• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Effects of Sequestration


New Member
the democrat agenda (over the last 4 years):

*give tax cuts to middle class and lower income folks to spur demand
*make health insurance affordable and accessible by force of law
*widen some highways
*more consumer protections against shady banking practices

what a horrible, manipulative, evil agenda. what fools we all are.
That's all well and good but the problems remain. The crooks are still in place running the skim even within the study of economics, teaching students this shit is okay...

For these pricks, nothing really changes it only changes sideways... Obama could've had his DOJ go after them rather then worrying about whistleblowers...

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
You sure are riled up over a fairly harmless remark. Don't make assumptions about who I am or how much money I make...I probably paid more in taxes this month than Buck made all year (you are still out of you element Dbag), not that it should be a focal point or basis for common sense. As an entrepreneur (I assume tax-paying), I'm frankly shocked to hear you all of a sudden go from what appeared to be centerish to calling yourself a liberal and going towards butthurt left. As far as facts, do I really need to post employment, income erosion, food stamp, increased pork, toxic political environment and national debt stats? I mean... really we are going cheerlead for these people and just blame the right?
1: I make assumptions on anything I like. It seems one of my assumptions was correct though. You pay a-lot of taxes. This explains your obvious distaste for the current pres. administration. One who is intent on forcing the very wealthy to pay an equal amount to those who make less. A horrible concept I know!

2:Yes I pay my taxes.

3: I never called myself a liberal. I said this place is full of liberal potheads who will be more behind my liberal leaning posts than your obviously far right disinformation. The only ones whose butt hurts around here are the middle class. This is from watching damn near half of our income go towards taxes, as the very wealthy parade around in their 100k dollar cars and multi-million dollar mansions. Taking advantage of legal loopholes allowing them to get away with a lesser tax rate.Meanwhile people like us get our homes foreclosed on and have to go on foodstamps just to feed our children.

4:I would love to see some facts on how republican legislation will help the middle class. Past statistics are not as good. For every stat you find on wasteful liberal spending( and I agree there is too much). I can find an equally damning stat of wanton conservative handouts for military contracts, tax breaks for Big business and for the wealthy. None of which I get to enjoy. Meanwhile middle class america is left footing the bill.
I will settle for a bit of discussion on any of the points I brought up in post #'s 67,68 or 72. Specifically on how the right(whom obviously you are defending) represent middle class interests.

5:I am not cheerleading anyone. Or blaming the right. I will blame Good ol' W. For the piss poor state in which he left our country. Who else should I blame?

It took 8 long years to put our country where it is today. It may take more than 4 to pull us out.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Republicans been trying to kill the economy for 3 years already. They figured a recovered economy isnt good for their election prospects. Now they have changed strategies. And are willing to work on some things

You notice you dont here much from washington dc righties about jobs and job creators anymore
The whole mindset of "if I don't get what I want you won't either" is one thing that is breaking our country. Hold on ppl. It will get worse before it gets better.


Well-Known Member
Right, well when you do not have any positive ideas to bring to a conversation. Why not attack those who do? The whole mindset of "if I don't get what I want you won't either" is one thing that is breaking our country. Hold on ppl. It will get worse before it gets better.
If you are surprised about the personal attacks you have not been around here very long...

That is all Uncle fuck and cheesyrice do....

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Most of the time personal attacks don't bother me any who know me know my motives and intent. When I see an obvious misrepresentation presented as fact this gets me riled.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
That's all well and good but the problems remain. The crooks are still in place running the skim even within the study of economics, teaching students this shit is okay...

For these pricks, nothing really changes it only changes sideways... Obama could've had his DOJ go after them rather then worrying about whistleblowers...
I agree totally. The man could've stepped up a bit more on this issue and a few more. He has confronted probably the largest issue in our country and that is universal health care. It is about time someone takes on the greedy insurance,health care industry.


Well-Known Member
1: I make assumptions on anything I like. It seems one of my assumptions was correct though. You pay a-lot of taxes. This explains your obvious distaste for the current pres. administration. One who is intent on forcing the very wealthy to pay an equal amount to those who make less. A horrible concept I know!

You are right, but contradict yourself in your statement 3. I will address there.

2:Yes I pay my taxes.

More points, but are you satisfied with the ROI of this money YOU worked for? How much deeper into your pocket are you willing to go considering the state of things? Maybe I am just short on faith. Of course, I can't use liberalism as a religion subsitute. At what point is YOUR share, unfair? As an entrepreneur (paying both sides of payroll) and I assume wishing to expand...you must be island, because most small business people I meet with are in a constant state of groan.

