Dubious Greenhouse Grow


Active Member
I add sugars 3 times during flower, somethin like week 3, 5 and 7 or close to that.... It works for me....
Thanks for the reply nathenking. Would adding molasses once every week be too much, and how often due you add your nutes for flowering. Just trying to get some insight into whats working for people.

Anyone else with some advice please do share-- thanks.


Well-Known Member
I grow in super soil so I dont add nutes... They are already in the bottom of the container (soil) but i add bud candy once every 2 weeks and then some carbo load once during the last 2 weeks...
It works for me my man... What kind of system you runnin'???


Active Member
I grow in super soil so I dont add nutes... They are already in the bottom of the container (soil) but i add bud candy once every 2 weeks and then some carbo load once during the last 2 weeks...
It works for me my man... What kind of system you runnin'???
I'm container growing out of my greenhouse. My wife and I had a bags and bags of MG organic left over from repotting our non-MJ plants this spring, so I've been using that and perlite-- I know, I know, MG is considered bad news for MJ growing but so far I haven't had any problems with the organic. The wife wasn't to thrilled with me wanting to buy more soil when we had all of that just sitting on our garage, and some battles aren't worth fighting! Next grow I plan on using my own recipe. But they're are doing well, and I haven't had any issues.

I used fish emulsion (5-1-1) through veg, every other week. For flowering I'm using Fox Farms tiger bloom and grandma's unsulfered molasses. I've only nuted once with those, and I actually burned some of my plants a little. While I followed the directions, I plan on halving the tiger bloom-- that stuff is potent! I was thinking if I halved the flowering nutes I could probably nute every two weeks, but I'm still a little hesitant as I don't want to go overkill on my girls.

This is my first grow, and while I've researched and learned a lot, I still seem to be full of questions. While the girls are looking good, the lack of experience leaves me hesitant. With those particular flowering nutes, does that sound right? Too much/ too little? Thanks for the help. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
I'm container growing out of my greenhouse. My wife and I had a bags and bags of MG organic left over from repotting our non-MJ plants this spring, so I've been using that and perlite-- I know, I know, MG is considered bad news for MJ growing but so far I haven't had any problems with the organic. The wife wasn't to thrilled with me wanting to buy more soil when we had all of that just sitting on our garage, and some battles aren't worth fighting! Next grow I plan on using my own recipe. But they're are doing well, and I haven't had any issues.

I used fish emulsion (5-1-1) through veg, every other week. For flowering I'm using Fox Farms tiger bloom and grandma's unsulfered molasses. I've only nuted once with those, and I actually burned some of my plants a little. While I followed the directions, I plan on halving the tiger bloom-- that stuff is potent! I was thinking if I halved the flowering nutes I could probably nute every two weeks, but I'm still a little hesitant as I don't want to go overkill on my girls.

This is my first grow, and while I've researched and learned a lot, I still seem to be full of questions. While the girls are looking good, the lack of experience leaves me hesitant. With those particular flowering nutes, does that sound right? Too much/ too little? Thanks for the help. Cheers.
I never use the recomended doses when it comes to liquid nutes, 1/4 to 1/2 usually does the trick man...


Active Member
Thanks for the positive vibes guys, and all the help. I owe the health and happiness of my plants to the experience and aid of those on this site. Cheers people.


Active Member
I was out checking the greenhouse yesterday and found aphids on one the hibiscus plants. To make matters worse there were also ants around them too. While I didn't spot any on my MJ plants, I can only hope the ants don't start cultivating those damn aphids.
I've always used ladybugs in the past, and with great success but no one around here carries ladybugs. I need to use something non-toxic to animals but will kill aphids-- as my puppy likes to lick and chew on everything.

I need to take care of this ASAP before they decide my fems would make a nice home. Does anyone have any reccomendations for something that will kill aphids and not hurt my dogs? Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Thanks nathenking. They're really starting to fill in now, and trichomes are looking sticky. I've only been doing light feedings, but this weekend will be a heavy. I wish harvest was here already-- I'm so impatient!


Active Member
I haven't posted on this thread in quite sometime. The girls are looking good, and it's getting closer to harvest! I'll try and get some pics up tomorrow. Cheers.


Active Member
My situation led me to LST my first grow, and the tallest is right under three feet! I know they look funky, and I wish I could grow some giant trees like some of you guys! I've still got weeks, I think, before they're ready. Let me know what you guys think. Cheers.



Well-Known Member
Nice man... Some of those up close shots are SICK... Great Job... Cant wait til harvest those bad bitches....


Active Member
Yeah I've got a while before harvest, and I'm be forced to learn patience. Pic #19 is my favorite-- I took it with the flash, and you can see light refracting of all those trichomes. Thanks positive vibes guys.


Active Member
The greenhouse is starting to get smelly! Some of the plants smell sweet and I'm lovin it, while others smell like cheap schwag. Visually, they all look great, but I don't know if smell is any indicator of the quality of bud during flowering.

Is there any correlation to quality and smell during the flowering stage? Do the smells change significantly from flowering to curing? Just curious if the fems the smell nasty will improve over the next month, thanks peoples.