this whole new set up is going to be a big learning process using HID lighting, all of my grows have been under the t5's... my last grow finished under the hps the last couple weeks. probably was a mistake waiting so long to flip them into flower..:-(


New Member
Great information dubba. Thanks for the updates. I'm just starting the indoor grow. I should say just getting all the info I can beore I start.


Active Member
Plants look great, LSD in veg right now, LST on on of them..plants are stretching nice in flower tallest one is almost 3ft, 7 + more weeks to go!


Active Member
Looks like they are filling out the space nicely.

I just popped a freebie blue widow seed, so it will be nice to see how your crop turn out.