Dumbing down the food chain!!!


Well-Known Member
You guys talking about how the corn is going to be turned into ethanol or am I way off?




Well-Known Member
LOL.. no.. talking about Free Range chickens.. and how there is no comparison.. =) Taste wise and health wise for the consumer..


Well-Known Member
Damn straight..a whole different thing..I used to get eggs & chicken from a lady I worked with who was completely organic and free range...the orange yolk is great.....
Added to that, when was the last time you saw DARK meat on a intensively reard chicken? Forced fed chicken not letting it roam and eat grass and bugs alters te genetic make-up of the bird/no omega fatty acids are produced.
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Well-Known Member
You guys talking about how the corn is going to be turned into ethanol or am I way off?


haha no but I do believe hemp is the most efficient way to produce bio-fuels.

Henry ford and Mr Diesel made there cars/engines to run off these fuels.


Well-Known Member
And pork is leaner than it ever has been.
Lack of corn?
Ok, thanks Milf:mrgreen:

The reason why I asked that question is because I heard farmers might start(or did start:?.... I know people are at least thinking about it:mrgreen:) turning corn farms into growing a specific corn that is conducive to producing ethanol, and maybe not so tasty for humans:?. So the problem is that people are starving but yet we would convert our corn fields into producing fuel, and thusly driving up the price of corn because they would take out some of the supply.

So I wasn't sure if pigs feed on corn {insert word here} stuff(its a mixture of corn and husks) and they are leaner because the corn mixture is more expense and the pigs aren't eating enough:confused:...... idk...... I'm pretty sure I have seen juvenile cows eating that corn mixture stuff... (You might be able to tell I'm not acclimated to farming much) So thats why I asked.... I hope that makes sense:mrgreen: (Maybe I should stick to conversations I am knowledgeable about so I don't look like such an ass.)

haha no but I do believe hemp is the most efficient way to produce bio-fuels.

Henry ford and Mr Diesel made there cars/engines to run off these fuels.
I thought diesel engines were first made to run off of vegetable oil....:?... Was it really help oil though? Do you have any links bookmarked that proves that?

Good info BTW. :mrgreen: I would like to study up on how they would convert the hemp plant into bio diesel. I hope they wouldn't waste the THC(resin) for the bio fuel. Thats good medicine!:blsmoke:




Well-Known Member
I thought diesel engines were first made to run off of vegetable oil....:?... Was it really help oil though? Do you have any links bookmarked that proves that?

Good info BTW. :mrgreen: I would like to study up on how they would convert the hemp plant into bio diesel. I hope they wouldn't waste the THC(resin) for the bio fuel. Thats good medicine!:blsmoke:


Yeah your right on the Diesel. was made to run off seed and veg oils, sorry forgot to put that in.

the link for the hemp as an alternative is as follows Cannabis Hemp: A Viable Option to Oil Dependency | Hemp Products | Hemp

and if you go to http//cannazine.co.uk home page there is a link for hemp news in the right hand col.



New Member
Its up to each individual to be responsible for their own health care. It starts with the simple things ... exercise, nutrition and proper diet. All the information one needs is available right there on the side of the can or package.



Well-Known Member
Its up to each individual to be responsible for their own health care. It starts with the simple things ... exercise, nutrition and proper diet. All the information one needs is available right there on the side of the can or package.

Yeah but if that was the case and I eat myself into a quadruple bypass operation compliments from 20 years of eating Big Macs....I'd have nobody to sue for 5.4 million dollars! I'd have only myself to blame! Where's the justice in that!? ;)

At least w/ government sanctioned healthcare I could do/eat whatever the hell I want and have the taxpayer fund my surgery and longterm disability! Get with the program Vi! ;) :lol:

Oh wait...They could pass legislation that would make it illegal to eat a Big Mac if I was obese to protect me though, yeah? ROTFLMAO!


New Member
"John Nuttall, 57, needs surgery to set the ankle which he broke in three places two years ago because it did not mend naturally with a plaster cast. Doctors at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro have refused to operate because they say his heavy smoking would reduce the chance of healing, and there is a risk of complications which could lead to amputation. They have told him they will treat him only if he gives up smoking. But the former builder has been unable to break his habit and is now resigned to coping with the injury as he cannot afford private treatment…
Mr Nuttall states…”I have paid my dues as a taxpayer-and now the NHS won’t treat me.”"

Healthcare Economist · UK Doctors refuse to fix builder’s broken ankle unless he quits smoking

How about..............."they say his inability to have surgery would reduce the chance of healing, and there is a risk of complications which could lead to amputation."
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New Member
The last time I saw ingredients as listed on a can of Red Bull was when I read the side of a paint can.

Americans need to wake up.



Well-Known Member
LOL.. no.. talking about Free Range chickens.. and how there is no comparison.. =) Taste wise and health wise for the consumer..
I dont know much about the health issues but i know taste,free range ckickens kick serious ass,the leg meat is unbeatable.


