EJ Mix Ratio


Well-Known Member
I know many seem to be fine with EJMix. The taste is horrendous for me and I love the natural flavor of my oil and pg mix, just not the separation. So I am trying to get the best of both worlds, the benefits of the ej mix without needing to add flavor to stomach it.

I am doing a run this week and plan is to see how little EJ mix I can use to "bind" with the oil and then add in more PG to get the final product.

I am thinking of .25:1, reducing the EJ Mix by 75%. But I am curious if anyone has tried this already, seeing how little EJ Mix is required.
I know many seem to be fine with EJMix. The taste is horrendous for me and I love the natural flavor of my oil and pg mix, just not the separation. So I am trying to get the best of both worlds, the benefits of the ej mix without needing to add flavor to stomach it.

I am doing a run this week and plan is to see how little EJ mix I can use to "bind" with the oil and then add in more PG to get the final product.

I am thinking of .25:1, reducing the EJ Mix by 75%. But I am curious if anyone has tried this already, seeing how little EJ Mix is required.

i am doing a 1 to 3 mix 1 bho 3 ejmix

order yourself some 2 dram bottles...........take a pipette or fill needle get 2 mls of some vanilla extract (it is cheap and a dark color) and add it to the dram bottle

make up 2 ml dram and a 8ml dram

take the bho and put it in the dram bottle ..........untill it matches the lvl of the 2 ml .............now put in some EJmix 4 mls or so and heat the bottle so the oil melts cap it shake it like it owes u money for 20 years and u need bailed out of jail (this is 6 mls a 1 to 2 mix ) when it is all broken up add 2 more mls of the mix match it to the 8 ml dram and shake the it again u have just made 8 mls of canna oil for your vape
Snaps, no comprendo. Curious how little EJ Mix I can use, and then supplement with PG, and still have it hold. I like 2 parts PG to one part oil in the end.

Justugh, trying not to use flavor to mask the EJ Mix. Trying to use as little EJ mix as possible.
Snaps, no comprendo. Curious how little EJ Mix I can use, and then supplement with PG, and still have it hold. I like 2 parts PG to one part oil in the end.

Justugh, trying not to use flavor to mask the EJ Mix. Trying to use as little EJ mix as possible.

no flavor the vanilla is just so u can eyeball the lvl knowing what mls is at so u can mix the correct amount of the other in (it is a dark color and cheap so it makes a good lvl marker once u fill up the vile with a set ML) ..........this allows u to mix them up in small batches to u can make it up for a large bottles and do bigger batches

what snaps told u is the same thing i did

the highest amount u want to mix in with your is about 37% bho oil a 1 part bho to 2 part ejmix would be a 33% mix ...........my mix is 25% 1 part Bho 3 parts ejmix ( it flows easier into the atomizer and does not crush u like the 1 to 2 mix)

as for mixing in PG and VG it will break apart ...Ejmix is Peg 400 300 200 and peg
adding tincture is your best choice to keep the power up but it still needs to be shaken back into it

tincture is just VG with weed soaked for 6 weeks or u do the 3day method using low heat to speed the transfer up ..........u press the VG out of the weed and u have tincture u can eat or mix into atomizers (but this is only a additive does not have the power alone )
JUstugh, you always seem to confuse me man. I know how to make THC Vape juice. I know how to mix, I know how to measure. I have made tinctures and still think your VG/ISO thing is nuts! I have a MBA, I know how to compute %. Not trying to sound like an asshole and I realize you are trying to be of assistance, but you aren't.

First off, the EJ Mix contains PG along with the different PEGs. You absolutely can cut an oil/EJMix blend with more PG. I did it, a 1:1:1 mix of oil (mine is QWET), EJ Mix, and normal PG. But it still tastes like shit to me (and we flavored the EJ Mix a bit). You are correct that VG will not hold.

Maybe no one else has tried what I am attempting but I think I am being clear. Think of it this way. I will end up with a product that has one part of QWET mixed with two parts of some blend of EJ MIX and straight PG. I will first mix the QWET with some amount of EJ Mix to get it into solution. I want that to be as little as possible. I will then add as much straight PG to it to get to the end formula.

I know that I can go 1:1 oil to EJ mix per the bottle and then add in 1 part of PG and it will stay in solution. But if I go 1 part oil to .5 part EJ Mix and then 1.5 part PG, will it hold? If I go 1 part oil to .25 part EJ Mix and then 1.75 part PG, will it hold? Make sense.
Try it and let us know how it works.

EJmix is a blend of propylene glycol and PEG400, PEG300, and PEG200

You're basically altering the ratio.
go for it man
i spent 2300 bucks getting this right ,,,,,,,,,,,,what u are about to do will not work the oil will break apart ...............i should know i tried it every way possible
the only thing that does work is a ejmix 2mls of bho to 6 mls of ejmix ..........if u want can add tincture but it will still break apart 1:3:1 bho ejmix tincture
to make it stable it is just 1 to 3 mix bho ejmix

tried to help yah avoid the same pit falls i got ...........be ready to toss out the messed up batches and blow more BHO
VG and oil does not mix
PG and oil partly mixes but breaks apart
EJmix is the only thing i seen that keeps from breaking apart but that is only if it is bho and ejmix only(if u added to much oil the part it can not intake will float to the top .......when u let it settle then u need to strain it to keep the atomizer from clogging up)

if u want to just mix oil and PG u need to get a Co2 extraction system ..........then u can copy the O vape method they use in denver
How can you tell me that what I have done and worked can not. You absolutely can mix in more PG after a 1:1 oil to EJ Mix. I did it and it held for days with no separation whatsoever. With VG you are correct. If that worked, than logically there is some lower ratio of EJ mix that would. Maybe it is .9:1, maybe it is .5:1, maybe lower. I am going to try .25 EJ Mix, 1 part oil, 1.75 part PG and see.

