Earth Gains A Record Amount Of Sea Ice In 2013

"The ice sheets themselves, by raising the albedo, effect a major feedback on climate cooling."

I see no reason to doubt the above Wikipedia sourced statement as it is consistent with basic theoretical physics. To what extent does this factor offset the proposed "lack of volume" of the newly formed ice sheets? Anybody got any math on this?

I'm with you, man. If we start to lock deep sea ice, we certainly are not warming. I think these Climate Sky Fallers, are trying to have it both ways on this one.

We have seen from the deep ocean drift studies, that NASA has been conducting for years now, that we are not warming the oceans, if anything the depths are cooling slightly. This is good. This mean cloud effect cycles are still operating. It means the system cannot be shown to be divergent.

And cloud cover means the spread of sea ice on a temperature stable ocean. The warming of air creates the clouds from the water, then more ice, more albedo, that apparently, eventually, lock us in Ice Ages, not greenhouse, dinosaur days.

The UN report will say in part, I think, that mankind cannot be seen as involved at all, in these climate cycles. We will see.
Very interesting how this works. The IPCC is creating it's 5th Assessment of Climate. (NOOOOooooooooo! The 1st and 3rd, ONLY! those are REAL)

And it is several parts each time.

Working Group I assesses the scientific literature on the physical science basis of climate change.

Working Group II assesses literature on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, and

Working Group III assesses literature on the mitigation of climate change.

The Working Group contributions to the Fifth Assessment Report will be released subsequent to
their approval. The schedule of the approval sessions is as follows:
Working Group I: 23-26 September 2013
Working Group II: 25-29 March 2014
Working Group III: 7-11 April 2014
Synthesis Report: 27-31 October 2014

Does anyone see what happens and how? You have 3 groups doing peer review. And science basis is reported 1st.

Now, I will bet your best piece of hash, when we read these actual peer review collation reports, they will not say, what the "97% of All Scientist agree on."

That was a fouled survey that didn't come from these working groups. OK, you don't see the time lag here where Press can jump in for Agenda and Mind Fucking?

The US Admin and In Europe, across Asia, etc, govt are planning $Centi-billion outlays to stop AGW. The Politics always rides roughshod on Reality.

Well, now you know some new key words and can look up these Working Group I, finding for the last 4 times.

Oh what the hell, nobody wants their bubble burst....I will help.

The first report was in 1990. And it ends with the Chapter on Un-cetainty and what needs to be done, to actually know things.

But, I see already the bad science. It is improper to present this as a forgone conclusion before WG II and WG III in 1990 showed any link. And they have been improperly striving to prove AGW, but, they can't.

The IPCC has the responsibility for assessing both the state of scientific knowledge of climate and climatic changes due to human influences.

And if we turn to the report of WGII in 1990, they also make the same pre-conclusion.

Prove Man is a Pig unto God, raping the planet so we kill Big Oil.

Any changes which take place as the results of increasing emissions must be viewed against a back-ground of changes....

So, what did lying crazy hippie and world press do with these foregone not Science, conclusions? IT MUST BE TRUE!!!

Or they would not say it like that....,these are Real Scientists! Not then. They were hacks.

The real scientists are now weighing in now, because of the BiggaBucks that are loaded and ready to fire for Power only, no good.
I would close the thread, but then comes the onslaught of butthurt threads. I'm not the one who instigated this folly. Nor am I the one who parades his butthurt.
I would close the thread, but then comes the onslaught of butthurt threads. I'm not the one who instigated this folly. Nor am I the one who parades his butthurt.

You let people call others bad things every day, all while doing nothing about it.

Now, when Doer does nothing wrong, except disagree with you, you are the one who starts feeling ass pains.

Your favoritism is showing...
Maybe some people should seek council for their mental health issues.

Oh, so now, the Mod that came on this thread with total crap that I simply asked him to explain, this is how the petty turns it around.

Suddenly he is a Mod Doctor qualified to say who needs help.

How often do you see a Doctor for pettiness?
You are a girl, about 10, that can't stand the assault on your sacred cow, and petty power.

No on is hurt, butt you. Close, open, censor, delete. Drunk on power.

I'm gonna leave this one because it really displays your level of finesse.
You let people call others bad things every day, all while doing nothing about it.

Now, when Doer does nothing wrong, except disagree with you, you are the one who starts feeling ass pains.

Your favoritism is showing...

Favoritism of who or what? I have a complete lack of giving a shit about this topic.
Oh, so now, the Mod that came on this thread with total crap that I simply asked him to explain, this is how the petty turns it around.

Suddenly he is a Mod Doctor qualified to say who need help.

Who often do you see a Doctor for pettiness?

I'm fairly certain you called me a turd circling the toilet bowl.
Please explain why some members can repeatedly call other members fuckers, douche bags, shit heads, assholes, fuckheads, pedophiles, dog fuckers, etc....but, the plain fact that Doer disagreed with you, without insulting, gets his posts deleted...and threats to delete others if you don't agree with their position.

First Everything I deleted had a insult in it.

Second I don't have the ability to read every post.

Third you are making shit up.

I've been a mod for quite while and all of a sudden I'm a power hungry fascist.
That is a god dam lie.

Why the put down about budding climatologists?

Personal then? Even worse, Petty Pant.

That was a sly comment at everyone in the thread, not you. I'm sorry you took it so personal for some unknown reason.