Well-Known Member
Thanks Mr. bond
Also is sweet from botonicare ok to use instead of molasses?
I'll get the molasses but I already have sweet.
Oh, and I am using Pure blend pro hydro. line for my nutes currently. They are about 70% organics. Can I use these in conjuction with the tea and DWC or should I switch? I have been told by some that they have good results with PBP in dwc.
Hey sprechenz,
I have used Sweet in the past as a replacement for the molasses. It is a carbo so the microbes can feed off of it. I'm not sure if there is any additional benefit to using molasses over Sweet. Far as I can tell, Sweet will give you some extra Sulfur & Magnesium, molasses will give you some extra Calcium and Magnesium. Most people like to use unsulfured molasses with their brews, so I'm not sure how the extra Sulfur in the Sweet would affect your system. Although I didn't have any issues with it when I used it. and yes, you can certainly use the tea in with your (mostly) organic nutrients. If they really are mostly organic, then the tea should help things along quite nicely. You'll need to make sure you continue with the maintenance doses after the initial inoculation, to keep the ecosystem thriving so to speak. As for using PBP, I haven't used it myself but I've head its good stuff.
Cheers and good luck