Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
my fucin last two plants wont show sex, the OGk is lookin more male day by fucin day, this is so lame haha


Well-Known Member
Go str8 to 12/12 bro.. If i was u Id do a complete res change as well. And mix ur flower nutes @ a 3:1 ratio to ur grow nutes. It should also help with stretch as well. Less N more P/K.
At least thats what im doing now.

Sicc man.. Wierd bro. Its usually the later showing plants that are female.. Wait on those sax tho bro. The 2 i was gonna chop showed late and looked exactly like males until i looked closely and seen pistils poking. But i hear ya sometimes they are too simple to tell man.

Happy Easter Doggies.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so 3:1 im assuming thats P:K so 3 X as much P then K right?

Sorry, I think my weakest area is nutes, and understanding the math haha.


Well-Known Member
Go str8 to 12/12 bro.. If i was u Id do a complete res change as well. And mix ur flower nutes @ a 3:1 ratio to ur grow nutes. It should also help with stretch as well. Less N more P/K.
At least thats what im doing now.

Sicc man.. Wierd bro. Its usually the later showing plants that are female.. Wait on those sax tho bro. The 2 i was gonna chop showed late and looked exactly like males until i looked closely and seen pistils poking. But i hear ya sometimes they are too simple to tell man.

Happy Easter Doggies.

Yea fa sho, ima wait till the very end haha, im just gettin impatience and im kinda bored of the grow now, the two BK being males really bum'd me out about the grow, im prayin to the dear lord the OGK is female, idk how much longer i can wait, happy easter homie, this one if for you bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yea bro i also suck at nutes im not even going to act like i know everything about them cause i dont..
What im talkiing about is taking my grow nutes lets say at 25 ml
And putting my flower nutes 75 ml.
Essentially im just using 3 times as much flower nutes than grow nutes bro.

I do the exact opposite in VEG now as well..
Hahah man im not sure if i explained that right man.


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";2365782]Yea fa sho, ima wait till the very end haha, im just gettin impatience and im kinda bored of the grow now, the two BK being males really bum'd me out about the grow, im prayin to the dear lord the OGK is female, idk how much longer i can wait, happy easter homie, this one if for you bongsmilie[/quote]

Hahah yea man.. Bowl fest time bro. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yea bro i also suck at nutes im not even going to act like i know everything about them cause i dont..
What im talkiing about is taking my grow nutes lets say at 25 ml
And putting my flower nutes 75 ml.
Essentially im just using 3 times as much flower nutes than grow nutes bro.

I do the exact opposite in VEG now as well..
Hahah man im not sure if i explained that right man.

Cool that makes a lot more sense now.


Well-Known Member
Cool that makes a lot more sense now.
Atrum bro check it out man. Ive recently been given a table of sorts. A guide. A complete N/P/K mix thats simple even for me to under stand. and i suck.
And yes bro. Its true.
Here's what my 3:1 mix did for me bro.
Literally overnight man.
The buds swelled to twice the size they where and packed on some frosting.
Here's what 3:1 actually means to me now.
P and K = 15

I was told to push it even harder bro. More 5:1

But im rolling with this for week 2-3 flower.

Hope it helps.

I am going to max my mix out and see what happens.

But heres how they look over night.

53 days from Germination man.
PH proper always 5.8.
Im also using Diamond nectar in small doses to help the plant use the nutes im burning them down with.



Well-Known Member
wow, lol those look good. Yeah man, thank you loads for that.
I am getting all my nutes refilled this Wednesday.

Also, my room looks like the surface of the sun now. thankfully its only for 12 hours a day. most of which i will be at work for haha.


Well-Known Member
Bro just make sure u keep good light air flow between the tops of ur plants and some kinda fresh air intake man..
Walking on the sun is fun. I wear suntan lotion now.
But temps are just as important.
Im seriously considering unplugging my second lamp until i get a tube or another vented hood.

Its all fun and games as long as u follow the rules bro.
Just trying to help pimp.
Glad if i did.


Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke: It's goin.

Do you ever find your self staring at your plant. Kinda like how you would stare at a camp fire lol.

I do.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Yo Sicc, whatup, man? I decided not to go Aerogarden, lol... I was really pondering it, but ended up just building my own. Yo, if you guys could check out my grow in my Sig, that would be most triumphant... Am I doing everything right? Is this an actual DWC or am I "cheating" because of the airstone and air pump? Haha, whatevs, as long as it takes care of the kids. Let me know...


Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke: It's goin.

Do you ever find your self staring at your plant. Kinda like how you would stare at a camp fire lol.

I do.:lol:
oh my god yes! haha my roomate told me a watched plant never grows....haha

im having another attempt at cloning, DWC, stems sitting directly in straight tap water not pH'd, no nutes. Just warm water, warm air, lots of humidity. Hopefully it works!


Well-Known Member
Yo Sicc, whatup, man? I decided not to go Aerogarden, lol... I was really pondering it, but ended up just building my own. Yo, if you guys could check out my grow in my Sig, that would be most triumphant... Am I doing everything right? Is this an actual DWC or am I "cheating" because of the airstone and air pump? Haha, whatevs, as long as it takes care of the kids. Let me know...

haha whats up bruh, i dont even got my AG, I built my own DWC, but im using the AG grow nets for now, untill i can upgrade, but so far i got some good results, even tho there all males haha, the growth was incrdible, i cant wait to fire it up again, i'll stop by the thread

I love DWC bongsmilie