Early voting shows Romney +7.....

Only the dumbest of the dumb can sit and support Obama. A man who has committed treason, spits on the constitution, hates the working middle class, is a registered communist,has multiple ss# which none will pass everify, and is against the American way of life. Keep your hand out, demand things for free because you feel your owed and complain about your poor choice of studies that have no jobs in. Im lower middle class and I work 87 hours aweek. No one owes me anything. I have no insurance and not owed it. The light is on at the end of the tunnel and we soon may get Obamas boot off our throats and be able to get this country turned around and going back in the right direction.
Only the dumbest of the dumb can sit and support Obama. A man who has committed treason, spits on the constitution, hates the working middle class, is a registered communist,has multiple ss# which none will pass everify, and is against the American way of life. Keep your hand out, demand things for free because you feel your owed and complain about your poor choice of studies that have no jobs in. Im lower middle class and I work 87 hours aweek. No one owes me anything. I have no insurance and not owed it. The light is on at the end of the tunnel and we soon may get Obamas boot off our throats and be able to get this country turned around and going back in the right direction.

not a single thing you just said is true, but you did an excellent job at showing how detached from reality you are.

  • 3) stop being so bitter that he is an ugly, overweight, impotent, lonely douchebag and go find his own woman. my wife would not piss on you if you were on fire.​

LOL!!! You poor confused little man... What you posted is a wishlist of things that I am not...

I just got an offer from a liberal to fly out from Chicago and suck my dick if Romney wins and all I have to do is buy her a ticket... It would be a nice topping to the WIN!!

If your wife is nice to me I might trim her lawn ;]
ah, yes.

republicans want us to forget history so we can be doomed to repeat it.

because the last business man president worked out so well!

800k jobs a month being lost, the stock market down 3k+ over 8 years, the economy on the verge of complete collapse...i mean, who wouldn't want to go back to those policies?

I never did buy Bush as a businessman, to me he was like a spoiled rich kid with toys. I think he would apply to "you didn't build that".

Speaking of forgetting history. It was Clinton who repealed Glass-Steagall spurred on by his loyal aides who then jumped ship for Citibank and made 100's of millions. Understanding why Glass-Steagall was enacted to begin with would help us all realize what we are doing wrong today.

We went into a serious depression in 1920 following WWI and the inception of the Federal Reserve. Hardin's response was to slash the budget in half, reduce the debt and cut taxes across the board and then got the fuck out of the way. What followed was arguably the most prosperous decade in our history. Even back then, the banks were manipulating the markets, or I should say, especially back then. The banks created a stock market bubble whose crash ushered in the Great Depression. FDR took the opposite approach from Hardin and the depression lasted decades but that's another discussion. They put Glass-Steagall in place to keep the banks from causing this type of manipulation (think today's credit default swaps and AAA ratings). Clinton repealed it urged on by not just the republicans but his lieutenants Larry Sumners and Robert Rubin (of citibank fame). Let's not forget our history.
LOL!!! You poor confused little man... What you posted is a wishlist of things that I am not...

I just got an offer from a liberal to fly out from Chicago and suck my dick if Romney wins and all I have to do is buy her a ticket... It would be a nice topping to the WIN!!

If your wife is nice to me I might trim her lawn ;]

wishful thinking on the part of a lawnmower pusher who can't even read a map or cite his own "poll".

my wife has often laughed at the idiocy of your posts, by the way.
I never did buy Bush as a businessman, to me he was like a spoiled rich kid with toys. I think he would apply to "you didn't build that".

sorry if you don't buy it, it's reality. bush was a business man.

Speaking of forgetting history. It was Clinton who repealed Glass-Steagall spurred on by his loyal aides who then jumped ship for Citibank and made 100's of millions. Understanding why Glass-Steagall was enacted to begin with would help us all realize what we are doing wrong today.

that was a republican-led bill that would have been signed into law by the next president anyway.

