dxm anybody?

Yup...I prefer to extract the dxm though a lil easier on the stomach and a cleaner high look into it,it's easy to do and youll thank me later :peace:&:leaf:
Taking robo then smoking is fun. My friends and I usually take 300-800mg and smoke. You only gotta smoke a little when your on robo too which is a plus.

It's a really trippy high. :hug:
It's a good method to but there is a thread on here that leaves u with pure dxm and u don't have to eat the capsules right away cuz they won't desolve,,both are good though iv tried them bothlet me know which one u try if u do it :peace:&:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Gonna check the thread on here and give it a try tommarow. Just downed two bottles of Robo-DM so it definatly wont be tonight:-P I'll let ya know how it works out bro. Peace&love...

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I wish I knew about the extraction 5 years ago when I did a lot of the stuff. Most I've ever done was 3 and 1/2 bottles of the extra strength Robo. Only active ingredient was DXM. (I was researching the amount to OD and die or get liver failure and I felt that I was a good amount under it...still a bad idea especially without an extraction) If you want to get to those epic levels...just be safe. I'm sure you already know that and everyone will tend to say the same thing but on extremely high doses it can be extremely hard to act normal. A friend and I were out of cigarettes and I walked outta the dorm and saw a girl who I'd hooked up with cigs on countless nights. It took me 10 minutes to actually ask her for a cig. h-h-h-h-h-h-he-heh-he-hey -hey hey c-c-c-c-c-a-a-c-a-ca-can-n-n-n-i-i-i.....i-ge-ge-ge-ge-get a-a-a-a ssss-sss-ss-cig. Even though that sounds bad when reading...it was actually like ten times worse. Went with friend to smoke (EDIT:some chron), walking was ridiculous. I looked retarded. Smoked and visually everything got colorful but was soooooo hard to focus on anything. Finally made it back to the room like 30 minutes later and laid on the bed with music on not being able to do much of anything except sit back and enjoy. Was fun in that safer environment for a little but then I started having visuals of my roomate waking up and seeing my white cold dead corpse in the morning. Freaked me out for what felt like 3 hours (was only like 20 minutes) and then I was back on the good side.

Just be careful with epic doses as when someone extracts I would assume (hate assuming) they tend to take larger amounts in confidence. Safe environment, dont have to talk to authority figures, etc.

I've done DXM only one time since then and realized that I just would rather have a cleaner trip. Except I have recently gotten into some K and that can disassociate me much more but in a different way. It just feels much cleaner to me. Maybe extracting DXM would be much nicer.

Edit: Realized when I said went with friend to smoke it might seem like the cig. that was done


Well-Known Member
heres some DXM i extracted from 2 bottles of robo syrup. fun stuff, but i dont mess with it anymore. between 600- 700mgs.



Well-Known Member
Extractions are cool and fun, but most people can find gel caps with just dxm in them. It's not like back in the day where our choices are "triple cs" or "tussin".


Well-Known Member
I hit the last plateau on accedent a few weeks ago.

I took a whole bottle using Delsym method. I smoked and felt pretty fucked up, and started to get nauseous. I went to the bathroom and felt the need to lay on the floor, and as I was a burning sensation rocked my body, and felt as if I was floating out of my body, it felt like 5 min., but I was there for 20. My friend checked on me and brought me to bed. I couldn't walk. Everytime I closed my eyes I was somewhere different, the mall etc. The burning continued, and the world around me kept tricking me, I thought people were everywhere. I threw up a lot, and evwrytime I did I was sober for a few min, but it came back. It lasted all night. Haven't done it since.


Well-Known Member
Damn NirvAnamation, sounds like you had one wild ride lol. I plan on trying an extraction as soon as I get paid and try a true, clean DXM trip. Looking forward to it and will keep everyone posted.


hey guys i was gunna try some tussin cuz i wanna see the trip off it and dont wanna take a buncha triple cs altho ive heard and seen good results from them but would this tussin be ok?
CVS Tussin Cough Formula Maximum Strength Active Ingredient (in each 5 ml Teaspoonful): Dextromethorphan HBr, USP (15 mg).: is this usp ok? its an 8oz bottle but i did a calculater thing and it recomends a 500mg dose so im going to drink a little more than half. Im 150 pounds you guys think this would be alright for a first trip? and would drinking on it be a bad idea? Thanks