Election deniers, how do you feel about recent Fox testimony?

Beau is impressed with the fox zoom call video... I figure fox is fucked, if not by the courts, by congress if the democrats win it and the presidency, this shit will come back to haunt them at public hearings and with increased FCC powers and other changes.

Let's talk about Fox, a Zoom call, and the New York Times....

republicans are like fat land bound sharks...they can still smell blood in the water, and want to stay away from carlson as he thrashes before sinking below the waves...mccarthy just helped him sink himself with that footage. :)

McConnell calls Tucker Carlson's depiction of Jan. 6 'a mistake'

49,861 views Mar 7, 2023 #TuckerCarlson #January6 #McConnell
Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told reporters he believed Tucker Carlson's depiction of the January 6 Capitol riot was "a mistake" and agreed with a letter from the U.S. Capitol Police chief that criticized the portrayal. MSNBC National Security Analyst Frank Figliuzzi weighs in.

Fox's elections lies, Tucker Carlson's J6 video sleight of hand, and the need for consequences

22,178 views Mar 7, 2023 #TeamJustice
In new reporting by Peter Baker of the New York Times, he gives us a look "Inside the Panic at Fox News After the 2020 Election." Remarkably, Fox executives called a meeting right after the 2020 election to discuss how they "messed up" by calling the election - CORRECTLY - for Joe Biden.

But if Fox got it right by calling the presidential race for Biden, not to worry, because they are back to getting it wrong. Tucker Carlson is now airing misleading video snippets of the attack on the Capitol on January 6 and misleading his viewers into believing it was just another day at the Capitol.
I'm just glad that FOX news is only available as a Premium channel for us. As for the OP, maybe allow some of the people that got caught up in that bullshit a chance to speak up without the worry of massive blowback from the crowd. What's wrong with allowing an actual discussion on why some might have thought it was rigged and have since then changed their viewpoint for one or many other reasons? I'd like to know why people got sucked into it without them feeling like a fool.
I would counter that anyone who supported trump at any time was comfortable supporting a misogynistic, openly racist and xenophobic, lying sexual abuser, pos.

These people are worse than fools and I don’t give shit about the feelings of anyone who would support that piece of shit before or after the so called rigged election.
I would counter that anyone who supported trump at any time was comfortable supporting a misogynistic, openly racist and xenophobic, lying sexual abuser, pos.

These people are worse than fools and I don’t give shit about the feelings of anyone who would support that piece of shit before or after the so called rigged election.

I was as surprised as anyone that Trump got elected. But I believe that some of the folks who were manipulated into thinking they were getting something better, newer, and shinier than the "old guard" of politicians via Fox BS should be allowed to express why they thought to vote for him in the first place. Ditto for people believing Fox and OEN or whatever dumbass news company they view. Maybe their own personal situation in life is a reflection on how easily they've been led astray by certain propaganda networks. There has to be room to lend a compassionate ear to some people to say their piece. Even if it doesn't align with your own feelings and thoughts.
I was as surprised as anyone that Trump got elected. But I believe that some of the folks who were manipulated into thinking they were getting something better, newer, and shinier than the "old guard" of politicians via Fox BS should be allowed to express why they thought to vote for him in the first place. Ditto for people believing Fox and OEN or whatever dumbass news company they view. Maybe their own personal situation in life is a reflection on how easily they've been led astray by certain propaganda networks. There has to be room to lend a compassionate ear to some people to say their piece. Even if it doesn't align with your own feelings and thoughts.
Sometimes it's a tough call with friends and family, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. The delusions and self-inflicted lies these people trade in are dangerous, as we have seen with covid, J6 and now Russia. What can one say when they continue to watch Tucker who lies, has utter contempt for them and disrespects them more than someone with the moral courage to tell them to their faces, all the pain and its infliction belongs to them if they can't handle the truth. BTW that should be fox's motto: "Because you can't handle the truth"!

Having said that, there is no need to torment brainwashed grandpa or Uncle Cletus. If they see the light and the scales drop from their eyes so much the better, but they shouldn't expect a cookie for seeing the truth and admitting it like an adult would.
The problem with all this talk about compassion and lending a compassionate ear to MAGA. Is -- I've already heard what they are saying.

