Thats SO punk rock
but its time to burn down Big D
Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation if Islam, is warning his acolytes that Ebola and AIDS were created by the US government to "depopulate" the world's black population.
In a new missive, Farrakhan wrote that Henry Kissinger created a plan in 1974 to kill black people and now Ebola and AIDS are weapons being used to fulfill that policy.
Farrakhan told followers that Kissinger said in 1974: "Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the Third World."
Farrakhan went on to claim that "bio-weapons such as Ebola and AIDS" are "targeting weapons" that have been loosed by the "forces of Satan" to kill blacks both in the USA and abroad.
africa is rich in natural resources . i wouldnt be at all surprised if this outbreak was orchestrated by a malevolent organization with an acronym . africa would be ripe for looting without all the pesky indigenous occupants ...
^And your point is....?
John Holdren, the assistant to Obama for Science/Technology, wrote a book in the 70's titled "Eco Science" in which he talks about the necessity of population control, specifically through the deliberate poisoning of municipal water
i try not to be a scardy cat but it stands to reason ebola is worse than the ones you pointed out as its passed on from human to human , think spanish flu of 1918 killed about 5% of world population about 100,000,000 peopleSo is it going to wipe out humanity just like mad cow, bird flu and sars. I am kind of amused at how people need to find something to be scared of.
perhaps but i dont ignore history , just a slight mutation in the common cold could be nasty , not to mention the rate of antibiotic resistance in the last 20yrs . time will tell.One nonfatal case in a country of 300+ million isn't enough to have me pooping my pants yet. The high death rate in Liberia probably has more to do with the quality of the hospitals there and indifference from the rest of the world.