Dyna-gro vs Gh vs advanced vs H&G

Obviously you don't run coco. CEC of coir requires more cal-mag than other mediums.
I actually ran side-by-side tests with DGFP vs Mills AB with a strain called "Black Willie". The plants that got Mills had thicker stems and better leaf texture. It wasn't even close. I have used DGFP in soil with good results, but if I'm already in soil, I prefer to use slow release organic nutes. Everyone has bud pics. Here's a bud that was grown in organic soil, finished off with nutrient tea:
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I've run coco with no issues. This guy also had no zero issues with foliage pro and coco: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=325694

I don't know what to tell you. Unless your water mucks things up, RO water and FP equals zero issues with no additional requirements.

Again, here is a 100+ day wild sativa with foliage pro. Perfect health until the day I chopped her...

I've run coco with no issues. This guy also had no zero issues with foliage pro and coco: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=325694

I don't know what to tell you. Unless your water mucks things up, RO water and FP equals zero issues with no additional requirements.

Again, here is a 100+ day wild sativa with foliage pro. Perfect health until the day I chopped her...

Nice bud, bud!
A little more phosphorous may have helped with the density, but it looks nice & frosty.
I actually like DG foliage pro and it's a very good value. (Half the cost of Mills A-B.) My basil can't seem to get enough, and it made my outdoor lobelia explode with growth. I should post a pic of that plant. Fucking thing is HUGE -- and it's in a ONE gallon pot.
Evening people...I use H&G a and b soil, multi zyme for veg and first 3 weeks of flower and bud xl weeks 4-8 of flower . I also run sugar peak catalyst from beginning of veg all the way through to flush. I get always get sweet smelling bud 8-) hope this helps


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Evening people...I use H&G a and b soil, multi zyme for veg and first 3 weeks of flower and bud xl weeks 4-8 of flower . I also run sugar peak catalyst from beginning of veg all the way through to flush. I get always get sweet smelling bud 8-) hope this helps

Where are all your leaves?
Gh micro and bloom in perlite hemps..but im just starting to put promix in to commission for the first time. Havent changed nothing but watering frequency and adding a straight 6.2phd water once a week till run off...but even than it seems they want to be fed everytime i water...idk learning curve i guess, we will see how they do in flower...happy growing y'all.20161201_023730.jpg 20161201_023959.jpg 20161201_024053.jpg 20161201_023757.jpg 20161201_023808.jpg
Oh yes...anybody have any experience with humboldt county's own magnum...its a mag-sulfer additive ive been thinking of adding to the regimen. ..any info would be greatly appreciated!
Oh yes...anybody have any experience with humboldt county's own magnum...its a mag-sulfer additive ive been thinking of adding to the regimen. ..any info would be greatly appreciated!
I got an old ass bottle given to me. Its just mag sulphate (epsom basically) and vitamin b which i have no clue what that does. Ive have used it lile once or twice in the last year as a quick foliar for mag hungry strains. Its prolly getting thrown out soon aling with some other old ass additives. Its not really needed in my cabinet...and it doesnt do much if yiur doing your part.
Ok cool thanks a ton,i guess ill save the money. I was just doing some reading and it linked sulfur to making buds a little more dank..kinda like how tearless onions are grown in a low sulfur soil...
I de-leaf most fan leaves about the last 3 weeks out to help get full light penetration on to all bud sites and last week till chop there will be no leaves apart from sugar leaves.

I'm not going to get into a defoliation debate but I will point out that unless you're running a 150w HPS then your light should easily be able to reach the bottoms of those plants which look about 2 foot tall at the most. Check out SmokingGreen's plants. They're a lot taller than yours, they're more productive, and he's even using LEDs too. And take a look at all those leaves that he's kept on his plants.
I don't think that bolded statement is all that accurate. The NPK balance of your plant food can give noticeably different results depending on the balance. Granted it takes an experienced and consistent grower to notice the different between foods that 'work' but when everything else is on-point, NPK tweaks can be made to improve yield, stem strength, and growth rates.
Hey Homebrewer,
Did you notice any changes to calyx/leaf ratio with any of your nutrient experiments?
I'm not going to get into a defoliation debate but I will point out that unless you're running a 150w HPS then your light should easily be able to reach the bottoms of those plants which look about 2 foot tall at the most. Check out SmokingGreen's plants. They're a lot taller than yours, they're more productive, and he's even using LEDs too. And take a look at all those leaves that he's kept on his plants.

Thanks for the input and suggestion. I may try leaving leaves on at some point but at moment I'm pulling 12/14 oz every 3 weeks of sweet dence buds , so I'm happy with how it works for me. cheers pal 8)


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It could have been your water mucking things up? I've turned a few local guys on to FP from start to finish and they have had no issues either. It already has a good cal:mag ratio, how much more is needed considering every time that you feed the plants are getting ALL the required elements?

FP from start to finish. SAGE below:

I can certainly attest to this. I manage a hydro shop and have access to any nute out there. I have had by far the best results hands down with following the advice from HB. I use Foliage Pro with silica and Floralicious Plus from start to finish and wouldn't change it for anything. I can't tell you how many people I have recommended this to in the store and not one of them have had anything negative to say. In fact, they are ALL just as thrilled with their results as I am with mine. And as their slogan goes, "It's about science, not miracles". I have yet to find a strain that hasn't done equally well with this regimen. And I have never seen a deficiency of any kind, even in coco. As far as Mills, I have a customer that was a die hard Mills user. He recently came in and bought an 8 light set up with his brother. His brother wanted to give Emerald Harvest a try rather than the Mill's. The brother laughed at him, telling him that he'll have to learn the hard way. The funny thing is this; Last week the Mill's brother came in with his head hung low, brought some Emerald Harvest bottles up to the counter and said, "I'm done with Mill's." I asked why and he said that his brother's Emerald Harvest plants crushed his in every way. Same strain (Mendo Breath). I just got a sample of the finished product which looked good, but no better than what I do with Dyna. And Dyna is much cheaper. There's often times more to this than just the nutes. Like the environment and how one waters, etc. Some strains like less light than others, etc. But science is science and Dyna is complete.