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They have been saying it loud and clear for years. I believe them too. So, I'm ready to move on and simply oppose them. Let them come to an understanding with me.
Maybe when they cut the bullshit, make sense and stop with the terrorism, people will actually listen to them, when they have something to say. Right now, they spout about "woke", but can't even define it, they speak of "freedom" but attack liberals, another word they don't know the meaning of. They apparently believe in one man rule and that man is Donald Trump, who is somehow supposed to be above the law because he is perfect in every way. Those are just a few of the problems but it makes the point.
The problem with all this talk about compassion and lending a compassionate ear to MAGA. Is -- I've already heard what they are saying.

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They have been saying it loud and clear for years. I believe them too. So, I'm ready to move on and simply oppose them. Let them come to an understanding with me.

While I agree with you on the hard core MAGA types, my point was more towards the people that followed this BS and have possibly rethought their ideas. Unfortunately, it gets that much harder when you're online and being completely bombarded with disinformation and hidden agendas.
I was as surprised as anyone that Trump got elected. But I believe that some of the folks who were manipulated into thinking they were getting something better, newer, and shinier than the "old guard" of politicians via Fox BS should be allowed to express why they thought to vote for him in the first place. Ditto for people believing Fox and OEN or whatever dumbass news company they view. Maybe their own personal situation in life is a reflection on how easily they've been led astray by certain propaganda networks. There has to be room to lend a compassionate ear to some people to say their piece. Even if it doesn't align with your own feelings and thoughts.
I don’t have a problem with anyone speaking their mind, in fact I promote it. I’m always grateful when people show who they really are.

Is it your intention to show us you have compassion for white supremacists?
I don’t have a problem with anyone speaking their mind, in fact I promote it. I’m always grateful when people show who they really are.

Is it your intention to show us you have compassion for white supremacists?

White supremacists? How did you jump to that conclusion? I'm talking about Fox news, election denial, and allowing people to speak their mind on why they followed that nonsense.
White supremacists? How did you jump to that conclusion? I'm talking about Fox news, election denial, and allowing people to speak their mind on why they followed that nonsense.
They followed that nonsense because they love trump and wanted him to win. trump is an admitted sexual abuser and obvious racist. If they support someone who is an admitted sexual abuser and an obvious racist they are ok with some pretty fucked up behaviour.

Don’t fool yourself, a very large number of trump supporters love him not in spite of him being an obvious racist but because of it.

Show compassion for them and chalk it up to being easily duped if you want but I see them for who they really are.
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They followed that nonsense because they love trump and wanted him to win. trump is an admitted sexual abuser and obvious racist. If they support someone who is an admitted sexual abuser and an obvious racist they are ok with some pretty fucked up behaviour.

Don’t fool yourself, a very large number of trump supporters love him because he’s a racist, just like them.

Show compassion for them and chalk it up to being easily duped if you want but I see them for who they really are.

I simply don't think the way you do. Particularly about race. Doesn't even enter the equation for me. Is it your take that everybody who is an election denier is also a racist or bigot of some sort?
While I agree with you on the hard core MAGA types, my point was more towards the people that followed this BS and have possibly rethought their ideas. Unfortunately, it gets that much harder when you're online and being completely bombarded with disinformation and hidden agendas.
Hang on for a moment and listen to somebody who lives in the US. I've been at the Portland Oregon antifascist demonstrations when Proud Boys showed up and caused a riot. I've seen it first hand. We were a peaceful crowd. Men, women, some in wheelchairs, some in clown costumes, even a band. All we did was stand in front of people who wanted to march in the streets of Portland waving Nazi and white supremacist flags. And they moved in with clubs. There is no compromise with that group. They are authoritarian fascist followers. Trump is their guy. He told them to stand by just before the 2020 election.

In 2016, 63 million voted for the guy who used Mexicans as a race baiting tool.
In 2020, 74 million voted for the guy who sent DHS goons to beat heads in Portland.

There is no important difference between people who actually showed up to overthrow our government on Jan 6 from the ones deny the election was stolen and did not show up. They are all right wing authoritarian followers. They do not compromise. They do not recognize the universal right to freedom of speech and assembly. They did not object when Nancy Pelosi's husband was beaten by a MAGA follower. They are actively trying to do away with democracy in the US. If I can't step in line with them, they want me dead or at the very least disenfranchised.

My brother is one of them. I'm familiar with the type.

There is no discussion they are willing to enter into. It is their way or the highway. The only thing we can do is oppose them and outlast them. If somebody has rethought their ideas then they are a tiny fraction of the original numbers. I would like to point out that 9 million more people voted for Trump in 2020, so there is no evidence that there is a trend showing massive defection from Trumpism.

So, go ahead and lecture me about compassion. I have plenty of compassion. For the victims of right wing fascists.