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Rebel From The North
Some bullshit happend today with my pc, some how a virus tore it up so no more update pic till i get it fixed :(
Hopefully soon! My online use is limited to my ipad 2


Well-Known Member
Some bullshit happend today with my pc, some how a virus tore it up so no more update pic till i get it fixed :(
Hopefully soon! My online use is limited to my ipad 2
That suxs! I just dropped in to check out your grow, looks amazing I'm gonna have to skim through it and catch up on whats going on. I'm just a little behind 100 pages later lol.


Rebel From The North
That suxs! I just dropped in to check out your grow, looks amazing I'm gonna have to skim through it and catch up on whats going on. I'm just a little behind 100 pages later lol.
Awsome you stopped by im going to be working on the pc asap maybe just buy a new one


Well-Known Member
Hey man. Pretty quick here next month or so I'm going to run a new setup and I'll have a thread made. It's going to be 36 chronic plants on a 3.5x3.5 table. I'm hoping to get 1lb off it. I've been waiting forever for my grow to get vegging, and I almost have enough clones to cut to go ahead with one of my tables. I'll let you know when its up and running so you can check it out. I can't believe how much easier/better my plants are to handle with hydro versus soil.

What brand pc/laptop do you have? You should be able to do a system restore and clear that virus out real fast. It will let you take your pc back to an earlier date, say a month ago, and remove anything added since then.


Rebel From The North
Il look into it hornedfrog im just worried it will delete my itune music lol
As for your thread hell yah man get it going il follow, im fixing to throw
A 4x8 tent with x2 4x4 flood tables with sog style setup with a600hps
Over each table


Well-Known Member
That's why I hate itunes/ipods. They make is so unbearably hard to move files around. I'm doing 2x600 over 2x 4x4 tables myself. They will have 36 cuttings each, and hopefully I can get 1/2 oz from each plant. More would be better, but that would be a good starting point. Are you doing single cola sog style?


Rebel From The North
No im going 25 per table maybe 20 each and going 1 1/2 weeks veg then 12/12 looking to let them fill out,
Was thinking a al b fuct style grow but maybe next one. My goal is 1lb of each table


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm doing. I was originally going to do around 25 plants per table, but I'm going to cram them in this first run after seeing how they actually grew (from my test run). I might end up going back down to 25 or so.


Well-Known Member
yo HR, if your getting a new PC, this is a good time to canabalize the old one. wipe the HD clean, install it as a slave with a good firewall between it and then start moving all the files that matter to you to it, (itunes, pixs, legal docs, ect) I did this with an old PC that did the same thing (virus corruption) and its worked like a charm.. It won't help your problems today but it will all but elliminate them in the future..

because the second hard drive is slaved it doesnt get accessed as often avoiding virus infections and the extra firewall protects you the times it is accessed..

good luck


Well-Known Member
you guys know, virus corruption is an easy fix you don't need to get a new pc, ... am also you should aL GO LINUX!! (Ubuntu)


Well-Known Member
I would say the easiest way to keep your music if that's all your worried about is to back everything onto your ipod you can do this on your IPad 2 also. Then there is a program called iRip, fuckin amazing lol. Allowes you to take everything from your iPod or iPad onto your hard drive, unlike itunes.

Also I noticed that your talking about using the tables, are you trying another system or have you done this before? Also do you think that the tables could produce more then the ebb and grow? I'm curious because I ran the tables for a little, and I just didn't like how much water it took up before the tables are full of water. I had to keep a 25 gallon resi for just 1 table(3x3), IMO stupid.. But then again, it could be better I just wasn't using it to the full potential so I thought it was kind of a waste.

On a flood table per plant I would average about 2 to 3 oz a plant, and stick about 8-9 girls in 1 3x3 table. Now that I'm using the Ebb and Grow I put 4-5 girls in the same space, and I'm wondering which is going to produce better over all.


Well-Known Member
Ohh ok cool, I can't wait to see your results. I was using thousands though, not 600's. I'm sure an experienced grower such as yourself will be able to keep your numbers high still.
At the time when I was using the tables, I was still new to the hydroponics world. I'd like to think that I've stepped up my game a bit and learned a lot since then.


Rebel From The North
The ebb is where the yields at but a cheap flood system to get some extra smoke your the coming year
Is my goal!

On another note just ordered some more beans
Hazeman seed fugu kush
Hazeman seeds rocky mountain high freebie pack of 10 reg.
This is my #2 order of 5 to come :)


Well-Known Member
I've never ordered seeds how good are they? Like male to female ratios, and how many of them actually pop, and if the genetics are really what they say they are lol?
I just got 2 seeds from my Larry OG mother, I'm gonna germinate them right now.


Rebel From The North
Hey insane i hit your thread bro, as for seed banks be carfull what one you order from if your wanting something
Hit me up il let you know if its good. It varrys on germ rate but all you need is one female and your good, if you
Get more females it ups the chance for a uber pheno type
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