Electoral vs popular vote

Because if the popular vote was taken then the mass urban populations of the country would solely elect the government and the people in the rural areas would get no say.

It took less than 48 hours for someone to want to change the system... LOL!!

That's horseshit, I hear this a lot...one man equal one vote, everybody has one vote..its fair and makes sense, a woman in rural Arkansas has the same power as a man in NYC..one vote
I'm not totally disagreeing with you that the electoral college is not necessary but it should reflect today's population, the numbers used in the EC have been around since our forefathers came up with them and back then the population was 4 million people how's it fair that with 75 times more people today we are still using the same numbers to choose our leader?

Take for example Wyoming with a population of 563,600 and has 3 electoral votes now California has a population of 39,145,000 and only has 55 electoral votes. I just think it's time the the EC be revamped to reflect the CURRENT population, the census taken every 10 years should not only reflect how many Representatives a state should have in Congress but the number of votes in the EC as well.
I still dont see what you're talking about. Every state has 2 senators by virtue of being a state.

Members of the house are aportioned based on population. Wyoming has insufficient population for 2 house members. But every state gets 1 regardless of population.

Wyoming: 2 Senators 1 HoR = 3 and 3 electoral votes.

California: 2 Senators 53 HoR = 55 and 55 electoral votes.

This is why we do the census. What numbers are we still using from the 19th century?

There are the weights as of Oct 28 2012.
Anyone want to guess what the outcome of the election would be had the weights been equal?
But there's something misleading in that graphic. What is the actual voter turnout in each of those states?
What's the Votes Cast to Electoral Vote ratio ? How about State Area to EV ratio?

It would be interesting to look at those alongside this one, I think.
I still dont see what you're talking about. Every state has 2 senators by virtue of being a state.

Members of the house are aportioned based on population. Wyoming has insufficient population for 2 house members. But every state gets 1 regardless of population.

Wyoming: 2 Senators 1 HoR = 3 and 3 electoral votes.

California: 2 Senators 53 HoR = 55 and 55 electoral votes.

This is why we do the census. What numbers are we still using from the 19th century?

Only an idiot finds an excuse to overlook a million and a half vote deficit. You'd love the other 18th century voting rules. No women, no slaves, no native Americans, just the good old white boys.

It hasn't been adjusted as per census more voting power is in rural areas than in urban that's just a fact. The EC is archaic and needs to be revamped in providing proof of what I'm saying show me yours 2 Senators does not equal 2 electoral votes, at present the only thing the census determines is how many Representatives the state receives and how much money the that state gets from the Feds.

I get what youre saying. I'm saying so what?

California and Wyoming are both equal as states. That's why they get 2 senators. And I get that if one does the math the votes of Wyoming citizens have more impact than California. The is on purpose the much greater power a state like California has in the House and in other means.

Governments arent popular music. Social contracts don't get outdated. There isn't any form of government anywhere not thoroughly described by Plato. You're advocating democracy, Plato called that an evil form of government.
I get what youre saying. I'm saying so what?

California and Wyoming are both equal as states. That's why they get 2 senators. And I get that if one does the math the votes of Wyoming citizens have more impact than California. The is on purpose the much greater power a state like California has in the House and in other means.

Governments arent popular music. Social contracts don't get outdated. There isn't any form of government anywhere not thoroughly described by Plato. You're advocating democracy, Plato called that an evil form of government.
remember that time when you were 14 and had your buddy over for a sleepover and he raped you?
Interesting...just a quick back of the envelope calculation on a couple states makes for an interesting comparison.

Clinton 7230699
Trump 3841134
Total: 11071833 / 55 = 201306 Votes cast / EV

Trump 2279805
Clinton 2268193
Total: 4547998 / 16 = 284250 votes cast / EV

Looks to me like Michigan is getting the bum deal there. Now I am really curious to see how the other states fare, but it would be good to also include the other "protest" votes into the numbers.
I still dont see what you're talking about. Every state has 2 senators by virtue of being a state.

Members of the house are aportioned based on population. Wyoming has insufficient population for 2 house members. But every state gets 1 regardless of population.

Wyoming: 2 Senators 1 HoR = 3 and 3 electoral votes.

California: 2 Senators 53 HoR = 55 and 55 electoral votes.

This is why we do the census. What numbers are we still using from the 19th century?
I figured you won't see what's wrong with the EC, it still uses a formula that's archaic and not representative of modern population get rid of it.
US election Votes cast per EV.png

I used uselectionatlas.org for the data.
It's funny how California and Arkansas are actually pretty even. :lol:
But seriously, using those figures as a basis, how would the electoral college result look if everyone was given equal weighting?
Would that be a fair compromise? :-?
View attachment 3835988

I used uselectionatlas.org for the data.
It's funny how California and Arkansas are actually pretty even. :lol:
But seriously, using those figures as a basis, how would the electoral college result look if everyone was given equal weighting?
Would that be a fair compromise? :-?

why the fuck would you use votes cast as a decider of EV proportioning rather than state population? that's fucking dumber than thinking global warming is fake.
Ah you damn "snow flakes", quit your belly aching, your fat pig lost. She knew the rules going in. You tards should have considered having the rules changed before that "tub of lard" got started if you knew she was going to suck shit so bad.
Ah you damn "snow flakes", quit your belly aching, your fat pig lost. She knew the rules going in. You tards should have considered having the rules changed before that "tub of lard" got started if you knew she was going to suck shit so bad.

Sneak in here in the middle of the night, drop this infantile quote then bail, and we're the snow flakes, lol fucking pussy. please enlighten us more with your amazing intellect and labia like lips.
Ah you damn "snow flakes", quit your belly aching, your fat pig lost. She knew the rules going in. You tards should have considered having the rules changed before that "tub of lard" got started if you knew she was going to suck shit so bad.

Reported as obvious (post-incubation) war sock.
Lol, post incubation, did he explode out of a stomach like" alien"

It's those losers with the same MO - Been 'here' for years with little to no posting, rushing straight for the Politics section, typically fierce alt right leanings, etc.
Can usually spot 'em a mile away.
It's those losers with the same MO - Been 'here' for years with little to no posting, rushing straight for the Politics section, typically fierce alt right leanings, etc.
Can usually spot 'em a mile away.

I'm reading through his quotes now. You'll never guess, but he's a climate denier,lol.