Dyna-Gro from Advance Nutrients

Thats consistent from all I have read about dyna. Easy to use and great yields. 1lb under a 600....cant ask for much more than that! I noticed some posting over gpw are runnin sativas with 10-14 wk flowering time. I have never went over 9 wks so in my opinion that calculation isnt universal. I would like to see 2lbs per 1000w runnin a 8 week strain.

I had issues with micro and overdrive getting stringy shit in it so I imagine crystals would have an effect on the nutes being over concetrated in that form hint the burn. I will def make sure to shake the shit out of it and watch out for that. Did you use any bloom in your veg cycle?

I did not use any bloom in veg.... I used the Foliage Pro 9-3-6 in veg...
I just picked up some magpro... I am going to try cutting the Bloom all together. I will use GROW through veg and flower and supplement with magpro during flower. I think that using just one of the DG Bases (GROW) will cut down on the sludge problem, as I will go through them quickly.

The just over 1 lb per 600 was with a 8-9 wk skunk cross. It was a great crop.
Just thought I would throw this out there about AN and their marketing about Amino Acids and Carbo loading.

Without micro-encapsulation this uptake of carbs and aminos is very minimal.

AN would lead you to believe that their products can be utilised by the plant through the roots. But the way they're generally testing their extra products is by laboratory injection straight into the plants vascular system. Which will show the results required, however with the endodermis and the casparian strip these carbs and aminos barely make it through.

Here's a link you may find useful about carbs and amino acid products.


@jondamon - This "research laboratory " is actually a nutrient company who sells Flower Dragon, 18,400-18,650ppb Daminozide, 30-46.3ppm Paclobutrazol ,found to be highly toxic and banned from what I can tell. Why is this article gospel? WHy would they say amino's and carbs are absorbed "just a little?" Because they will come out with this micro-encapsulation product in the future I would suspect, boasting better uptake. Doesn't fulvic or humic acid "encapsulate" ?

I don't see why AN would be singled out for selling carbs. At least AN consolidated Carb load and Leaf in Bud Candy which also supplies a wide assortment of acids and vitamins. I use it as an Mg boost and to feed my rhizo, not for some expectation of cotton candy taste.
What about Botanicare for instance with their tootie - fruity assortment of sugars? Humboldt? Techniflora?
Yeah I just read an article that links Florigen Research Laboratories to a nutrient company and about 10 other things. Not saying the research is false but who it is coming from isnt credible in my eyes. Might want to google the research laboratory and you will find a slew of info about who they really are. The article I read was copyrighted so I couldn't copy and paste.
To be honest I dont get that involved into the plant processes but at the same time I dont buy into all the marketing that surrounds it. There is something to say about the science behind a plants need but I think its in genetics more than the food. I like to add a tsp of sperm for extra proteins myself. The woman love the extra flavor as well.
So after being out of commission for about 5 months I am finally getting back into doing my favorite thing in the whole world to do. You all can guess at what that is. I am forever banishing Advance Nutrients and going to give Dyna Gro a couple runs. I run hydro and after alot of reading Dyna Gro is my choice for a complete base nutrient without the need of multiple supplements to grow a healthy crop.

So a little background on my experience with Advance Nutrients for all you who are curious about the title. I have used AN nutes exclusively for 2 years and my overall experience has been fair at best. I can say I have grown some quality product with decent yields but I cant say that I have ever had a healthy crop from start to finish. There always seem to be a deficiency or over fertilization problem somewhere along the road. I have used the 3 part, Sensi and Connoisseur along with most of their supplements excluding of few of their outrageously priced beneficial products such as piranha and tarantula. I only ran 3 different strains perpetual so my grows were dialed in. I broke all of their nutrients down in order to find the proper ratios but could never find it. I realized I had to keep purchasing additives to correct this or that and it pissed me off when I realized this was the point lol. I was to deep and had to much time and money invested to switch nutrients during that time but now I am starting from scratch. I almost purchased the new Ph Perfect line but then I started thinking about how I got sucked in last time and I was NOT going down that road again.

