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Well-Known Member
What I'm saying is that when you run lower temperatures the plant absorbs more of the nutrients versus the water. It's pretty evident when you do hydroponics. I was running my ebb and grow right before I stopped the average room temp was 67. Versus in the summer peaks at 80. Now with that being said I can not only visually see how much water their absorbing due to the water levels in the resi, but my Tds meter reads the amount of trace elements in the water. And on average in the summer I actually have to add extra water to the resi to compenstate for the water uptake versus in the winter where I don't have to add as much to last just as long if not longer.. Im not saying I have thee answer, but this is my hypothesis. Do enough runs with different climate settings an you start to see the differences.
What I am asking is, why would taking up more nutes and less water affect a plants yield? Negatively or positvely for that matter.


Well-Known Member
Lol, ohh ok.. Well the reason why I have that hypothesis as well is because I notice when my plants don't absorb the same amount in the summer as they do in the winter my yield is cut down by about a 1/4 p to 3 oz per light in the winter. And I'm assuming the water content in the plants does contribute to the mass it has.


Well-Known Member
As a lot of people know plants tend to slow down in colder temperatures which also leads me to think that the reason why they absorb more nutes then water is because their trying to stay sufficient enough to live and develope, rather then growing a lot faster and thus taking in more water. Lol, I'm glad your not just taking my word for it, and asking me why I think the way I do. Things tend to come out better when you have a chance to explain your theory.


Well-Known Member
Lol, ohh ok.. Well the reason why I have that hypothesis as well is because I notice when my plants don't absorb the same amount in the summer as they do in the winter my yield is cut down by about a 1/4 p to 3 oz per light in the winter. And I'm assuming the water content in the plants does contribute to the mass it has.
How though, when you dry and cure a plant before its done, Most of its water weight is gone by then. At that point it doesnt matter how much water is in the plant.


Well-Known Member
I added more to the next part which will IMO should clear up the reason why the mass is less during yield.. I see where your going with the last statement though that's why I added more to hopefully clear that up before you posted again.
I'm curious, do you have a difference with water absorbsion with different temps? Have you done your own testing? Reason why im asking is cause it's like 21 questions right now an like I said it's a hypothesis I'm not a scientist..


Well-Known Member
As a lot of people know plants tend to slow down in colder temperatures which also leads me to think that the reason why they absorb more nutes then water is because their trying to stay sufficient enough to live and develope, rather then growing a lot faster and thus taking in more water. Lol, I'm glad your not just taking my word for it, and asking me why I think the way I do. Things tend to come out better when you have a chance to explain your theory.

I see where you are going with your cause and effect, Im just not sure they are connected, or that your cause and effect are in the right order.

In the winter there are cooler temperatures which causes plants to transpire more slowly, hence the lower amount of water uptake. In the Summer it is HOT, and plants transpire quickly which leads to them drinking a lot of water.

I think the yield is enitrely strain dependent.

Some strains I have yield better in the cold, and some yield better in the heat.

My Acapulco is hating this winter grow, and she isnt putting out shit. But during the summer is 100 degree weather she was loving it.

My Colored strains love the Cold, and only look there best when grown during the winter.

Its all about what you are growing, your genetics... Without good genetics you are never going to get far.


Well-Known Member
Yes I completely agree with that, I just couldn't find a way to say it properly lol. Which IMO what you just said would affect the water uptake. And the plant would just naturally absorb the nutes as needed


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow I'll be headed home. So I can't wait to see how my new runs doing. Been close to 12 days now with me :/ I'm nervous to walk into my room tomorrow


Well-Known Member
I am very much enjoying your Camera skills, and your bud porn. Your help with BKB and his slime problem was invaluable.

What strain are those, im guessing some kinda kush?


Active Member
What are you shooting with HR? looks super clean.

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to hellraizer30 again.

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