Dunn murder case in FL

DD is just a common low intellect Racist
Most likely a fat slob who is at home unemployed collecting disability

he does live out in the middle of nowhere rents are super cheap, great place to collect a disability check and join a militia group.
It's pretty clear from the verdict in the Zimmerman trial that the kid was a criminal. Zimmerman was acquitted because he was defending himself from a violent assault that a reasonable person would fear would cause great bodily harm or death. That sounds like the actions of a criminal to me, a dangerous criminal.

So stalking is normal behavior that should not be defended against???? Come on he a thug because he fought?? Doesn't Zimmerman have a mild criminal past? Didn't he just pull his pistol out on his wife? You have to be fucking kidding me your level of ignorance is astounding. Racist no your not just ignorant to the truth of the world and the people in it.

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Mexican food is really cheap out here too. You would hate it, Buck. Cheesy might get arrested because rape is frowned upon out here.


and two more: LULZ............ LULZ
So stalking is normal behavior that should not be defended against???? Come on he a thug because he fought?? Doesn't Zimmerman have a mild criminal past? Didn't he just pull his pistol out on his wife? You have to be fucking kidding me your level of ignorance is astounding. Racist no your not just ignorant to the truth of the world and the people in it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Rollitup mobile app

Fresh meat on the line!

No, yes, maybe, no.

My answers could be incorrect because your questions are so poorly phrased. No matter, though. I will cut you some slack because you are posting from a cell phone, which has to be difficult.
Hey Desert Dud Take a picture of the inside of your elbow with RIU written in pen and post it here

We want to see what a fat ass you are
DD is just a common low intellect Racist
Most likely a fat slob who is at home unemployed collecting disability

I already told you, I am not a Democrat.

You might throw a few commas in your posts, in the appropriate places if you know how. That would make your "low intellect" insults less laughable.

When I first read your post, I thought it read, "low intellect Rapist". LULZ
Hey Desert Dud Take a picture of the inside of your elbow with RIU written in pen and post it here

We want to see what a fat ass you are

No, thanks. I don't want to fuel your homosexual rape fantasies to any greater height. The people of Wisconsin don't need that kind of trouble. One Dahmer is enough.
So stalking is normal behavior that should not be defended against???? Come on he a thug because he fought?? Doesn't Zimmerman have a mild criminal past? Didn't he just pull his pistol out on his wife? You have to be fucking kidding me your level of ignorance is astounding. Racist no your not just ignorant to the truth of the world and the people in it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Rollitup mobile app

Did you sign up to RIU just to argue with me? Aww, I am touched! I got your very first post. I popped your "politics" cherry! If I had noticed that this was your first post, I would have been gentler.

Moderators, take note. I drive traffic to your web site.
I'm right
You are jsut some fat stupid racist slob

This ought to keep you off the boy's playground for a while:

Stop projecting DD
You can come out of the closet as well
Dont be ashamed. Maybe that is your problem. You fantasize about blowing blacks and you feel conflicted
I dont think you are a racist.
Desert Dude on the other hand was basically calling him a Criminal becuase the kid got high.
Can you imagine calling everyone here a criminal? Some creepy ass fucker follows me around no matter how many times I cross the street. I'm going to try and take that fucker down
Yeah...that was the point I was trying to make before UncleBuck jumped on me...he got high...he got into some fights...SO WHAT...he was a teenage boy...they do that...and we ALL get high on here...SOOOO
Yeah...that was the point I was trying to make before UncleBuck jumped on me...he got high...he got into some fights...SO WHAT...he was a teenage boy...they do that...and we ALL get high on here...SOOOO

Says the known racist who probably likes Tacos.
so then why did you say fighting like it was a fact, when it is clearly not a fact?

martin had never been in a fight in his entire life before an unidentified stranger followed him, first in his truck, then on foot, through his own neighborhood in the dark, eventually chasing him down as he ran away.

call me crazy, but if someone stalked me like that on my way home from the grocery store, i would be fearing for my life too. any sane, rational person would.

So then why did you jump in my shit without taking note that I was defending the poor kid from being called a criminal? Why did you pay no attention to what I said about my own son reacting in the same manner to a creepy man following him around? Your entirely too quick to jump on someone who is, as I said, on the same side of the fence as you are? FACT...the kid got into fights...irrelevant but FACT...he smoked weed...again, irrelevant but still a FACT...so what exactly is your problem UncleBuck? Its perfectly okay to admit that a person is human and not perfect...he did not however deserve to be shot and killed by that coward....he used his weapon as backup when its intended to be used for protection. In my opinion, the only person defending themselves in this case was Trayvon Martin....regardless of whether he was a perfect little angel or a gang member....
No disrespect intended but your attitude is kinda whack... :)
Yeah...that was the point I was trying to make before UncleBuck jumped on me...he got high...he got into some fights...SO WHAT...he was a teenage boy...they do that...and we ALL get high on here...SOOOO

you still have not shown a single bit of evidence that he ever got into a fight though, and you never will. because prior to be being chased down by an unidentified stranger in the dark, he never did.

and no, we don't all get high here. desert dude doesn't, and he frequently wishes federal prison time on growers if they don't support his savior, rawn pawl. one time he taunted a member here with federal prison time and that grower got taken to federal prison that same day.
Im not playing the race card here...thats all on you guys...I just know what is right and what is wrong...and you sir...are DEAD WRONG :)

I apologize on Uncle Bucks behalf. Desert dude is a racist troll. it gives him jollies to be a racist asshole. he also enjoys torturing small animals. At least according to this study:

[h=1]Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People[/h]46.9k6.3k579
[h=2]Narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic, and sadistic.[/h]
That’s bad, but it’s nothing compared with what a new psychology paper has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves. The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others).