EBOLA: Now your'e f*****

and so it begins here:

A HEALTHCARE WORKER who treated a man who died from Ebola in a Dallas hospital has contracted the virus, doctors say.

The identity and position of the worker has not been revealed, but it has been confirmed that they had been part of the team who treated a man who died from the virus.

Thomas Eric Duncan became the first man to die from the virus in the US on Wednesday.

“We knew a second case could be a reality, and we’ve been preparing for this possibility,” said Dr David Lakey, commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services.

“”We are broadening our team in Dallas and working with extreme diligence to prevent further spread.”

The health care worker reported a low grade fever Friday night and was isolated and referred for testing, Texas health services said in a statement. It did not further identify the worker nor detail how exposure to the virus occurred.

The statement added: “Health officials have interviewed the patient and are identifying any contacts or potential exposures. People who had contact with the health care worker after symptoms emerged will be monitored based on the nature of their interactions and the potential they were exposed to the virus.”
I don't understand how there are not travel bans in place, like were implemented when sars was all the rage a decade ago.

If it's going to be the next aids then keep it the hell out of our country please!
2nd Ebola infection now confirmed in Dallas TX. As of this morning. A health care worker who treated the now dead 1st victim
2nd Ebola infection now confirmed in Dallas TX. As of this morning. A health care worker who treated the now dead 1st victim

We are all gonna die!!!! Ahhhhhhh ......Time to bug out....How would you like to be one of those people being treated in the hospital for something minor right now?....What I was wondering was when they brought back the 2 doc's everybody knew about...They followed that up w/ 4 other people that they didn't advertise......Wonder how many people they have really brought back now? I'm excommunicating everybody that goes to the hospital out of my life

It's not really "funnily enough". But the missus and I just watched an old Jeremy Clarkson, Inventions that changed the world video, and the episode was about the jet engine, and he commented sars, well it's not that dangerous, but if something really nasty like ebola got on a jet, we'd have a problem.

Was pretty shocked by this comparison with ebola to aids though. Seriously?
I'd like to know why they are sending these Ebola patients all over the country. First Texas, then one to Oklahoma I think, now I hear one is being shipped to Boston. WTF?
Compare Aids(HIV) to ebola is just dumb,
for Aids you have to have a penis up ur butt, almost..
but Ebola you only gotta be near enough, or a kiss to get them wet bugs on ya!
and its goodbye world, more so the winter on the way,
as these bugs to migrate, this time next year
...it could well be the next flu??