New Member
To experience the difference between conventionally raised chicken and free range try this experiment ...

Buy one of those large, juicy, broiled chickens at Costco and eat it. Smell it and really take in the aroma. Ah, yes, full of hormones and antibiotics, you can smell the chemicals contained therein ... and they cost only $4.99.

Next time buy a free range, organically fed, broiled chicken at Whole Foods market and eat that one. Not plump, not as juicy, only half the size of the Costco chicken and cost nearly twice as much at $9.99.

The difference? The Costco chicken tastes and smells like artificial, chemical chicken. The Whole Foods chicken tastes and smells exactly like chicken.

Like a wise man once said ... once you try real chicken, you'll never go back. :blsmoke:

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Well-Known Member
Yeah but if that was the case and I eat myself into a quadruple bypass operation compliments from 20 years of eating Big Macs....I'd have nobody to sue for 5.4 million dollars! I'd have only myself to blame! Where's the justice in that!? ;)

At least w/ government sanctioned healthcare I could do/eat whatever the hell I want and have the taxpayer fund my surgery and longterm disability! Get with the program Vi! ;) :lol:

Oh wait...They could pass legislation that would make it illegal to eat a Big Mac if I was obese to protect me though, yeah? ROTFLMAO!
~LOL~ Your pretty funny Dave...:mrgreen:

I dont know much about the health issues but i know taste,free range ckickens kick serious ass,the leg meat is unbeatable.
The sad thing is that I don't even know if I have ever consumed a free range chicken. No one ever served me saying "this is a free range chicken.... enjoy" HAHA I'm from the suburbs and I'm a young buck(early twenties)... I have no idea what kind of chicken my parents used to feed me. And when buying groceries for myself, now, I just look for the best deals...:cry: I don't even know if they offer 'free range' chickens at my grocery store.:? (I'll have to look next time though)

Anyone else getting hungry? :mrgreen:




New Member
Hey "young buck," :) The reason I can tell the difference is that I grew up eating free range chickens. The "range" was my parent's back yard. The chickens were fed on table scraps and greens. They were free to peck their heads off looking for worms and such. Many a time, my Mom would say to me ... "go out and kill a chicken for dinner." So, I'd go out, grab a chicken by the neck, swing it around over my head a few times until the neck broke. It was called "wringing the chicken's neck." I didn't have a second thought about this little enterprise ... and my Mom made great fried chicken.



Well-Known Member
Hey "young buck," :) The reason I can tell the difference is that I grew up eating free range chickens. The "range" was my parent's back yard. The chickens were fed on table scraps and greens. They were free to peck their heads off looking for worms and such. Many a time, my Mom would say to me ... "go out and kill a chicken for dinner." So, I'd go out, grab a chicken by the neck, swing it around over my head a few times until the neck broke. It was called "wringing the chicken's neck." I didn't have a second thought about this little enterprise ... and my Mom made great fried chicken.

:lol: Thats hilarious!

HAHA Thanks for the illustration Vi...:mrgreen: Times have changed a little.... No?:-|........:mrgreen:.. I can just picture a little kid going out and swinging a chicken around his head like its a mundane game...:mrgreen: HAH




Well-Known Member
Amen Vi! I can only hope to one day ask my child to do the same. =) LOL.

There is nothing better than organic, non GM, and free range products. Farmer's market is the best. =) Support the local economy and get real fuckin' food. lol.. Yeah.. I pay more for all my foods- but I can eat less of it- because it's actually hm.. giving me the shyt I need. LOL.. as frugal as I am though, I hate having to say I pay $5.00 for a half gallon of milk... but that taste of pure organic milk with the cream still in it.. lol.. I'd rather see a real dense cream milk mustache on my daughters upperlip than any new tv.. real things truly are priceless...


New Member
I think I was about 6 when I was told to go kill my first chicken, first I had to catch it, not an easy task for a 6 year old on a 40 acre farm, then I had to hold it by the legs and lop off its head with a meat cleaver, (I was too young to swing the ax with one hand). By the time it was over, the headless chicken had covered me with blood and flew to the barn roof. If you think chickens can't fly, chop off their heads and let them go.
That was the last "free range" chicken i ever ate and the last chicken period for about ten years. I finally got over that experience, but chicken has never been my favorite since.
Here we go again with the you should eat right bullshit. I agree we should all eat right, but with that comes the added expense, so we should all be able to afford to eat right. If we all could afford organic vegies, free range beef, chicken and corn fed pork, then eating anything less would be irresponsible.
The facts are that most people can't afford to eat right, so they eat crap because it's cheap. It always boils down to rich VS poor, it is a class war that needs to be waged., not an oil war.


New Member
Ahh, I see ... we need a class war. Would that entail reducing the assets of the rich in order to hand it over to the poor? If so, when it comes to food, would you deny healthy foods to those with the means to buy it and serve them crap instead just to level the playing field?
