Your plants look good Edux. I may have let them go a little further in those pots but Im sure they will like the room. Ive learned (the hard way sometimes) to try and not disturb the roots as much as possible for smooth repot transition. Indenting the new soil mix with the old pot is such a great idea, minimizing disruption of the rootball. I like it!
Those plants are definately GIRLS! No doubt about it. THe calyx with pistals is a dead givaway. The other structure next to the calyx is not generic to female or male plants. If it was a male the calyx looking structure would have a stem and shortly produce more of the same oval structures (balls) with pollen in them. What you have are definately Le Fem. Congrats!
Ive not thought too much about the gradual reduction in the photo period. Always went from 18/6 to 12/12. What are the benefits you have seen witht he gradual reduction in the photo period over the straight switch to 12/12?