Well-Known Member
I'm rollin' again this weekend with ANOTHER person they're first time.
And it's not nearly as expensive compared to shroomies.
And it's not nearly as expensive compared to shroomies.
hello everyone, i just have a question about somthing. I have been taking lsd and E now for a while now. I know that you have you have to space out your trips or it wont work as well. but i was woundering if i take lsd one day and then the next day take ecstacy if it will still work the same
X these days is nothing compared to the X in the 90's
You hear people saying,"Oh man , i took 10 pills last night i was so wasted"
I'd like to see anyone take 10 of the pills that were around in the 90's
You probably didn't take them that often. If you take them a lot you build a tolerence. I have, And I've seen other people take more then 10 in a day. At first it wasn't like that, but when you take 3 and feel almost nothing tolerence is deffinetly at play.
They probably didn't take 10 their first time.
Well first of all I think alot of you do not have a clue what your talking about. I buy E 1000 at a time and Im here to tell you that white pills are no better then colored pills. To be honest with you I find the best pills are colored and the white ones have the scetchy shit in them. A who is going to cut pills with ketamine(special k) K is a way more exspensive drug. And I don't think you would get much if anything out of eating k. And rat posion? Who the fuck eats rat poison and lives? Any burning holes in your brain. Who the fuck has holes burnt in your brain and where the fuck do you people get this shit from. And just so you guys know MDA id the key ingredient to E. There are a few people in this post who know what there are talking about but the rest of you are very misinformed. The shit we get here is clean you get a good buzz for about six hours with lots of good waves and is long as you don't take more than 4 - 5 your fine the next day no hang over and no felling like shit. So maybe find a better source for pills.
I don't know where you're based but here in the UK Ketamine is Faaar cheaper than MDMA, (£15 a G compared to £40) and it is definately being put into pills (this has been tested).
And K DOES affect you if you eat it, as long as it can get into your blood stream it'll affect you, even more so if you drink it in it's liquid form.
And small ammounts of Rat poison will not kill you, won't make you feel great, but wont kill you.
Still shit stuff though, dont take pills unless you have to.
What you need to be looking for is the stuff i get per gram, its pure mdma no shit in it at all, no heroin no speed no coke no ketamin no talc nothing but the good stuff, mdma search it out
es are my downfall used to buy by the kilo id take 4 b4 school lol 10-15 a day monday to friday and 40-50 over the saturday/sunday kicked it in now only had 15 since 2004 but the way an e makes u feel is amazin enjoy the lovely little pill and oh yeah wats wrong with rat poison yeah strickneen thats the real rushy shit lol