Dwc Grow Club

yeh , im shit- i made it private so iv just sent u a friend req...
man youve a plethora of pics ! luvly stuff
well it seems the newest pics end up at the start . . kinda strange that but ok , upped my new lighting solution aswell for the next big op haha
u see that dweeby looking thing . . i realised it wasnt the lack of light that ended it , but the fact i forgot there was soil under those pellets . . used the hydro ph'd water- least i know what lock outs like now!
boobies, bucket, club, dwc, grow, tits n ass what an amazing tag line, id love to join boobies bucket club - who knew dwc could grow tits and ass!?
well i bet uz guys did . . imagine that as an ad in classifieds in ur local paper tho
Net may a befriend you?
well im putting this movie on , hope its good , once the tears laughter have stopped running let me know! :D
My sketches involve stick figures building what i think is a master structure. My sketches also include stick figures that look like lil monsters that when people see them they dont know what to think. So i wont show my stick people only out of embarrasement.
Okay!! I havent even read up to see what been going on but Check this out... thought it was pretty funny.

So a friend came over and brought a friend (new to the area... college maybe)... bit off I'd say...

We had to get some ditch weed, because.. well just because (LOL)... couldnt find anything better. And he picks up the bag, and checks it out... then later asking all these price questions, but then asks... "So... are you the kind of guys that dont care about what you smoke??"


Then later, we're all around.. and he randomly says... do you guys want some Ganja... like from Jamaica. "How Much?" .. He says "Free..." but there's a catch.... "I got some seeds a while back ago from jamaica bud... if somewhere here grows them, I'll let you have some"


Then later tried to hustle me and my roomate jailbroken iPhones.. after he tried to by my original iPhone box (from day 1 of the iPhone release)...

Now they're all off going out to BFE to Wal-Mart to get an airpump because he has a flat... and wont go to the Grocery Store around the corner to pay $4 for fix-a-flat....

I had to stay... chill... and vent....

He's from Texas.... anybody from there, you can have him back
all i can say to that man is sometimes in the wild , pieces can come lose from an ass , and break free without being noticed - so somewhere in the world there's a few ass pieces just wandering around . .
i think attonburgh done a nation geo thing on it
Its situations like that , that have me in the mood to make no new aqauintences
LOL +rep for the chazel!!

I didnt even know anyone was coming... I was just chill, in the dark, watching Planet Earth.. and they all come on in, turn n the lights... and the night began :-/


Also just caught up on the thread... dont let DL bully you for those sketches LOL!!! jk DL....
thats a shitter man , i wanted to set up cctv but realised it would make me look more suspicious than anything else . . not even for the security just for the shizitors ( rare cross of shit and visitors )
these days every door knock gets my hairs on end , and its always when ur gettin into a show right on that level ud be lookin for allll day.
Im glad u finally got it DL , u see the revolutionary hypnotiq plan? i think i may up more sketches soon , make it a regular thing -

i was skilled enough when taking the pic to aviod my page of stick people doing stick things ( and no no THAT you stick stick fuckers!) had some stick mes enjoyin a not so stick fattie . .

just noticed - 4 more pages and you's lot can officially take on the persians THIS - IS - SPARTAAAAAAAA
No chazel im going to carry on because im a gladiator.... I dont really care wtf u all r talking about its all too technical for me.. I dont purely understand the master plan..Although had a feeling something was going on but honestly and surely i dont give a phuck excuse my language but im sure i got the basics.
Nuff said man. Is this not Dwc grow club? Are u not all entertained?
This idea came to me way before anything else and riu gave it to me.
Do i need to create another tribute to riu thread to show my appreciation and respects..?
I dunno but its all rather crazy!!! I understand but still DWC club belongs to riu where i reside thank u sirs.
How many of us have them? friends! those we can depend on . . **everybody** FRIENDS!
today has been productive tho i feel i may try and settle down now its 6:45 - gave the babies some good vibes and saved some to send your way clubbers!
gotta get some res measurements made and see whats the best ducting for regular movement aswell as wiring the 8 fluoros into 2 circuits
and of course an extra special stick sketch for dl.
hope everyone has a productive evening , im gona head to bed and hope i dont freeze to death!
eaasssy people
Stay Safe
Hello all and good morning!! I see the time is still not fixed..... It's 8:07am and its looking good! My HPS is fully kicking. At first it didn't look as orange as the 70 watt but at closer inspection, I can't even tell that the other lights are on. I used to see the distinctive difference in light between the cfl's and the 70 watt HPS but now there is only HPS all around over powering the cfl's. I can't wait to rig the other HPS for the bottom of the plants!

Everyone's still asleep!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!
Here is the hood to my 70w hps. Just finished it this morning except for adding a rubber grommet around the lamp cord. It's going in my cabinet in a week or so.


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Some bud pics... More on my grow thread!