We went into a serious depression in 1920 following WWI and the inception of the Federal Reserve. Hardin's response was to slash the budget in half, reduce the debt and cut taxes across the board and then got the fuck out of the way. What followed was arguably the most prosperous decade in our history. Even back then, the banks were manipulating the markets, or I should say, especially back then. The banks created a stock market bubble whose crash ushered in the Great Depression. FDR took the opposite approach from Hardin and the depression lasted decades but that's another discussion. They put Glass-Steagall in place to keep the banks from causing this type of manipulation (think today's credit default swaps and AAA ratings). Clinton repealed it urged on by not just the republicans but his lieutenants Larry Sumners and Robert Rubin (of citibank fame). Let's not forget our history.

so, cutting taxes on the rich and cutting the budget led to a quick growth of easy money followed by a massive crash?

yeah, let's go back to those policies. fuck the policies that built the greatest middle class out for decades on end, we don't need any of that steady growth.

let's stick with the pre-depression era model of massive income inequality, nothing can go wrong that way.
sorry if you don't buy it, it's reality. bush was a business man.

that was a republican-led bill that would have been signed into law by the next president anyway.

so, cutting taxes on the rich and cutting the budget led to a quick growth of easy money followed by a massive crash?

yeah, let's go back to those policies. fuck the policies that built the greatest middle class out for decades on end, we don't need any of that steady growth.

let's stick with the pre-depression era model of massive income inequality, nothing can go wrong that way.

buck, you missed why we crashed, what measures were taken to prevent it, then what was undone before we repeated this history you talk about ignoring.

I still can't consider Bush a business man, what business did he even help create? He was a spoiled rich kid with toys.

How many months did we lose 800k jobs?
buck, you missed why we crashed, what measures were taken to prevent it, then what was undone before we repeated this history you talk about ignoring.

I still can't consider Bush a business man, what business did he even help create? He was a spoiled rich kid with toys.

How many months did we lose 800k jobs?

How many months have we been gaining jobs?
I knew someone who restored one of their earliest microwave ovens. Luxurious seating for six to eight. cn
I remember going to buy a microwave with my dad. It was his first one and he was amazed. They even threw in a free betamax recorder/player. What a treat, we only had to drive 30 minutes to pick from a selection of 30 movies...mostly westerns. Oh, the good ol' days.:-(
buck, you missed why we crashed, what measures were taken to prevent it, then what was undone before we repeated this history you talk about ignoring.

I still can't consider Bush a business man, what business did he even help create? He was a spoiled rich kid with toys.

How many months did we lose 800k jobs?

oh, the republican record wasn't that bad because we only lost 800k jobs for a few months.

whereas, gaining 5+ million over the last 2 and a half years is horrible.

republican logic. astounding.
As the nation’s premier Republican political consultant, Karl Rove has routinely employed the technique of attacking an opponent’s strength and making it a weakness. John McCain’s was a war hero who for years was held as a prisoner of war. In the GOP primary in 2000, George W. Bush benefited when Bush backers in South Carolina questioned whether McCain’s years as a POW might have affected him mentally. Democrat John Kerry was targeted by the Swift Boat Veterans who questioned his service in Vietnam. There are examples of the tactic in the current presidential race. For example, Barack Obama is considered a good speaker. Critics have sought to undercut that, saying he uses a Teleprompter.
Rove also employed the flip side — not just targeting the strength of an opponent but transferring your candidate’s weakness to an opponent. MSNBC TV personality Rachel Maddow examined in depth how Romney is doing just that. In stump speeches this week, Romney tagged Obama as a flip-flopper, a politician who’s “out of touch” with voters and candidate who plans to cut Medicare — all potential weaknesses for Romney. In a speech to newspaper editors, Romney said Obama won’t tell voters what he plans to do in a second term. Said Romney:

“He doesn’t want to share his real plans before the election, either with the public or with the press. He is intent is on hiding. You and I are going to have to do the seeking. He wants to us re-elect him so he can find out what he’ll actually do.”

