Election Night 2020

Nope, but the expert models are holding though. I was hopeful about Texas and Florida, but they are red states. I thought 4 years of Trump would have taught them something, but many of those who voted for him the first time were pretty stupid and the stupid don't learn. 270 still wins though and I figure Biden will, I was hoping for more from the senate, the Trump party in control of the senate will grid lock America.

There is no more republican party, not as we have known it, they have seen the outer limits of their base. I wouldn't expect a cooperative partner in democracy, but something destructive and self serving.
I'm very surprised at how close and winnable Georgia is for Biden. That's a very big change in political sentiment for what was recently of the Deep South stalwarts.
So you need to get laid.
Been there done that, I was on plenty of fish stabbing grannies for a spell, but tired of meeting neurotic women for coffee at Tim's, the ratio of men on dating sites for my demographic is outrageous. I used to hunt cougars, but only in bars and only while drunk.

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I'm very surprised at how close and winnable Georgia is for Biden. That's a very big change in political sentiment for what was recently of the Deep South stalwarts.
Trump might have shattered the solid south, if not he put a Helluva dent in it. Survive and you will win in the end, if Donald is defeated he will be quickly removed from the chess board, like knocking off the king, there will be a fight for control of the republican party and they will want Donald removed too, secretly though.

Donald is the real and present danger, time and patience can deal with the rest or thwart their worse impulses.
Trump might have shattered the solid south, if not he put a Helluva dent in it. Survive and you will win in the end, if Donald is defeated he will be quickly removed from the chess board, like knocking off the king, there will be a fight for control of the republican party and they will want Donald removed too, secretly though.

Donald is the real and present danger, time and patience can deal with the rest or thwart their worse impulses.
Trump didn't shatter the solid south. This whole country is changing, Georgia with it. Change is coming but not very fast. We have another ten years of these fraught elections. Or at least we will unless Trump and his party snuff out our democracy.
even if Biden doesn't win PA he will still win Michigan and Wisconsin, He wins . It was closer then I like but He freakin won!
It looks like Biden will win but it shouldn’t have been close.

Over 66 million people voted for an imbecile that denies science. America has become a cautionary tale on the dangers to a society, no matter how powerful, that doesn’t invest enough in education.
It looks like Biden will win but it shouldn’t have been close.

Over 66 million people voted for an imbecile that denies science. America has become a cautionary tale on the dangers of a society, no matter how powerful, not investing enough in education.
That was deliberate, the brown folks might get some, so dumb it down for everybody, school quality is neighborhood by neighborhood, not really state or city wide in many places, civics, history and science have all suffered. Make education expensive and difficult and you create what you have now, an educated vs uneducated, rural vs urban divide, as technology makes once powerful white men unemployable. This is not an exclusively American phenomena either, these people blame minorities and the other because they feel under social threat, they also band together into tribes as a defensive mechanism, anti trump people did this too.
Trump didn't shatter the solid south. This whole country is changing, Georgia with it. Change is coming but not very fast. We have another ten years of these fraught elections. Or at least we will unless Trump and his party snuff out our democracy.
Trump was a mastermind at preying on the naive and master at manipulation. I feel bad for those Cuban people in Miami who were brainwashed by Trump with Trump using those scare tactics about socialism coming to the country. I love the fact that Georgia is so close right now, that really shows huge change and Arizona going for Biden. That state hasn't been Blue since 1992!! I believe and more good news, AZ and NJ and SD all legalized weed. I cant believe NJ did it. That is where I grew up and first time I got high and its been a long time a coming. They are going to make a killing $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
It looks like Biden will win but it shouldn’t have been close.

Over 66 million people voted for an imbecile that denies science. America has become a cautionary tale on the dangers to a society, no matter how powerful, that doesn’t invest enough in education.
Personally, I think the issue is growing wealth disparity that is at the root of the anxiety that is driving people to fascism. Cuts to education are an outcome of that as well.

I think Biden won yesterday and the counting is all that remains to be done. The strife in this country is not over. Not by a long shot.
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tRUmp is no mastermind, he's the village idiot but he's a ruthless psycho, he's the crazy dog chained in the neighbors yard, somebody has him on a leash, he's not calling the shots.
Putin's poodle, but I think Donald is too stupid to follow simple instructions, it must be a challenge for Vlad. Just his natural pigheadedness, usual management style, the disastrous results of ignoring experts he doesn't understand and going with his gut and hoping for the best.
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