I personally see no value in adding a tincture. I tried vaping a VG tincture. Not strong enough to be worthy and tasted horrible as well.

For me, the separation I get with straight PG mix is not as bad as the horrendous taste of EJ Mix. That's just me.

Honestly man, not trying to diss you. Just saying that I am trying to see if anyone has tried what I am trying to do and you are going into other directions.

And CO2 - would love to!
QWET Vape.png

Wash 1: 45 seconds. Filtered through two paper coffee filters. Then left in the dry ice to see if any sediment formed at the bottom - it didn't and liquid was beautiful. Only a slight yellowish haze. Air dried, scraped, melted. added in some more ethanol so I could suck it up into a syringe and get into the vial and then let it evap out on a coffee warmer. Had about 1 ml extract. Mixed it with .25 ml of EJ Mix and then 2 ml of PG. After a little over an hour - no signs of separation :-) Have not sampled to see how it tastes.

Wash 2: 90 seconds. Filtered through paper coffee filters. Done under dry ice. Converted into RSO via rice cooker. Ended up with approx. 4 ml of RSO. Mixed with the same of PG (no EJ Mix). After approx. 18 hours, no separation. I use this at night for sleep issues but it is in a dark tank and normally a dark vial so hard to tell separation usually. Very interesting that it holds - what is being cooked out that makes this happen!?

Pics of both are below. I also posted a pic of the little hand mixer I use. It is awesome. I can stick it into a 30 ml vial and it mixed awesome with nothing splashing out. Hard to tell from the pic but the end is slit into two. Once it starts spinning, those two side flare out into wings to mix.


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Now at five hours and still no separation :-) Put some into a tank four hours and hit it. I find normally that this Kanger Protank Mini hits great but is the worst for separation. Normally after one hit it becomes dramatic. Still no separation.

The EJ Mix used had been lightly flavored (banana and vanilla). Keep in mind, it is only 8% of the final mix. Net flavor when vaping.... Does not have the nice weed flavor I like, only subtleties of it. The banana and vanilla do not come through. The hideous, atricous chemical foot flavor of a 1:1 oil to EJ Mix is gone. There is a minor bitter chemically aftertaste but it is not relevant.

So.... if EJ Mix tastes like shit to you, you can get the benefits of its holding characteristic with much less than 1:1. I am amazed that me taking it down so much worked. I wasn't expecting it but decided to start by shooting for gold. Even if you don't mind the taste, PG costs so much less than EJ mix that it is still worthy.

Things that I believe helped me and may have contributed to the success (meaning if you try and don't do these, don't call me a liar):
1.) Getting the shit dry ice cold. After filtering, even when dropped to room temp, there were no solids at the bottom of the ball jar. The coffee filters also had almost no sediment in them as well. So dry ice will now be part of my regimen. But be careful, I had the lid on one of the ball jars and it got so cold that the lid almost exploded off.
2.) Mixer - that little hand mixer works awesome and much better in my opinion than when I used a hand whisk or anything that would allow me to mix small quantities without spraying all over the place. It came with other attachments that I used first (whisk, frother, etc) but this mixing one (pic posted on above post) kicks ass.

oil tank.JPG
Great information GrowinDad!

That "mixer" looks like a little homogenizer.

I must agree, the more clean the oil or colder the extract the better it stays mixed. If you use PEG400 NF/USP it will stay mixed without issues. Downside, you do need to add flavoring to cover the PEG taste. Not sure if that really is a downside if you have the right flavors! I like Banana Nut myself.

Using PG USP you will find that different clearomizers will allow you to taste your strains like you are looking for. For instance, when I use the iClear30 I taste only the mj flavor as long as the concentrate was not winterized.
Hi GrowinDad, sounds like you are getting it down. I haven't tried the EJ Mix. Like Grow Goddess, I have used PEG400 USP, and Propylene Glycol, separately. I switched to PG as I was allergic to the PEG. I mix mine 1:1, PG to wax. I add both to a 2oz stainless condiment container which I hold in my left hand, and heat it with a heat gun in my right. Once the wax melts I stir it with a paper clip. I assume, since I am holding it in my hand, the mixture does not exceed 130°F. I have some I mixed 6-8 months ago and it has not separated. The wax was winterized first.
I'm wondering if anyone here is from Michigan and has ever had liquid sunshine? I'm trying to make something very similar to that
Hi everyone.Not trying to hijack this thread but I was looking around and saw it. Been a member for years but don't post much. Just wanted to add my 2 cents. I tried EJ Mix quite a while back. Tasted pretty gross as several have mentioned. Kind of like vaping plastic? IDK. Just wanted to share my experience with another product which I received as a Christmas present. It's called PUFF MAJIC Original from PUFF MAJIC Vapor Co. I was skeptical after my experience with EJ Mix and the dozen other methods of creating my own vape liquid I have tried. My friend in another state has been very happily using it but I had never tried it. Anyway, Santa was nice and got me some this year. All I have to say is that this stuff is AWESOME! It is easy to use and tastes so good. I mixed it almost 2 weeks ago and have no signs of anything separating. I mixed 1g to about 3ml. Anyone else try this yet?