3: I never called myself a liberal. I said this place is full of liberal potheads who will be more behind my liberal leaning posts than your obviously far right disinformation. The only ones whose butt hurts around here are the middle class. This is from watching damn near half of our income go towards taxes, as the very wealthy parade around in their 100k dollar cars and multi-million dollar mansions. Taking advantage of legal loopholes allowing them to get away with a lesser tax rate.Meanwhile people like us get our homes foreclosed on and have to go on foodstamps just to feed our children.

The rich will stay rich and people like me ...let's say upper middle class.. because I am not rich, are on a fucking hamster wheel trying to stay above the Fray. Growth is anemic. Getting ahead is impossible. Money talks and bullshit walks...that is never going to change. But my beef is the idolaters. These clowns keep talking about "balanced cuts". They can't even cut the growth rate of spending without a meltdown, hence the entire reason of this post in the first place. Maxine had a real handle on the subject, didn't she?

The poor are not being benifited and more of my money, which I spent many years slamming my dick in the door for goes into the abyss. I promise I have a more productive economic use for it. Nonetheless, demagoguing the wealthy is a waste of time. They are never as thick in numbers as the left portrays and as rich as they may be...as a tax base, they can't fix our current dilemnas, particularly without spending controls. You think the left is going to close loopholes? HA! I guess cronyism is only for the right?

4:I would love to see some facts on how republican legislation will help the middle class. Past statistics are not as good. For every stat you find on wasteful liberal spending( and I agree there is too much). I can find an equally damning stat of wanton conservative handouts for military contracts, tax breaks for Big business and for the wealthy. None of which I get to enjoy. Meanwhile middle class america is left footing the bill.
I will settle for a bit of discussion on any of the points I brought up in post #'s 67,68 or 72. Specifically on how the right(whom obviously you are defending) represent middle class interests.

I never claimed to be a cheerleader of the right, however, it this goverment can prove itself I don't support giving it anymore revenue. No doubt the military industrial complex has it's share of kickbacks beyond what is neccesary for a strong national defense, which I do support if not wasteful. But damn Obama luvs them drones! Nonetheless, this can not be singled out as the only source of political corruption. In fact, my whole point with the left...and it is the left, because they have had the football for some time now is that two wrongs don't make a right and running one way in the wrong direction cheerleading is detrimental no matter which way you run. It ain't Bushs fault anymore...time to own it.

5:I am not cheerleading anyone. Or blaming the right. I will blame Good ol' W. For the piss poor state in which he left our country. Who else should I blame?

The Gov in general. You want to see a clip of Gore's comments about Iraq before it was convenient to be against it? For all of Bush's misteps, he did have the go go years. Whether you want to attribute those to him or the wake after is up to you, but frankly the crash can not rest squarely on his shoulders. It stems back to Clinton, the GSE's, rating agencies and lastly the investment banks. Point a finger, they are all to blame. The bottom line is doesn't make the left's prescription correct. Keynes is dead IMO and tax cuts didn't cause this "mess".

It took 8 long years to put our country where it is today. It may take more than 4 to pull us out.
Baloney. Obama will ride the rising tide. It has zero to do with his efforts and if anything he has retarded the process. Focussing on nationalizing healthcare (another entitlement) during the worst of it made 09 and 10 fucking miserable years. Subsequently, bank balance sheets have cleared, the bond market is hungry and capital is chasing yields due to artificially low interest rates, proping up the DOW. To support this would be to support trickle down (gasp), but the fundamentals are still shitty and what we are experiencing is a paradigm shift in capital mentality...that it simply can not sit on the sidelines anymore due to uncertainty or false crisis.

As an unfortunate coincidence, I have had a couple democratic congressmen in my conference room, seen campaign runs and dealt with high profile people from the right. Trust me when I tell you this...they are ALL laughing at you...and racist disclaimer, particularly the black ones trying to hob nob with rich white people to fund their campaigns. It's all in self interest pal, one just is about making money for some and other is about pretending to be handing out money for votes. Pick your poison. But we didn't get Clinton 2.0 here, we got a radical and it's time for a changing of the guard to restore balance.


Well-Known Member
Baloney. Obama will ride the rising tide. It has zero to do with his efforts and if anything he has retarded the process. Focussing on nationalizing healthcare (another entitlement) during the worst of it made 09 and 10 fucking miserable years. Subsequently, bank balance sheets have cleared, the bond market is hungry and capital is chasing yields due to artificially low interest rates, proping up the DOW. To support this would be to support trickle down (gasp), but the fundamentals are still shitty and what we are experiencing is a paradigm shift in capital mentality...that it simply can not sit on the sidelines anymore due to uncertainty or false crisis.

