
are you afraid to die

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • no

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • I'm a vampire I don't die

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • butt sex is the fountain of youth

    Votes: 8 25.0%

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Having a lot of experience with dmt I embrace death fully, I know that after we die we return to the collective energy and flow through time and space in complete bliss...I know what your thinking its a drug and you just get high but there is somthing very spiritual and revealing that's hard to put into words, do yourself a favor and give the deems a try, peek to the other side..I promise you will feel what I'm saying ;)
I'm not scared of dying but I'm pretty fucking scared of other people like friends and family dying. I'd hope I get to see them again. I'd hope I would know exactly what happens to them when they die. Do their lives just end along with all their memories and thoughts? Do they live on in one way or another? I'm never going to know until I die but the thought still affects me like when people say others will burn in hell I think about my loved ones who have passed. I'm not worried about dying but that's because I think I wouldn't feel anything.. the people still alive would be the burdened ones.

Personally I want to die saving somebody who could live a much better life than mine. I need to become a fire fighter or something.. or put down the blunt.. idk.
Yes very much so. I have been in several life or death situations. Being afraid didn't set in till after the moments and its a terrible feeling knowing that death was so close... I value however much longer I have to live...
count yourself lucky

over the last 20 years i seen my family go from large down to 3 ppl of blood 2 by marriage
i buried more friends then i care to count and definitely more family members then a person should .......i will not even go anymore to funerals (send a oz of weed plus the bottle that the dead liked and 500 bucks for the family )

as for your brother .........push his button piss him off get him yelling i am going to kill u and then call cops for a 72 hour hold on him he will detox and be a ass to the doctors they will hold him until the detox is done (unless u done this before then he might know the 72 hours keep calm and he is out)....brother has to do what a brother has to do

You can't decide for him.
You can't decide for him.

brother is a brother

u are willing to do anything to help family or u are not
has a choice watch brother kill self or stop his brother (do something / do nothing)
my vote is do something .....if what i said helped him make up mind about plan of action i am happy about it

ppl force their will on others happen every day of life doing it to save a life is justifiable in any culture in any time period in the world (it is the right thing to do)
if my little brother was alive

he was drinking to kill himself i would say something to him
dude are u trying to kll yourself
yes i hate life and just want to drink it away
hold on dude i will help .......pull the shotgun out u ready i am blowing off your head
what u are killing me
yes i am .....u are killing your self slowly so to make it less painful i just kill u out right

brother puts the bottle down or brother takes a swig and yells do it you ass

u want to hear how fucked up my family is with drinking
my uncle was the first liver transplant in this state ........my father was one of the ppl that helped set up the transplant ( he worked as a expeditor for Bechtel ) he set up the transfers points for the liver to get moved up to my uncle .....he was one of the longest liver transplant survivor same liver for 25 years he worked for the SS as a security tech on there computers
No i said i like it. Not i hate it. Its nice to see farley still rolling around here. It does make me laugh to watch you wearing it so proudly. Its just kind of embarrassing having you wear it. Seems that your not having a good time on riu anymore? Even in this post your all snappy, confrontational, insecure, unhappy, and emotional. Im glad youve been spending some time away from riu lately. Maybe youll get your funny back, but i kinda doubt it. Youve changed.
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brother is a brother

u are willing to do anything to help family or u are not
has a choice watch brother kill self or stop his brother (do something / do nothing)
my vote is do something .....if what i said helped him make up mind about plan of action i am happy about it

ppl force their will on others happen every day of life doing it to save a life is justifiable in any culture in any time period in the world (it is the right thing to do)

I wish my family felt as you do. But they don't, so I suppose we're all stuck in our own perspective. Your efforts won't help unless the addict is willing to make a change, so wait until you see evidence of that. It will save you a lot of time and wasted effort.
I wish my family felt as you do. But they don't, so I suppose we're all stuck in our own perspective. Your efforts won't help unless the addict is willing to make a change, so wait until you see evidence of that. It will save you a lot of time and wasted effort.

it is only a waste of time if u are not willing to fallow tho with what u say
i have shot my brother i stabbed my brother (he has set me on fire stabbed me shot at me knocked me out infact he has been the only one to ever knock me out)

when i had a issue with pills (my eyes were going yellow from liver damage ) he got my friends together and they tackled me tied me to a pole for 3 days of detox
I'm pretty sure he was just kidding when he said, reported reported reported.
We all miss yessica cheer up buddy.

Hey, btw i grabbed the cat and it's a healthy female kitten. took her to the vet last week. I'm gonna keep her mostly separate for as long as I can hold off to make integration easier. She's skittish but overall very sweet and surprisingly friendly. We'll see..
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it is only a waste of time if u are not willing to fallow tho with what u say
i have shot my brother i stabbed my brother (he has set me on fire stabbed me shot at me knocked me out infact he has been the only one to ever knock me out)

when i had a issue with pills (my eyes were going yellow from liver damage ) he got my friends together and they tackled me tied me to a pole for 3 days of detox

Next time do a cwe-cold water extraction.
Dissolve the pills in as little warm (110-120) water as possible. Drop it to just bepow freezing and filter the precipitate. You lose very little of the active compound 10% on avg small scale.
You guys are dumbasses... I like it!

were dumbasses
4/9/09 he died ...causes unknown .he died 18 hours after leaving the hospital
my dad had him cremated to stop me from doing what he asked me to do ......take his body strip it to bone wire it up and leave him in a random yard with a sign saying i was stephen
what the fuck?
that is what he wanted done with his body

have everything stripped off so he was just bones wired together and then placed in a random person yard with a sign around his neck saying i was stephen ......as his brother i was honor bonded to do it ......it is legal morbid but legal ....father had it burnt 10 days after he died

personally i want a viking .irish wake type of thing huge party on my supply at the height of it push the boat off and shoot at it until fire ball takes it
a good buddy wants a redneck Buddhist funeral (they cut the body up and leave for animals he is going to be packed with tnt and blowen up)
that is what he wanted done with his body

have everything stripped off so he was just bones wired together and then placed in a random person yard with a sign around his neck saying i was stephen ......as his brother i was honor bonded to do it ......it is legal morbid but legal ....father had it burnt 10 days after he died

personally i want a viking .irish wake type of thing huge party on my supply at the height of it push the boat off and shoot at it until fire ball takes it
a good buddy wants a redneck Buddhist funeral (they cut the body up and leave for animals he is going to be packed with tnt and blowen up)
That's shit isn't legal you fool. Tragic that your bro died too early.

Justugh, I'd be honored if you were to say something nice at my funeral, or even do some crazy shit, but please don't skin my bones.
That's shit isn't legal you fool. Tragic that your bro died too early.

Justugh, I'd be honored if you were to say something nice at my funeral, or even do some crazy shit, but please don't skin my bones.

well for me to say something nice we need to get shitty ass drunk a few times and do some really dumb stuff can brag about
u know telling the cop that is arresting us she is a milf try to get 5 mins in the back of the car with her handcuffs or not .....u know stories

it is legal it how medical skeletons were made for years not many place do it still as it is easier to drill plastic ........u can get it done if u put mind to it call the right places and it helps to have the orders written in the own person hand and signed by 3 ppl other then family