The Strain:
As of now I am flowering some dirt plants that I took clones from to sex them out. They have been flowering for 8 days now and should be showing sex soon and then I can proceed with my rooted clones. The strain is supposedly a medical grade from Washington that has been grown by some old timers outdoors for years around here. It made it through the drought with no additional water so one thing for sure it is a strong breed. Not sure how the indica/sativa mix is yet. I havent snapped any pics of my current setup but I will as soon as they are sexed. For now I will give some pics of my AN grows.

Dyna Grow & Bloom, Magpro, KLN, Rhino Skin (Protek was out)
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Equipment: All on hand but wont use both 1000w until enough plants are ready. Might throw a 400w MH in with the HPS to mix it up a bit. All was recently purchased from ebay, amazon, Lowes and Hydro store for around $1000.00 including all the little stuff you dont realize you need until after you spent all your money.

2 - 1000w magnetic HPS ballasts w/ eye hortilux bulbs (Flower)
2 - 400W MH ballasts with cheap bulbs (Veg)
1 - 4 bulb 32w 4' fixture, some T12s and cfls for cloning and early veg
Air Pumps, Stones and Air line
Oakton PTTester 35 (PH and PPM Combo) .7 conversion
Hana Ph cheapo

I have an open floor plan that I can make bigger or smaller in a few minutes so I think I will be experimenting with Ebb & Flow along with running coolers for dwc.
I have a 2'x3' tray, 396 gph submersible pump and Ebb fitting kit. I am not a big fan of rock wool and have a shit ton of hydroton so Im working a on a few ideas as we speak. Looking for simplicity and as little as maintenance as possible this go around and Ebb and Flow seems to offer that so Im gonna work into it but stick with what I know for now.

Well thats about it and I will get some updated pics in the next few days when I get stuff cleaned up and plants show sex. Here is a few pics of my previous grows using AN.

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if you cant grow with advanced nutrients then you cant grow at all.
@jondamon - This "research laboratory " is actually a nutrient company who sells Flower Dragon, 18,400-18,650ppm Daminozide, 30-46.3ppm Paclobutrazol ,found to be highly toxic and banned from what I can tell. Why is this article gospel? WHy would they say amino's and carbs are absorbed "just a little?" Because they will come out with this micro-encapsulation product in the future I would suspect, boasting better uptake. Doesn't fulvic or humic acid "encapsulate" ?

I don't see why AN would be singled out for selling carbs. At least AN consolidated Carb load and Leaf in Bud Candy which also supplies a wide assortment of acids and vitamins. I use it as an Mg boost and to feed my rhizo, not for some expectation of cotton candy taste.
What about Botanicare for instance with their tootie - fruity assortment of sugars? Humboldt? Techniflora?

After some lengthy time googling around I have to admit this Steve Berlow actually sound like a con artist hell bent on killing people.

It's a shame when articles in indoor growing magazines are being written by guys who are clearly trying to do things that are not healthy for the end users.

When I'm wrong I say I am. The author of that article seems like a cock.

However I'm still not a fan of AN.

I don't understand why one nutrient manufacturer needs +15 bottles of additives.

mate after countless grows with an ive never had a deficiency with AN.

you can give me the finger i dont care mate good nutes speak for themselves.
man i could do 3 x 30 plant runs just on a £34 4 ltr a/b of sensi bloom you work out the maths lol i could pull about 160oz of those 3 runs. the bases are cheap as chips. just DONT buy the additives. yeah i use canna in veg, they are pretty good but no better than AN. about the same in cost and quality tbh.

Read this artical. It shows what a shit company AN is! Ive used it, it's overrated, and over priced.

I'm a canna man they have been around for 20 years. testing the products on Medical MJ!

Good luck!

plus surely if that was true they would have been closed down. its obvious that the proof is in the pudding in this instance so by all means post up some pics if you have something good to show us?

Read this artical. It shows what a shit company AN is! Ive used it, it's overrated, and over priced.

