• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Effects of Sequestration


Well-Known Member
ANALEXCESSGAY1 will just act as if he has reason on his side.

then, when he receives a bitch slap from reality, he will run away and hide for a while and hope we don't notice or remember what a flaming retard he is.

that's just how he is.
I wish you would do the same, instead you show up day after day showing us how wrong you are all the time.


Well-Known Member
It must. Tell me again how inflation-adjusted is not adjusted for inflation.
i'll admit that i missed that part, but you won't admit that the numbers don't match the graph and coulson's methodology is completely missing.

why won't you admit that?

you have no testicles, that's why.

you have a vagina.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member

  • Yeah. It was a cost concern for buisness and the lack of focus on Jobs and the economy was exacerbating the situation.

You mean his lack of focus on jobs and economy by implementing the american recovery act? The act through which I and many I know in trades related professions received gainful employment for close to two years at prevailing wage? Putting americans to work hmmm. how exactly did this exacerbate the situation. The man was fighting a war of many fronts. Did a damn good job of it too. Considering how much opposition he received.

  • This shows you naivety. Whether you or I believe anything is irrelevant. The bottom line is not whether they cleaned up their act, but whether the bad debt had been "worked out" at least in the public perception or FDICs eyes enough to allow the freeflow of capital through lending again. This has happened right or wrong and helping the economy. Not a dem contribution BTW.

Naivety? I think not My eyes are wide open bud. I can guarantee I will not loose money in the next financial crisis. Of course it matters whether they cleaned up their act or not. To think otherwise is to allow all of this to happen again. History repeating itself. Yup, sounds like good republican advice to me! It is becoming more and more obvious I am talking to a cheerleader for the far right and I am growing bored w/ this debate.

Allowing the freeflow of capital through lending? On what planet do you live? Banks are notgiving loans to middle class america now.
Though your dogged presentation of disinformation is persistent and probably awe-inspiring to many young wanna be repukes. I warn you; keep presenting such erroneous conclusions and I will be left with no other recourse than to treat you as finshaggy. One who constantly lies and makes shit up does not deserve any more of my constructive time. That being said I ask you for the last time.
Exactly which republican legislation is designed to help the middle class? you have danced around the question for bout 4 posts now.
This in itself kind of speaks volumes. While calling me naive, and a boy, I believe I have demonstrated that I am not naive and I have children old enough to drive I daresay this excludes me from the boy category too. You want support here? Speak up. Quit dancin. Oh please tell us all how this new republican party is so different than the previous one that ran our country into the ground.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
That's the point. They don't get fired...they get propped up by the media. And you laughing at them does nothing to get them out of office so someone can get in there and do good. The whole point is to abate cheerleading
Please tell us more o wise profit of a political nature.
Get it..... profit


Well-Known Member

  • Yeah. It was a cost concern for buisness and the lack of focus on Jobs and the economy was exacerbating the situation.

You mean his lack of focus on jobs and economy by implementing the american recovery act? The act through which I and many I know in trades related professions received gainful employment for close to two years at prevailing wage? Putting americans to work hmmm. how exactly did this exacerbate the situation. The man was fighting a war of many fronts. Did a damn good job of it too. Considering how much opposition he received.

This is the Pelosi arguement that entitlements and food stamps are the best bang for the buck and will fix the economy. It did not. Or are you talking about all the shovel ready jobs?

  • This shows you naivety. Whether you or I believe anything is irrelevant. The bottom line is not whether they cleaned up their act, but whether the bad debt had been "worked out" at least in the public perception or FDICs eyes enough to allow the freeflow of capital through lending again. This has happened right or wrong and helping the economy. Not a dem contribution BTW.

Naivety? I think not My eyes are wide open bud. I can guarantee I will not loose money in the next financial crisis. Of course it matters whether they cleaned up their act or not. To think otherwise is to allow all of this to happen again. History repeating itself. Yup, sounds like good republican advice to me! It is becoming more and more obvious I am talking to a cheerleader for the far right and I am growing bored w/ this debate.