As an unfortunate coincidence, I have had a couple democratic congressmen in my conference room, seen campaign runs and dealt with high profile people from the right. Trust me when I tell you this...they are ALL laughing at you...and racist disclaimer, particularly the black ones trying to hob nob with rich white people to fund their campaigns. It's all in self interest pal, one just is about making money for some and other is about pretending to be handing out money for votes. Pick your poison. But we didn't get Clinton 2.0 here, we got a radical and it's time for a changing of the guard to restore balance.

In other words

exactly what i have been saying for 3 years

There will be no economic recovery until the Republicans can figure out a way to take credit for it

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Him focusing on universal health care are not what made those years miserable. Are you really serious? How bout the fact that our economy was already in the dumps. Or the fact that america did not and still does not trust your bank balance sheets. I find this quite amusing. Are you seriously going to claim that the banking/investment sector has "cleaned up its act" so to speak, and why would that be? Because of the "lesson" that was learned through the bailout? If so, which lesson would that be? The one where they fuck up beyond all hope and get a blank check to cover it? That would teach me a lesson too. I hope you are correct in this though and I am wrong.(it is entirely possible) If so only time will tell. I predict an even larger banking/investment debacle is yet to come.
Furthermore; I suspect anyone who says they know all of the answers to these questions. ESPECIALLY one who posts on a MMJ forum. I can admit I may be mistaken on some things. CAN YOU?

As far as all of em having their own special interests to look after. Of this I have no doubt. There is no question that there are few if any honest politicians on the hill. There simply cannot be due to the way our political system works. One goes against the grain and they risk alienating all. Therefore, getting blacklisted w/virtually no consideration for their own district.

What kind of a "changing of the guard" do you propose. Or are you talking about electing another republican?


Well-Known Member

In other words

exactly what i have been saying for 3 years

There will be no economic recovery until the Republicans can figure out a way to take credit for it
They are all children. But the left, left unchecked would break us over a long enough timeline and you know it.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
As far as all those ppl. you talk about that are"laughing at me" It's ok, I laugh at them daily as day in day out they do nothing other than chase their tails. Nothing gets done. I tell ya if I did my job so poorly I would be bankrupt and homeless.


Well-Known Member
Him focusing on universal health care are not what made those years miserable.

Yeah. It was a cost concern for buisness and the lack of focus on Jobs and the economy was exacerbating the situation.

Are you really serious? How bout the fact that our economy was already in the dumps. Or the fact that america did not and still does not trust your bank balance sheets. I find this quite amusing. Are you seriously going to claim that the banking/investment sector has "cleaned up its act" so to speak, and why would that be? Because of the "lesson" that was learned through the bailout? If so, which lesson would that be? The one where they fuck up beyond all hope and get a blank check to cover it? That would teach me a lesson too. I hope you are correct in this though and I am wrong.(it is entirely possible) If so only time will tell. I predict an even larger banking/investment debacle is yet to come.

This shows you naivety. Whether you or I believe anything is irrelevant. The bottom line is not whether they cleaned up their act, but whether the bad debt had been "worked out" at least in the public perception or FDICs eyes enough to allow the freeflow of capital through lending again. This has happened right or wrong and helping the economy. Not a dem contribution BTW.

Furthermore; I suspect anyone who says they know all of the answers to these questions. ESPECIALLY one who posts on a MMJ forum. I can admit I may be mistaken on some things. CAN YOU?

Sure. Boy, that takes the fun out of it though :)

As far as all of em having their own special interests to look after. Of this I have no doubt. There is no question that there are few if any honest politicians on the hill. There simply cannot be due to the way our political system works. One goes against the grain and they risk alienating all. Therefore, getting blacklisted w/virtually no consideration for their own district.

What kind of a "changing of the guard" do you propose. Or are you talking about electing another republican?
Yup. No party can run wild. Even the public tires, that's why perception changes after one has gone too long.


Well-Known Member
As far as all those ppl. you talk about that are"laughing at me" It's ok, I laugh at them daily as day in day out they do nothing other than chase their tails. Nothing gets done. I tell ya if I did my job so poorly I would be bankrupt and homeless.
That's the point. They don't get fired...they get propped up by the media. And you laughing at them does nothing to get them out of office so someone can get in there and do good. The whole point is to abate cheerleading


Well-Known Member
Yes, but you are wrong.
you said the same thing about the election.

since you were so wildly wrong about basic, straightforward polling data, chances are virtually 100% that you're not going to fare any better with a much more complicated issue.

but then again, we have no idea what you're capable of.


Well-Known Member
care to state why? or just slinging accusations?
ANALEXCESSGAY1 will just act as if he has reason on his side.

then, when he receives a bitch slap from reality, he will run away and hide for a while and hope we don't notice or remember what a flaming retard he is.

that's just how he is.