Well-Known Member
Hi RIU' ers
I need some input...first hand experience...guesses...thoughts
First of all the Problem.
I only have one Strain that works well outdoor. Its getting boring. Thats why I searched for new photoperiod plants that will work.
My climate is pretty good but its absolutely a must that the plants start to flower early. I would judge 50% of the years, the fall weather allows me to go up to as late as late October maybe first week of november is absolute max and rare, and only if its dry and sunny.
Other 50% when September is wet and not sunny I can run into mold and mildew problems.
That means early flowering and good resistance/tolerance to both is needed.
My acrual outdoor test batch started flowering a week ago and thats too late. But they all go just around 60days so finish around end of october.
if weather is ok and they have some resistance it could work.
But mid end September for finish would be ideal.
Now the plan I followed for years was to test every indoor plant I run in our outdoor enviroment too. That plan was a failure! Lol
They all start flowering too late.
So sometimes its useless growing them outdoors here and also outcrossing my old strain with it.
That would just result in a later flowering start time for the old strain.
Now I plan a radical change.
I think about using this old early lines mentioned in the thread name, made for northern climate.
Ok I heard its all just medium quality at best, but early.
Now ok quality can be upped by selection and linebreeding or outcrossing.
But early is what I am looking for.
Photoperiod only!
Do you have any experience with the early pearl or early girl line?
Do you know any very early strains that are available other than those (moderate northern climate)?
Please post
Any helpful suggestions or experience or ideas are very welcome!
Thinking about early girl early pearl and maybe purple #1 for 2019.
Would like to find a private source but if not I think I go with Sensi.
Peace and have fun ya all!!

I need some input...first hand experience...guesses...thoughts
First of all the Problem.
I only have one Strain that works well outdoor. Its getting boring. Thats why I searched for new photoperiod plants that will work.
My climate is pretty good but its absolutely a must that the plants start to flower early. I would judge 50% of the years, the fall weather allows me to go up to as late as late October maybe first week of november is absolute max and rare, and only if its dry and sunny.
Other 50% when September is wet and not sunny I can run into mold and mildew problems.
That means early flowering and good resistance/tolerance to both is needed.
My acrual outdoor test batch started flowering a week ago and thats too late. But they all go just around 60days so finish around end of october.
if weather is ok and they have some resistance it could work.
But mid end September for finish would be ideal.
Now the plan I followed for years was to test every indoor plant I run in our outdoor enviroment too. That plan was a failure! Lol
They all start flowering too late.
So sometimes its useless growing them outdoors here and also outcrossing my old strain with it.
That would just result in a later flowering start time for the old strain.
Now I plan a radical change.
I think about using this old early lines mentioned in the thread name, made for northern climate.
Ok I heard its all just medium quality at best, but early.
Now ok quality can be upped by selection and linebreeding or outcrossing.
But early is what I am looking for.
Photoperiod only!
Do you have any experience with the early pearl or early girl line?
Do you know any very early strains that are available other than those (moderate northern climate)?
Please post
Any helpful suggestions or experience or ideas are very welcome!
Thinking about early girl early pearl and maybe purple #1 for 2019.
Would like to find a private source but if not I think I go with Sensi.
Peace and have fun ya all!!