You are running off on a tangent and I've said nothing cheerleady...you are just up in arms about "your side"

Allowing the freeflow of capital through lending? On what planet do you live? Banks are notgiving loans to middle class america now.
Though your dogged presentation of disinformation is persistent and probably awe-inspiring to many young wanna be repukes. I warn you; keep presenting such erroneous conclusions and I will be left with no other recourse than to treat you as finshaggy. One who constantly lies and makes shit up does not deserve any more of my constructive time. That being said I ask you for the last time.

Credit is still tight, but is thawing. Part of this is perception...lenders will not be back to frothy 07 levels for a while...hopefully. Nonetheless, while it's still tighter, it's improved since 09-10 levels and they are making more loans. Confidence in capital deployment is up. I didn't say normal...I would say approaching.

Exactly which republican legislation is designed to help the middle class? you have danced around the question for bout 4 posts now.
This in itself kind of speaks volumes. While calling me naive, and a boy, I believe I have demonstrated that I am not naive and I have children old enough to drive I daresay this excludes me from the boy category too. You want support here? Speak up. Quit dancin. Oh please tell us all how this new republican party is so different than the previous one that ran our country into the ground.
My crystall ball doesn't see that far, but it's obvious that the current trend is making even some on the left uncomfortable. Any plan or legislation doesn't get a seat at the table because it's only for the wealthiest 1% of Americans. An assault on the middle class. Sound familiar? But I never posted to defend a group failing to piss a worthwhile drop. But god forbid anything get cut...which is what the post I originated was about.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member

  • Credit is still tight, but is thawing. Part of this is
    perception...lenders will not be back to frothy 07 levels for a while...hopefully. Nonetheless, while it's still tighter, it's improved since 09-10 levels and they are making more loans. Confidence in capital deployment is up. I didn't say normal...I would say approaching.

Not the tune you were singing earlier. And umm. no. banks are not loaning to folks in my neck of the woods on mortgages. unless you have worked the same job for like 20 years and have 20k in the bank. Most don't mmmkay so you are wrong. period

  • Or are you talking about all the shovel ready jobs?

I know it is prob. getting difficult to read for your old ass bein it is now like 3am but did you miss the part where I said "trades" This implies skilled trades. Do you know what that is. You know the guys that put together all those nice office buildings ppl. like you go to everyday. The backbone of the american work force.Yup thats right guys like me. Yah, you did it now shovel ready jobs my ass. comparing what I do to being on foodstamps and welfare. FUCK YOU. YOU have officially reached thinbaggy status from me. Why don't you go kick a dog or something. I'm sure things like this make you feel better. Or maybe smack your wife or boyfriend or whatever.

uncomfortable? hardly. You are cheer leading for the repub party you said so in post # 97 you fool when you said :
  • Yup. No party can run wild. Even the public tires, that's why perception changes after one has gone too long.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the public is not tired of him yet! You do realize he just got overwhelmingly reelected right? So after 4 hrs you couldn't come up w/ any cognitive answer to the question highlighted in red?
and you still defend an obviously red approach to political views. Enjoy being the minority on this site bub. I think you have exposed yourself for what you are. A well paid closet dope smoker who hates the fact that he pay's as much tax as he does. LOL I knew you couldn't hang. Btw No one said you couldn't use past legislation. I only said past statistics were boring. Noone said you had to use your crystal balls. lol
So I give you yet another chance O CREATOR OF DECEITFUL RESPONSES
I will up the ante a bit too as I am a decent poker player I know when to bet. If you can find any republican sponsored legislation in the past ten years that directly benefits middle class america I will give you plus rep

Ten years bro that's a long time. This shouldn't be too hard. Right? Since We have all been mislead about the true nature of the democratic party according to you. They do not represent middle class america it must be your guys right? What a fucking joke here.
I am quite sure I will get the same type of runaround response from you on this matter too tho. I am sure it will be very hard to find a way in which the conservative right has helped out avg. folks recently.

as far as what is cut due to sequestration. Everything gets cut. across the board. I say fucking great. cut it all I have no problem w/that at all. I hope these lazy incompetent ppl we call rep.'s continue this all summer. It will not affect me and mine a bit. It will expose this sham of a gov't for what it really is. A bunch of ppl on both sides too idealistic to do what is best for the ppl.

The more you post the more it shows just how out of touch you are
w/most americans.


