Eavesdropping program dropped

If I did not see any mortal threat to our way of life for the future, I would agree with you!
I think it is because we do not perceive the same menace to our very existence, that we will not agree on this issue.

Without commenting on the "eavesdropping" program itself-

I have always found it interesting that the left gets so up in arms about any effort by the government to protect our physical selves from harm. I think that physical protection of my person and my property is damn near the only legitimate function of government. So it is astounding to me that the left trusts the government to the point that they want them in charge of everything from health care to determining my wages to micromanaging my car engine, but these same people completely distrust the government when it comes to them doing the ONE THING that they are actually supposed to be doing (stopping other people from beating me up and taking my stuff.) So when the dirty bombs start going off and thousands are dying of radiation, at least they will have free health care? Go figure.
Without commenting on the "eavesdropping" program itself-

I have always found it interesting that the left gets so up in arms about any effort by the government to protect our physical selves from harm. I think that physical protection of my person and my property is damn near the only legitimate function of government. So it is astounding to me that the left trusts the government to the point that they want them in charge of everything from health care to determining my wages to micromanaging my car engine, but these same people completely distrust the government when it comes to them doing the ONE THING that they are actually supposed to be doing (stopping other people from beating me up and taking my stuff.) So when the dirty bombs start going off and thousands are dying of radiation, at least they will have free health care? Go figure.
Spoken like a true plutocrat!!!
Yeah, I guess...but ummmm... what about my post? What else is there to say, you've expressed your right wing plutocratic opinion and I've described it, To argue against it would be unproductive as it would do nothing to change your mind. The only cure for people like you is euthanasia, as your mind is like concrete, there are no exchanges of Ideas, they are all one way, your way. Why should I bother to talk to a concrete wall?
Brilliant post DankyDank!!

med, Danky is asking you for YOUR ideas regarding your impression of his post.

Besides wanting to kill "people like you", why not try and cure us with some logic?


Oh I forgot…med, you should make a batch of canna cookies with your widow, as this may be mentally therapeutic! *lol*
"med, Danky is asking you for YOUR ideas regarding your impression of his post.

Don't hold your breath guyz ... again, this is the pebble dropped down the bottomless well.

“(2) The second thing we call you to, is to stop your oppression, lies, immorality and debauchery that has spread among you.

“(a) We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honor, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and trading with interest....

“(b) It is saddening to tell you that you are the worst civilization witnessed by the history of mankind"

If that were Pat Robertson saying the above, the Left would be marching toward his temple with fire in thier eyes.

"med, Danky is asking you for YOUR ideas regarding your impression of his post.

Don't hold your breath guyz ... again, this is the pebble dropped down the bottomless well.

“(2) The second thing we call you to, is to stop your oppression, lies, immorality and debauchery that has spread among you.

“(a) We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honor, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and trading with interest....

“(b) It is saddening to tell you that you are the worst civilization witnessed by the history of mankind"

If that were Pat Robertson saying the above, the Left would be marching toward his temple with fire in thier eyes.

So hey, whats up with all this left shiza, You know I'm not affiliated with anyone on the left, nor right. I'm for the common sense party, have you seen one lately? as far as dankys' post, crapola, right wing rhetoric at best, Nazi propaganda at worst! And the comments in red, pretty much the truth of the matter! Sad to say it was Osama Bin Laden that said them! I can see why this government wants to wipe out his kind, the kind that tell the truth!~LOL~
ear-dropping on citizens is never a lever to fight terrorists but to fight the private freedom of citizens. it actually brings the terrorists closer to their victory since they are fighting our freedom!

and to a government that needs to ear-drop on its citizens is no longer a government, since this is placed to represent the interest of it citizens!

ear-dropping equals terrorism equals dictatorship!
"med, Danky is asking you for YOUR ideas regarding your impression of his post.

Don't hold your breath guyz ... again, this is the pebble dropped down the bottomless well.

“(2) The second thing we call you to, is to stop your oppression, lies, immorality and debauchery that has spread among you.

“(a) We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honor, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and trading with interest....

“(b) It is saddening to tell you that you are the worst civilization witnessed by the history of mankind"

If that were Pat Robertson saying the above, the Left would be marching toward his temple with fire in thier eyes.

so you agree with this then
ear-dropping on citizens is never a lever to fight terrorists but to fight the private freedom of citizens. it actually brings the terrorists closer to their victory since they are fighting our freedom!

and to a government that needs to ear-drop on its citizens is no longer a government, since this is placed to represent the interest of it citizens!

ear-dropping equals terrorism equals dictatorship!
Finally, some common sense, Geeze, I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one on this site with half a brain.
This is simply political capitulation on the part of Bush. He lost the election; he is throwing bones to pacify the hordes of chronic Bush Haters howling at the gates. I think he is conserving political capital for the donnybrook over the troop surge strategy....

IMO, "eavesdropping" is a good thing!

just thought i'd dig up this little gem to see if waffles has changed his tune about this program ever since a black man got into office.
I don't plan on making or receiving phone calls to or from overseas terrorists.
It's quite simple; I see no threat from US government as you do, curious, as you see no threat from the Muslim miscreants?
You are more worried about GWB than the US's self professed enemies.
Not me.
This is common sense security.....and too little of it.

switch out "GWB" with "obama" and you have described the reaction to benghazi perfectly.

Well, have you seen me complain about Obama's dramatic amplification of Bush's policies?

BTW, I miss many of the guys who no longer post here. Whatever became of medicineman? I know ViRedd got the big boot!
the thesaurus ain't helping you with logic, is it?

i guess you're just doomed to live with your stupidity.

Wow, Buck you reek of desperation even more than is usually the case.

Please enumerate Bush's similar coverup(s).

Good luck.
if bush were black, you'd have a list already typed out and set to go.

i have better things to do than educate a racist idiot.

The truly pathetic thing is that I believe that you truly think that this is so.
Nice list, BTW.