EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w


Well-Known Member
She is looking stellar man! I have found that vanilla and cinnamon plug in air fresheners seem to work pretty good at masking the sweet smells. The cheap scrubber I got from hydrofarm is working really well for me no smell whatsoever.

Keep it up mate she is going to finish up sweet!


Well-Known Member
Cheers buddy :D she's a beautiful specimen hey!!

Ive got a little raspberry odour thing in the tent at the moment which is masking it a bit. Definitely going to be getting a scrubber for the next grow, got a fair bit of time till then though so will look around for the best options :)


Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics to wet the appetite :D day 52 flowering! Tell me she doesn't look beautiful :) I'm noticing a fair bit of resin building up just since the other day, hope it continues..



Active Member
Sorry EC, just can't do it - she is a beauty! How many days does the breeder suggest? Have you been able to done anything about the smell?


Well-Known Member
Ha ha thanks Yankee :D i almost have an infatuation with this plant, her smell, her structure, its just awesome! I think she's really taken to the 13 hours of darkeness, it seems to have bought out some of the thai sativa traits like the smell and the foxtailing looking buds, if you look closely to the second and third pics you can see it :D

The breeder has said 8 weeks or between 55-60 days. Im aiming for 58 ;)

I ended up making a carbon filter out of a small plastic bin, a pen holder and some drain pipe. I also put a raspberry odouriser in the shed. Seems to have worked a bit but i can still smell it. Im going to make another carbon filter and swap the other fan round to exhaust and put the filter on the inside. I'll need it for when it chop :)


Well-Known Member
She looks incredible! Looks like she is really getting that finishing swell. So FAT! I'm loving her leaf to calyx ratio, she should be a simple trim. I can really see her blueberry heritage, I bet she smells like a dream.

You plan on making some concentrates from her trim? With all that frost she would do really well with some dry ice or butane. Outstanding job mate!

Edit: I run 11/13 from the initial flip and cut back to 10/14 the last 10-14 days. This oldtimer that first introduced me to growing swore by this and he had more years experience growing than I had breathing. I don't know if it makes any difference but I also recall reading either in Ed Rosenthal's or Jorge Cervantes' book that 10/14 is a more ideal light schedule for cannabis growth. I don't really know for sure but hey an hour saved on my electric everyday is a good thing hey! I surely haven't noticed any detriment from a shorter light schedule though. Just some random thoughts. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Pictures say a thousand words, mate!!! Very nice
Cheers bro :D they certainly do hey, loving being able to use my DSLR with it ;)

She looks incredible! Looks like she is really getting that finishing swell. So FAT! I'm loving her leaf to calyx ratio, she should be a simple trim. I can really see her blueberry heritage, I bet she smells like a dream.

You plan on making some concentrates from her trim? With all that frost she would do really well with some dry ice or butane. Outstanding job mate!

Edit: I run 11/13 from the initial flip and cut back to 10/14 the last 10-14 days. This oldtimer that first introduced me to growing swore by this and he had more years experience growing than I had breathing. I don't know if it makes any difference but I also recall reading either in Ed Rosenthal's or Jorge Cervantes' book that 10/14 is a more ideal light schedule for cannabis growth. I don't really know for sure but hey an hour saved on my electric everyday is a good thing hey! I surely haven't noticed any detriment from a shorter light schedule though. Just some random thoughts. Peace.
Thanks mate :) Yeah her calyx to leaf ratio is really good, hoping it means it will be a lot quicker to chop lol. I'm glad you can see the blueberry heritage as I can too and the smell is exactly like berries too :)

It's funny you should mention the 14/10 light pattern, I am planning on changing it back to that tonight for the last week. An article DJ Short wrote for High Times a while back explains how plants with some sativa heritage prefer shorter light periods for flowering and suggests with blueberry strains in particular to use 13/11 and then 14/10 for the last week to 10 days, he specifically mentions that the sativa traits are more than likely to come through as well as enhancing the flavour and ripeness of the buds! I'm growing a strain with his blueberry in it so who am I to argue :)

As for bubble hash....HELL YES! Got my bags last week so when I'm trimming I'll be taking the shade leaves off first and then doing the close trim and saving it. Also got about 1/2 oz of popcorn buds off the sugar haze so going to do a bit of a mix and see how she comes out lol. Will the burnt tips affect the final product? As I really couldn't be arsed doing 3 seperate trims....

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
What bubble bags did you get easty??? I need to grab some for sure but dont really wanna drop 300$ bucks on a set... They have the cheap version but I dont know if I trust the reviews...-S0uP


Well-Known Member
What bubble bags did you get easty??? I need to grab some for sure but dont really wanna drop 300$ bucks on a set... They have the cheap version but I dont know if I trust the reviews...-S0uP
I only got the cheapo ones man, i'm totally new to making bubble so didnt want to shell out $300 either. I think mine were $60 off ebay :)


Active Member
Sorry to hijack, just thought id share my flowering baby White White
Shes stunted and small, but it wouldnt be around with out your help! :)



Well-Known Member
Naww she's a sweet little thing :D she actually looks really frosty and should give you some decent smoke at least, all beit will only be a small amount, but better than nothing....and you're nearly through your first grow with some good knowledge behind you :)


Well-Known Member
What bubble bags did you get easty??? I need to grab some for sure but dont really wanna drop 300$ bucks on a set... They have the cheap version but I dont know if I trust the reviews...-S0uP
Amazon has iPower ones, look - sound good.... worth a look. ;)


Well-Known Member
Well here is my girl at day 57 of flower. Lights will stay off from tomorrow. As you can see she is more than ripe and she is really starting to stink to high heaven!



Well-Known Member
I was just going to demand an update man! You came through in a big way! She's fat like Budda bro, looking incredible. Get that girl in the dark then