Dunn murder case in FL

What conflicted jury? Acquittal requires a unanimous vote.

By the letter of the law, not the spirit. A juror can rule you aren't guilty and feel you should be guilty of something.

For example: I could shoot someone walking off my property with a particularly nice pair of shoes (Felony theft). I'm not guilty of murder, but shooting someone over shoes is still pretty damn wrong.
By the letter of the law, not the spirit. A juror can rule you aren't guilty and feel you should be guilty of something.

For example: I could shoot someone walking off my property with a particularly nice pair of shoes (Felony theft). I'm not guilty of murder, but shooting someone over shoes is still pretty damn wrong.

So it should be mob rule from now on?

The letter of the law doesnt satisfy you so it should be up for interpretation??
So it should be mob rule from now on?

The letter of the law doesnt satisfy you so it should be up for interpretation??

If you don't think the law is up for interpretation, then you don't understand how our legal system works. Legal precedent is irrelevant in a system where only the letter of the law applies. Jury nullification become impossible too.
If you don't think the law is up for interpretation, then you don't understand how our legal system works. Legal precedent is irrelevant in a system where only the letter of the law applies. Jury nullification become impossible too.

The jury is instructed to follow the letter of the law but they can do whatever the fuck they want to do. It has been that way since our legal system was founded.

Somehow you seem to have sour grapes about particular verdicts and desire change due to that without realizing you have to take the good with the bad. Zimmerman defended himself and was acquitted by a jury. It is the way it is. OJ was acquitted. That chick who killed her kid was acquitted. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad but it doesnt need to be changed just because you dont like a particular outcome.
The jury is instructed to follow the letter of the law but they can do whatever the fuck they want to do. It has been that way since our legal system was founded.

Somehow you seem to have sour grapes about particular verdicts and desire change due to that without realizing you have to take the good with the bad. Zimmerman defended himself and was acquitted by a jury. It is the way it is. OJ was acquitted. That chick who killed her kid was acquitted. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad but it doesnt need to be changed just because you dont like a particular outcome.

Jury nullification is acquittal when the jury thinks the defendant is actualy guilty. It's the letter vs. the spirit in action.Thanks for making my point that just because a jury declares you innocent doesn't mean you didn't do anything wrong though.
Jury nullification is acquittal when the jury thinks the defendant is actualy guilty. It's the letter vs. the spirit in action.Thanks for making my point that just because a jury declares you innocent doesn't mean you didn't do anything wrong though.

It does in the letter of the law...
you still have not shown a single bit of evidence that he ever got into a fight though, and you never will. because prior to be being chased down by an unidentified stranger in the dark, he never did.

and no, we don't all get high here. desert dude doesn't, and he frequently wishes federal prison time on growers if they don't support his savior, rawn pawl. one time he taunted a member here with federal prison time and that grower got taken to federal prison that same day.

Phone records...text messages with friends discussing fights...STILL irrelevant...and pretty common amongst teenage boys...I really don't understand why this got you so fired up...are your briefs too tight? :???:
I apologize on Uncle Bucks behalf. Desert dude is a racist troll. it gives him jollies to be a racist asshole. he also enjoys torturing small animals. At least according to this study:

Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People

Narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic, and sadistic.


You shouldn't apologize for somebody else's rudeness. It's admirable to stand up for something you believe in but there's a fine line between defending your cause and just being a dick...just sayin ;)
No...my thong had a twist in it...the most uncomfortable feeling EVER :shock:

you've never had the joy of your balls getting sucked under and beneath your legs in a setting where the digging required to dislodge them would be all too obvious.
you've never had the joy of your balls getting sucked under and beneath your legs in a setting where the digging required to dislodge them would be all too obvious.

Uh...no sir :) But from your detailed description I gather you have :shock: Thanks for sharing :???:
i really don't understand why you tried to tell an obvious lie about martin being suspended for fighting when he clearly wasn't. underwire digging in?

I can't believe I am about to defend one of your philosophical brethren, but here goes:

MD was simply mistaken in what she posted. It happens, even to progressives. MD is a fellow Trayvon sycophant, Buck. You should apologize to her and accept her into your cult.
MD is a fellow Trayvon sycophant, Buck. You should apologize to her and accept her into your cult.

[h=2]sy·co·phant[/h] noun \ˈsi-kə-fənt also ˈsī- & -ˌfant\: a person who praises powerful people in order to get their approval
