Hey guys, I'm in the process of building my first box, I have almost all the pieces except for the exhaust.The diy described here looks really easy almost too easy to believe. I know this has been up for awhile so I'm hoping that a final verdict is out...I'm pretty much outta funds but to me this seems like one of the most important parts. I'm a dad and can't afford to take risks with security more than money. If I have to spend 120 on one of those combos I'll do it, but if I can save $ then thats even better, as long as it works. So if there is anybody out there who has had actual hands on experience with the retail version and the diy please give me your opinion. Not to say if you haven't seen both in action makes you any less knowledgeable, but seeing is believing. Anyway, I appreciate all of you guys and girls, Thanks for all of your help. P.S....when I actually start to build it I will take photos thru all the steps and post when I'm finished. Looking to start this week (fingers crossed).