DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes


Well-Known Member
Hey heis can I drop a chunk of the mosquito dunk in my res till my tea is done? I got larvae floating in my res plants don't look happy. what does the sand do for the soil plants? will hydroton pebbles work? thanks for everything.
Add the dunk to the res right away, and to your next brew. Be sure to spray or pour tea around your upper roots and cup. Drench any larvae you see.

The sand is a deterrent to adults and is said to injure larvae when they crawl through it by lacerating their bodies. Diatomaceous earth works even better.

sup heisenburg, had a question on microbes i thought you might have some insight to.
i've been hearing about using oatmeal as microbe food, but have been using blackstrap for years. supposedly the microbes prefer oatmeal more, whats your opinion on this?
Molasses is better suited to our 48 hour window and our application.

I wonder who came up with this recipe first? I think someone should give credit where it is due.
The current recipe/advice here is a collective result of the posters in this thread. As far as I know, the pioneer of utilizing bennies to fight DWC slime is a figure named Richyrich. I doubt he was the first person to ever discover it, but he was the first to share it extensively on the net. He also helped a lot by journalizing his efforts and failures at sterilizing. His thread has been linked to several times from here. It is almost an emotional read to someone who has been at the mercy of the slime.


Ive been using Insect Frass in conjunction with the normal formula. About 1 tsp per 2.5 gallon, it goes in in small pieces (almost resembles mosquito dunk pieces); but, it is completely consumed in 48 hours. Pretty cool stuff. I notice a lot more heady foam in the tea and a strong earthy smell.

I have left a batch or 2 too long and it begins to smell like gym sock. So i know what a bad batch smells like. Heisenberg is so spot on with the 48 hour limit, just one more day it begins to get funky (75-80 degrees where it brews).


Active Member
My rot got a little worse after 24 hours of the tea. I think I put too much molasses in the tea. I gotta get more aqua shield tomorrow and start a fresh batch. If I can't get aqua shield could I do it with just Ancient Forest and zho?


Well-Known Member
Will the tea work for soil could use all the good guys help lol
yes, compost tea is great for soil. just about anything you use in hydro is pretty good for soil, i dont use salt based nutes but i make the tea with worm castings guano or compost, some roots from the fast growing weeds in my yard, and about a table spoon of molasses.


Well-Known Member
Just an update. The lab which makes mycogrow appears to have discontinued the 'hydro' product. Soluble is still available.


Active Member
I'm gonna change the water I have house and garden A&B with multi zen. Also tiger bloom. I'm gonna keep it light but what nutes should i giv them with the tea that won't make the bad microbes happy. It's just a little confusing with all the info. no silica and no enzyme? I have to stop this rot. I just flowered a few days ago. Also what if I ran just r.o. And tea for a little? Anyone hear of zho powder having a bad effect?


Well, here we are again...

So aside from having the worst 4/20 ever I looked at my plant today and noticed she was saggin' a bit. I figured I would take a look under the hood to see what was up. sigh... foam, pH above 8.3, and brown slime everywhere!

It really is quite amazing. I mean just last night everything was superb. Rapid new growth. PH had been stable at 5.8 for a week. Lots of new roots. And somehow in about 18 hours everything it seems went horribly horribly wrong.

I am tired of fighting this. I don't know what it is or what the cure is (if there is one). All I know is that I have tried everything under the fuckin sun to clean up my res, yet this shit comes back stronger and stronger every time.

In my last ditch effort I am leaching in 3 gal tap water with 3mL bleach and 45mL H2O2. If she dies, so be it. She certainly wasn't going to make it through battling the slime. If she is alive on Monday I will add nutes, bleach, and more h2o2. If by next Friday she doesn't show improvement. This journal will be closed.

Happy 4/20


Just to clarify before people tell me to not give up I did do EVERYTHING. I cleaned my whole system and equipment with bleach. I filled my res with distilled water. I brewed my tea with store bought purified water. I used Ancient Forest, Aquashield, SubCulture M religiously. I kept res temps at 72. I didn't use any additives. Whatever...


Active Member
Just to clarify before people tell me to not give up I did do EVERYTHING. I cleaned my whole system and equipment with bleach. I filled my res with distilled water. I brewed my tea with store bought purified water. I used Ancient Forest, Aquashield, SubCulture M religiously. I kept res temps at 72. I didn't use any additives. Whatever...
Do it again with your res temps at 60 and come back with results. Before then, don't look too down. ;)


Active Member
i gave up went back to soil from ilck some fish thing killed all my fish. i was trying aquaponics cause of constant problems like this. ecosystem of death it was a nightmare lol. i was told not to do it by everyone.here on riu. but theres a song from kmk's. proud to be a stoner.that fits for things like this .let nature do its thing. is the point of the song btw.happy 4/20 guy's later.


Active Member
changing the resi today.. What I am not sure about is what to put in it this time. I got rid of my organic bloom and got some Tigers. I have house and gardens fertilizer as well. cal-mag. silica all kinds of crap this is a year in to a tough venture. My stuff is clear slimy and then turns the roots BLACK. its one of those things where you are afraid to look under the hood when you go in there but you have to FIGHT.

What would you feed them with the tea in early flower?? So far what I understand is all they would need is fertilizer? read everything but my brain is clogged thank youuuu.