Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
so tell me if you are growing in soil and you got a baby that in two days is on her third set of leaves..and all the leaves including water leaves are pointing straight up at the light...is this a good thing?


Well-Known Member
Yes bird thats an awesome thing. When they are happy they stretch there arms in veg. When they flower there arms stopp stretching so hard and the colas get monsterous.


Well-Known Member
It is funny that I can see a difference in the plant in 30 minute time elapse. I think the dwc is going to pass the soil progress later but right now the soil is super fast....


Well-Known Member
My plants are bigger and stronger and so healthy if they had nipples youd wanna thrust your tongue around each one


Well-Known Member
Hi all i have been reading over the post the past few days a lot of good info has been put out to all of us NOoBS out there and i thank you all for that. Iam looking for some info on what are some of the better websites to buy from i.e. fast shipping, good customer service, decent prices and ext.......

Iam new to the whole growing thing just started looking in to it and reading a lot of info on here about 5 months ago when i was in the states still. My wife gave me permission to start growing after are next move to are new BASE :wink: in the middle of next year. So for now iam just looking and feel that DWC is the best way to go for my first grow. Any help would be much welcomed :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hi all i have been reading over the post the past few days a lot of good info has been put out to all of us NOoBS out there and i thank you all for that. Iam looking for some info on what are some of the better websites to buy from i.e. fast shipping, good customer service, decent prices and ext.......
yes there is a lot of info on here to learn from.....I read lots and lots...I for one cant help but think one day this site may be infiltrated and used against us.....I for one will learn as much as I can so when it is time for medical use ...then I will be able to work for or start my own medical club...

My wife gave me permission to start growing after are next move to are new BASE :wink: in the middle of next year. So for now iam just looking and feel that DWC is the best way to go for my first grow. Any help would be much welcomed :leaf:
Is this an indication of infiltration??????????


Well-Known Member
not meant to come off that way just trying to say some thing with comeing out and saying but i can see how you could take it that way form that maybe this will help air power maybe

also my wife is the huge pot head of the 2 of us i want to do more so cues it looks fun and changleing at the same time and i partake when i can like long weekends and when iam on vacation

once agine i did not mean for it to come acrosse that way by no means at all


Well-Known Member
Things in computer world are taken the wrong way most of the time. Welcome aboard. Yes we are looking forward to your grow as well as a happy landing to ur new BASE. That was tight. Definetely something a true grow club member can understand.
Goood Mooorning Grow Club


Well-Known Member

[Hope the pics worked]

I haven't been growing long but DWC is my preferred way. It's been very simple and goes smooth "if" you follow the directions. I use the bc boost, bc bloom and bc grow from technaflora. All of these plants are clones except 5 of them are seedlings. I use 2" netcups with 2" neoprene collars. I do not use any medium because it just seems easier not to.