Duch's Indoor Organic Garden's.

Very cool Bobo. Must be some recessed gene from some past relative or something.

I think you're right about the school thing, and all. I was chatting with one of my instructors about it and at my age it doesn't seem to be the right way to go. The cost outweighs the benefit really, especially at the price they want. $9000 + /year x 2 years. I could buy some real nice gear for that kind of money. Also, I could just take some individual part time stuff to enhance my diploma for what I need to succeed.
Exactly. That is cash you'd be better off putting into gear. Find a good photog in your area and hit them up for assisting. You'll learn a lot, even if you started as a 2nd or 3rd... just the exposure to it all... seeing the different lighting setups... it's like a class that YOU get paid to take.