Well-Known Member
care to state why? or just slinging accusations?
Because Obamacare requires insurance to have mandates for care that are overreaching. It is driving up the cost right now. If you tell an insurance company that they cannot put a dollar limit on a policy it causes the cost of the policy to rise. If you tell an insurance company that they must cover pre-existing conditions the cost of the policy will rise.

If you take someone making a bit over minimum wage (say 8.00 an hour or 16,000 per year) and you tell their employer that they must be covered with a policy costing 400 bucks per month on top of their salary you are adding 40% to the cost of employing that person.

Businesses and even GOVERNMENTS are cutting people's hours back to 29.5 or less because Obamacare considers 30 hours to be full time employment. It is already happening.

So, why dont you try to convince me that adding all these costs on to employers will not effect unemployment much less economic growth and I will smile and nod and then move along because you are not operating in reality, you are operating based on what a bunch of lying politicians told you.

Obama said that his health care program would cost under a trillion dollars. The CBO currently puts it somewhere at 2.5 trillion dollars. The numbers dont lie and the money needs to come from somewhere so the rates will continue to rise.

What you need to understand is that the whole plan is just an effort to put private insurance companies out of business and force single payer health care upon the entire population of America. Well, except for congress which is exempt and the rich that will still be able to afford to pay privately. The poor and the middle class will be screwed and forced to take a policy that covers many things they dont need, is overly expensive and there will be no other options because that is how this program was designed.

If you want to argue with the statement above, please explain to me how you can eliminate the pre-existing condition clause and still call the system insurance... Because if you applied it to the automotive industry I could crash my car and then call an insurance company that I never paid and force them to accept me as a client and fix my car at their cost. Then when the car is fixed I just drop the policy... That isnt insurance... And that is what the industry is going to be forced to do. And that is why private insurance will fold and eliminate the competition for a single plan run by the government.

And if you think the government running it will make it cheaper or more efficient then you got bigger problems than your concept of healthcare.


Well-Known Member
If you want to argue with the statement above, please explain to me how you can eliminate the pre-existing condition clause and still call the system insurance... Because if you applied it to the automotive industry I could crash my car and then call an insurance company that I never paid and force them to accept me as a client and fix my car at their cost. Then when the car is fixed I just drop the policy... That isnt insurance... And that is what the industry is going to be forced to do. And that is why private insurance will fold and eliminate the competition for a single plan run by the government.

And if you think the government running it will make it cheaper or more efficient then you got bigger problems than your concept of healthcare.
So now you understand why there is a mandate that you have insurance.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;yietmUdqJos]https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yietmUdqJos#![/video] Obama and the cuts.


Well-Known Member
Ireland’s public debt shot up from 25% of GDP in 2007 to about 120% this year, and the budget deficit is still 8% of GDP

Ireland’s government oversaw a return to mild economic growth last year but it is quickly learning that its own policies alone will not fix Ireland’s debt pile, which will peak at 120% of GDP next year.


Well-Known Member
Like Britain’s housing market, Ireland’s is not uniform. In Britain prices are rising in London, but falling almost everywhere else. Ireland is the mirror image – prices are rising in rural areas, but still falling in Dublin. In August, prices in the capital fell by another 0.5%.
And that’s worth paying attention to. Because as David McNamara of Davy Stockbrokers argues, the rural property market is a poor guide to what is really happening. This is because it is “illiquid’ and “dysfunctional”.
What’s happening is that, rather than cutting prices to where they would find buyers, heavily-indebted homeowners are choosing to stay in their property as long as lenders are willing to let them. This shortage of housing means that those who do want to buy in rural areas have to pay a premium to do so.
This mismatch between supply and demand is shown by the fact that mortgage lending and transactions outside Dublin are at historic lows.
It’s not unlike the situation in Britain, where homeowners who can’t afford to move or remortgage are only able to cling on to their homes for as long as interest rates remain near zero.
McNamara also warns that auction and portfolio sales suggest that the scale of the fall in Irish house prices may be even greater than official data recognises. Ulster Bank recently sold a package of apartments, along with some commercial property, at a price that was 70% below the 2007 peak, rather than the 50% that the house prices indices suggest.