Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
I know i wont get as much weed as i wanted but it'll do so yeah here's the pics of there 3 weeks today =]

Picture 016.jpg

Picture 017.jpg

Picture 018.jpg

Picture 019.jpg

Picture 020.jpg


Well-Known Member
Misery how tall are they now? Im actually cloning and placing 5-7 inch tall clones directly into flower considering my plant to grow space requirements. I was actually unsure of this until today actually. But u can flower up to 4 plants per sq.ft.. Ive got 13 in one 18 gallon tub but will prolly yank a couple of the smaller cuttings only cuz i screwed up during cutting and took a few smaller ones.

Anyhow. What r u listening to right now pirate?


New Member
I love my Takamine! I've been playing on and off for about 13yrs now. This past year I have barely picked it up. I'm more into the grow and airbrushing. I also play piano and the violin but not this past year. woop woop.


Well-Known Member
yes ive been messing around with a guitar for prolly 20 years just a lil tho. we had a piano growing up as well but im a master to none just like playing things


Well-Known Member
just going to chill and obsess on my grow.Actually got more supplies today to finish the second tub. i think the second batch is going to be ready in the next couple day. i also got some movies while i was out.katt williams new stand up and the dark night cuz im a hermit lately and quit going to the movies


New Member
Sounds great! I like going to the movies by myself sometimes... is that weird?!

Lately i just download a good quality movie, smoke and chill. But i think tonight i'll go out....... Still not sure though. It's still early


Well-Known Member
Cool heres another joke.....

Theres 3 nuns sitting on a bus bench waiting for the bus and a streaker runs by...

The first none has a stroke as well as the second one....
The 3rd one couldnt cuz her arms were to short bwahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think ur going to be fine bro. Early pruning of the lower branches during early flower stage always helped me in tubs. They may get huge as fawk and u may end up having to take some of the lower branches early.THey dont yiled much at harvest either way and i believe this forces ur plant to put that emphasis on focusing cola developement up top. SEE what happens bro.Id reccomend that u do take a couple low stems in the next couple weeks tho.There only going to crowd the other plants.


Well-Known Member
Glade to be here iam hopping i can start giving back soon as well i may start something up when i get home i don't relay know if iam going to have time thouth with the move and all. What iam thinking about doing is thouth haveing ever thing sent to my house now and then move so when i get to my new place it would not be linked to any thing going on i just need to find a good house where ever i move to.

Well i hope ever one had a good day iam just geting to work now but it is sunday for me so i do not have a lot going on just some cleaning