Eagle 20? Why?

I used it many moons ago prior to knowledge being as free as it is today. It works. One spray and you won’t see anything for a long time regardless of your growing conditions.

I wouldn’t consider using it these days. If you are seeing PM, it is because there is a problem with your environment. It should be a simple, though not always cheap, fix before you have to scrap a round and start over.
I wouldn’t consider using it these days. If you are seeing PM, it is because there is a problem with your environment. It should be a simple, though not always cheap, fix before you have to scrap a round and start over.
Yeah, unless you're outdoors, that's something I will never do. lol
Thing with myclobutanil is when it's combusted it creates toxic gases. So you have to run the plant long enough that there is no residual. It can be done but we are talking 2-3 months, unlike with other products like Avid or Floramite that stay about forever. So it's best avoided except in an emergency in veg.
Thing with myclobutanil is when it's combusted it creates toxic gases. So you have to run the plant long enough that there is no residual. It can be done but we are talking 2-3 months, unlike with other products like Avid or Floramite that stay about forever. So it's best avoided except in an emergency in veg.

Do you think an H2O2 bath would reduce residuals?
Do you think an H2O2 bath would reduce residuals?
Absolutely not. It's a systemic product so it will be in the plant tissue and even spread to new growth. It's half life is the only way it goes away.

I have seen a thread on another forum with lab tests indicating no myclobutanil after 180 days I think it was, but there was Avid and Floramite still there.
There is no study that tests what happens to people when it's burned, producing some sorta cyanide product if I remember correctly. So we don't know what a safe level is, therefore we must consider 0 PPM to be the limit for shelved product. Thats why it's blacklisted.
I have seen facilities shut down because their HVAC filtration tested positive for blacklisted products. If they see a bottle of it they will shut you down. Myclobutanil is not to be considered safe if there is a residual. Seeing the test results in the aforementioned thread tells me that 180 days is probably a safe bet. Would it still be there in 120 days? Testing required. I would imagine that application rate is big as well. I believe 2mL/gal is the recommended rate, but perhaps 1mL/gal would do the job and be gone quicker? Testing required.
I haven't used the stuff for years (because it's nasty), but Myclobutanil definitely works. I had a cut which the mother had developed PM, so passed it on to cuts taken from her even when she wasn't showing symptoms. There is an over-the-counter version of Myclobutanil which isn't Eagle20. I sprayed a couple of freshly rooted clones with the stuff and never saw PM in future clones taken from new mothers again. I don't really suggest it, but there's only two ways I know of getting rid of systemic PM for good, and that's Myclobutanil or tissue culture. Most people would rather spray the plant than mess around with tissue culture.
yes, systemic was the word. the guy had sprayed weeks even months before and was advised, because he was forced to harvest early, to trash the whole crop. something about it changing your dna?
Myclobutanil is a known reproductive inhibitor. It’s also widely used on strawberries and on golf courses.

To answer the question “why”...it’s simply the only actual cure for PM. Because it’s systemic, it rids the plant of PM, instead of slapping a band aid on it.

Still, I used it once, then did some more reading and trashed the crop a couple hours later.
yeah, that site had title 'did inspection, forced to harvest early' and was on thc farmer site, id done a google search, 'harvested weed too early' or along those lines. sorry i do not use a high tech communication device, i rock the flip phone,
How would you compare using Eagle 20 early in a grow versus waiting for an H2O2 bath after you cut the plant down?