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Well-Known Member
Hey, HR.. If I remember correctly, I was reading a while back about you brewing up a tea to help out with something? I can't exactly remember, but I'm curious now because I've always seen a very small amount of brown slime, and I've always kept it under control using H202. Now I'm thinking I should probably start to try to get rid of it all together, maybe I won't have to use H202 anymore? I read an article on RIU that gives you a "good" recipe on how to do it. I'll shoot you the link.
Thanks again.


Rebel From The North
Thats the link where i got my tea resipe from lots of good stuff there, there are a few way to make the tea,
Alot has to do with what your local shop has in stock


Well-Known Member
Ok cool. How well did the tea work for you? I'm almost 100% positive I can get all those items at my local hydro store. If not, there's another one about 20 miles away.


Rebel From The North
I dont use h202 no more and ph issue are a thing of the past, just use the resipe and brew it right and
Bactiria will have no chance


Well-Known Member
Sweet deal, I already have some Great White on hand, and also some molasses. I keep on getting mixed amounts about how much to use. I'm still a bit confused. Think you could help a brother out lol? :)


Rebel From The North
1tsp of great white
2hand full of ewc (earthworm casting) in a sock attacted to a air stone
2 tsp of grandmas molasiss
5gal bucket
X4air stone
Air pump

Brew for 48 hr at 66f water temp,
Add 1 gal per 10 gal. Of res water, what you dont use after your first dose put in the fridge and
Store no longer than 10days
Add 1 cup every three days per 10 gals


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much, your seriously a life saver. I just went in and checked everything out and the slime is progressing, getting my roots pretty dark. The plants haven't shown any signs of weakness or anything yet, but I need to get rid of this since I'm almost 2 weeks deep in flower.


Hey Hr would this still benefit somebody if they are doin an Al B Fuct style of a grow ? I'm in the middle of reading the whole Heisenberg brew thread and so far I only say where it more for DWC and I know your using it for your Ebb and grow just figure I would ask !


Rebel From The North
Thanks so much, your seriously a life saver. I just went in and checked everything out and the slime is progressing, getting my roots pretty dark. The plants haven't shown any signs of weakness or anything yet, but I need to get rid of this since I'm almost 2 weeks deep in flower.
You might not see a change in plant apearance but those roots being that way are being choked and not allowing
Your plant to take up nutes as its supposed to, start brewing tea bro lol


Rebel From The North
Hey Hr would this still benefit somebody if they are doin an Al B Fuct style of a grow ? I'm in the middle of reading the whole Heisenberg brew thread and so far I only say where it more for DWC and I know your using it for your Ebb and grow just figure I would ask !
as for aiding in plant development, i dont think i directly does but i do know it keeps bad bactiria at bay allowing a pythium
Free inviroment and leting your plant thrive in a issue free area! So it is a must in all hydro systems. Chemacial like h202 and
Bleach are great and do work most the time but your killing good at the same time as the bad! And the cost is not nessasery!
But you must still use for cleaning. So master the tea and you will master the slime!


Well-Known Member
Everytime i try to use that stuff i get instant slime and bactria and
Its not recamended with useing the tea. Also its just anothe cost that
Can be avoided
im in soil and have been using it. do you think its not gud to use in soil? would the rapis start and great white be enough to keep a healthy mass of roots


Rebel From The North
Soils fine sticky i was talking about hydro! A buddy of mine brews the same tea and adds the tea every watering 1cup per plant!
And his root mass went from useing 50% of the bucket to useing 98% and the yields went up to :)
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