I'm a canna man they have been around for 20 years. testing the products on Medical MJ!

Good luck!

This is the most lame article that AN haters come out with from time to time. 1) ManicBotox is a seller of nutrients. Competitor, nuff said. 2) AN and about every other company on the face of this planet has been dinged by the state. It's pure bureaucratic bullshit. Note the test samples are from 1 lone hydro store........I smell a rat.

Shit works, I don't care if they found elephant jizz in it.
man i could do 3 x 30 plant runs just on a £34 4 ltr a/b of sensi bloom you work out the maths lol i could pull about 160oz of those 3 runs. the bases are cheap as chips. just DONT buy the additives. yeah i use canna in veg, they are pretty good but no better than AN. about the same in cost and quality tbh.

Hey, great to hear it works for you. I'm glade to hear you use it for veg! Great stuff!

plus surely if that was true they would have been closed down. its obvious that the proof is in the pudding in this instance so by all means post up some pics if you have something good to show us?

And on to my slight verbal bitch slap! first off I got pudding straight from my balls 4 ya! Ya, when a company has 15+ fucking products the proof is the nutes line? Use it all you want! Fuck AN, you'd probably would jerk Remo off. Only for love of the man pudding, right?
i think we should get rid of the "nutrients" section and just leave this debate in the trash for now. all of these arguments are fucking retarded. use what is best for you. anyone that says AN sucks in a fucking hater that either burnt the shit out of his crop cause he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing or has never even tried them and is just being a toolbag drone follower who's repeating what the 19 year kid at the hydro store told him or what he's read on the forum from a few different guys. you wanna use dyna gro then go right ahead. plenty of guys get good results with it. but plenty of guys get great results with advanced as well. and any ass clown who keeps saying that AN is more expensive needs to go read through the "after trying dyna....." thread in this same section where it's already been proven that dyna is actually more expensive than AN. jesus. like watching a bunch of baby monkeys throwing shit at each other. dyna works. an works. gh work. ionic works. just gotta find what works fro you and stop believing everything you read online.

i've grown for 13 years. i grow fucking monster indoor plants. i have done ebb and flow tables, soil, soiless, undercurrent, and even those ebb and flow buckets. i've used fox farms, gh, technaflora, h&g, advanced, and a couple others. in my grow rooms AN worked great. i use it in any hydro setup including my undercurrent system right now. in soil i like h&g cause it's really simple and basically organic. plus it has very little salts. i also like using a humisoil compost tea in soil. that's me though. you guys dial in your nutes (whatever ) they may be and you'll be fine as well.

the issue is the arrogance of so many on this forum who think they know what they are talking about when in reality they can't count the 10 fingers on their own hands. if you use a nute lineup and your crop gets fucked up; 99% chance it was your fault. that's a fact.

i love how people talk shit about the guys who defend AN. what about the clown posse running around here dropping lab rat articles from some professor in a shed in iceland and making claims about dyna that aren't true at all and the rest of the people following them as if they were a prophet. guess what people; you're getting duped. dyna is basic plant food. any 1 part system doesn't allow the grower enough room to tweak his ratios and any real grower knows that there is no one universal food for all strains. that's why dyna is like training wheels. that shit works, but eventually you don't want to be seen with them anymore.
nothing like tooten your own horn. TOOT TOOT.
nobody loves you like you,lmfao
this coming from the guy who doesn't grow and spends most of his time talking about watching naked men in turkish bath houses. i think there is a better forum for you...NAMBLA

i find it funny that you think you know what i spend my time on. don't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back there big guy.

wow, just figured out, finshaggy is scoobydooby doo, makes total sense.

and how did you know i was a member of the national marlon brando look alike assoc?
i find it funny that you think you know what i spend my time on. don't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back there big guy.

wow, just figured out, finshaggy is scoobydooby doo, makes total sense.

and how did you know i was a member of the national marlon brando look alike assoc?

sure seems like you spend all your time on a grow forum talking about everything but growing. lmao. do you even have a plant? "pics or it didn't happen"