
If you would read what I wrote you would know that I elaborated on others questions so yes it's pretty Obvious that I read the posts, or is that still lost on you? And what's with the pointed remarks? That time of the month or something hon?

Pg or vg. Usually a mix. Pg creates a more stealth vap and adds the throat hit. Vg has no throat and creates plumes of lovely looking vape for smokerings. Pg is usually the one that irratates thethroat. Typing on phone sux usp grade is what you want as I understand it is better than food grade
You could make a tincture and fill the cartridges. I made a special juice for mine it and it rocks. Makes travelling much better. :D

That specific one I posted isn't refillable its a 500 puff one you can't pull it apart
That specific one I posted isn't refillable its a 500 puff one you can't pull it apart

I use the one with refillable cartridges. It is too bad we can not get everclear here though. I had to use 151 rum. Then added some PG and Glycerine.
I use the one with refillable cartridges. It is too bad we can not get everclear here though. I had to use 151 rum. Then added some PG and Glycerine.

Yeah I just tried a few of the 500 puff ones and decided id just quit smoking cold turkey lol 76days clean!!
Yeah I just tried a few of the 500 puff ones and decided id just quit smoking cold turkey lol 76days clean!!

Good for you! I have never used it like it was intended to use, only the special juice in it LOL. :D
E-cigs are great! I think i made a thread in the hallucinatory section about them. I got some of the blu cigs with refills from a friend. I was already planning on quitting my 1 1/2 pack/day cigarette habit. Within 3 days, I completely quit smoking tobacco and was only smoking the e-cig. I never really enjoyed the e-cigs honestly... but they took the edge off more than any other nicotine replacement I have tried.... I would take a few puffs from it whenever I needed. After a week or so doing that, I found myself barely ever smoking the e-cig. I went from smoking a cig every 30 mins.... to not even thinking about it for hours on end. I was only smoking the e-cig a couple times a day before long... and only taking a few drags each time. After that point, I just stopped altogether.

I quit a horrible tobacco/nicotine addiction with almost 0 side effects. The only rough part was switching from tobacco to the e-cig. I was cranky for a few days.
Ya i feel ya i was doin a pack a day started doin ecig a lot and over a month or so just stopped usin it unless im bored and just want somethin to do mostly when high to keep.my high
Hi - Just to add my twopenneth (or 2cents US) - I been smoking cigs for 35 years. Was diagnosed with Bronchi-ectasis 3 years ago (sod all to do with smoking annoyingly enough - they figure I had whooping cough when 6 months old) - Just assumed I had a smokers cough for years and years, finally diagnosed as Bronchi-ectasis, generalised in both lungs.

OK - Immediately tried to quit cigs - worked up to a point. As well as Bronchi-ectasis, I also have grade 4 arthritis on weight bearing surfaces of both knees. Therefore, could quit cigs, but couldn't quit the spliffs that stop me having to take v.strong painkillers (Tramadol in UK) which come with multiple side effects.

So - switched from cigs - to roll-ups. Now, I can get down to 4 - 5 roll-ups a day (2 - 3 backy and 2 spliffs) as for the tobbaco ones, once I have one or two drags, I can let em go out, stick it behind my ear, and get back in to work. So far, so good.

Now, I switched to ecigs to get my nicotine hit so have cut out 2-3 of my 4-5 cigs a day. However, I CAN'T quit the spliffs. Because I need to work, I have to smoke low grade hash (we call it soap bar in UK). It's enough to stop my knees hurting but not enough to stop me driving/talking/working. Even though my eyes go a little red (not that much as I've smoked ganga or hash for 30 years) I can get by as I just say I've had to take a Tramadol.

I do grow my own marijuana - but even though I harvest early to get a cerebral high as opposed to what I call couch lock - I still couldn't drive/work on it. Therefore I only do one grow a year - just 6 plants - properly dried over a week and cured over 3 more, it stays good for 12/18 months (in dark/cool cupboard)

I'm really interested in how to use my rechargeable ecig(s) to vaporise a little bush rather than the current nicotine/vanilla mix I currently use.

Sorry it's a bit of a waffle and that I use ise instead of ize. ;-)
Sorry - waffled on and never made my point (even though I've not had a spliff yet today) - My point was - what can I do to make my ganga into a cartomiser refill?
Sorry - waffled on and never made my point (even though I've not had a spliff yet today) - My point was - what can I do to make my ganga into a cartomiser refill?
do a glycerin extraction and thin it with propylene glycol to the appropriate consistency
I should be getting this in the mail today. I really wanna quit these newports man. it'll change my life.
Tried blu....batteries are way weak....ego twist now...that is ego-c(changable voltage) with 1100maH battery...this battery is on day three w/o charging right now.....this is a 510 battery and I have an adapter to fit any non 510 cart, like omicron or whatever......

Also the blue carts screw right on the end of the ego too LOL

I got two batteries, and two CE4 clearomizers for $40...........my old trippy stix xl chambers fit on the ego battery to vape wax.

Edit: oh yeah Johnson Creek ejuice ftw....I like the Domestic VG....$20 for 30mL....tastes like a cigar a bit...I go through maybe 1.5 mL per day....so its about a dollar to refill the tank and get through the day....the tank usually lasts more than a day for me though so that's like worst case scenario...

I'm thinking the ego can't do dry buds very well, tried gentlemans dry herb carts, they suck, haven't tried atomos bullet but heard it kinda sucks too........I'm thinking vapor blunt if they can get the battery to last longer.