Maddow said it’s actually Romney who’s been vague about his post-election plans – a weakness she says Romney sought to transfer to Obama. The former Massachusetts governor and GOP front-runner told the conservative magazine The Weekly Standard that when he challenged Ted Kennedy for Senate, he said he wanted to eliminate the Department of Education. “That was used to suggest that I don’t care about education. So i think it’s important for me to point out that I anticipate that there will be departments and agencies that will either be eliminated or combined with other agencies. Will there be some that get eliminated or combined? The answer is yes, but I’m not going to give you a list right now.”
oh, the republican record wasn't that bad because we only lost 800k jobs for a few months.

whereas, gaining 5+ million over the last 2 and a half years is horrible.

republican logic. astounding.

Breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking in terms of gullibility, or, more likely, dishonesty.
Only the dumbest of the dumb can sit and support Obama. A man who has committed treason, spits on the constitution, hates the working middle class, is a registered communist,has multiple ss# which none will pass everify, and is against the American way of life. Keep your hand out, demand things for free because you feel your owed and complain about your poor choice of studies that have no jobs in. Im lower middle class and I work 87 hours aweek. No one owes me anything. I have no insurance and not owed it. The light is on at the end of the tunnel and we soon may get Obamas boot off our throats and be able to get this country turned around and going back in the right direction.

That's gotta be the dumbest post ever on RIU, Out and out lies from start to finish. Go wash your mouth out with soap.
so, we didn't gain over 5 million new jobs in the last two and a half years?

prove it, DEA dude.

something tells me you are just a little butthurt.

I have highlighted a bit to make it understandable, even by lefties.

"In 2009, Obama's first full year in office, people in states across the country were losing their jobs at a startling clip. In Ohio, the unemployment rate was 10.6%.

But over the next few years, the nation saw slow increases in employment in the retail, education and health care sectors. Today, most states are gaining jobs. The key swing state of Ohio now has a 7.2% unemployment rate.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics confirms that a lot of jobs have been created under Obama's leadership -- 4.4 million by the bureau's latest count. What Obama did not say, however, was that the nation shed 4.3 million jobs during the early days of his term, and that the net gain since he took the oath of office in January 2009 is just 125,000 jobs."

"Obama's Real Unemployment Rate Is 14.7%, And A Recession's On The Way"

"Indeed, the working age population has increased by 8.4 million since President Obama entered office. With the same labor force participation as on Inauguration Day in January, 2009 (which would be closer to a real recovery), that would require 5.5 million new jobs just to keep up with the aforementioned population growth. But a generous reading of the data is that during President Obama’s entire term in office, a grand total of only 787,000 jobs have been created overall on net. And all of that net growth came in the last month. As of August, 2012, the economy was still suffering a net loss of jobs during Obama’s entire Presidency up to that point."
ah, yes.

republicans want us to forget history so we can be doomed to repeat it.

because the last business man president worked out so well!

800k jobs a month being lost, the stock market down 3k+ over 8 years, the economy on the verge of complete collapse...i mean, who wouldn't want to go back to those policies?

The republicans will also say the deficit is not bushes fault it was the democrats, even though the republicans had control of the house and senate until 2008. Mind you, it was a small lead that the democrats had after 2008. Which is funny, because everyone in 2008 were tired of the republican bs.

Then when Clinton was president they take credit cause the republicans had control of the house and senate after 1994.

Sounds to me like having a republican president and congress will lead to udder devastation. The fiscal conservatives always finding a way to spend money. Republicatastrophe

Seems as though they want all the credit for the good and none for the bad.

Don't get me wrong the democrats aren't perfect either, they have there faults too. But I am willing to admit that. Which is a different tone the republicans take. Imagine that, a system developed by humans with mistakes, lol. Every president has there secrets, but could you imagine the stuff we never knew that went on during Bush/Cheney? But I would rather support a party that historically is for the middle class and for human and environmental rights vs a party that socially is so far right it is sickening, and fights for the rich and corporations. I am not 100% sure but I don't think historically the republicans have not been for the big guy, I think they used to be for the mom and pops , small business, and middle class like back in the 60's. Seems after reagan they embraced the rich and corporations. I could be totally wrong on that point, but that is what I thought I heard before.
