Elons Little Plan

he lives that way by choice....which i don't see as a thing to admire, i just see it as another idiosyncrasy from someone who is already entirely made out of idiosyncrasies.... i just can't see him as admirable in any way....he's a venture capitalist who got incredibly fucking lucky.
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Havent got the slightest idea what Musks thoughts are or what motivations they are based on. Why can't people stop pretending they can read another persons mind ? Even when their motivations seem plainly apparent they can often be hidden and not readily understandable by others.
I listen to what he says and find him to be creepy.

Remember when, during the operation to rescue kids trapped in a cave, Musk offered crazy ideas and when rebuffed he accused a person leading that operation of being a pedophile?

Musk might be a shrewd businessman but he's also a a creep and I don't understand why people like you don't see that. Then again, this Twitter deal looks pretty fucked up right now. Maybe he's been drinking too much of his own Kool aide.
I listen to what he says and find him to be creepy.

Remember when, during the operation to rescue kids trapped in a cave, Musk offered crazy ideas and when rebuffed he accused a person leading that operation of being a pedophile?

Musk might be a shrewd businessman but he's also a a creep and I don't understand why people like you don't see that. Then again, this Twitter deal looks pretty fucked up right now. Maybe he's been drinking too much of his own Kool aide.
He could run for the presidency as a Repug! He hits all the markers.

“Americans are too lazy to work. End social spending and drive them into sweatshops like the ones I operate.”

“White people are slacking off on making babies. The environment can easily bear twice our current population.”

I’m hoping Shartsip, which can barely haul its chromed ass into low orbit, takes him down a peg or two. Falcon works and is pretty cool. But for the big one to operate past LEO, orbital tanking i$ required.
Havent got the slightest idea what Musks thoughts are or what motivations they are based on. Why can't people stop pretending they can read another persons mind ? Even when their motivations seem plainly apparent they can often be hidden and not readily understandable by others.
their motivations really don't matter, the results of their actions do, and the results of musk's actions are kind of disappointing, and perhaps criminal in some cases
You know, like Trump, Musk got his money initially from his family, according to what I’ve read. Unlike Trump, Musk partnered with eminence grease, Peter Thiel, in PayPal. That’s where most of the rest of his money came from (as I understand it)
Why can't people stop pretending they can read another persons mind ? Even when their motivations seem plainly apparent they can often be hidden and not readily understandable by others.
Oh we can read Trump's mind, mostly because it's a real short story with small words. Some are too stupid or imperceptive to discern the intentions of another based upon their actions I suppose, I mean millions voted for Trump a second time, but that was because they had a "larger cause". Trump is a mere expression and instrument of the cold civil war the racists and bigots of America have been waging against the constitution for many decades, it protects minorities and that is an issue for most of them.
I think Elon's little JRE interview and SNL appearance got to his head and now he enjoys the type of engagement and cult-like worship that comes with regurgitating conservative talking points.
I've noticed a lot of non-celebrities, including a couple former friends, have similarly found their voice by doing the same shit, spreading covid and other health misinfo, constantly using "Dems" in a derogatory fashion, have some weird obsession with stopping pedophilia, etc. In reality these types are probably lonely as fuck, they alienated childhood friends and family, and being embraced by smoothed-brain right wingers is all they have left and they don't want to lose that.
The guy is seriously disturbed.

Give him ten years and he will probably end up like Putin. He's a narcist and believing his own propaganda, the success went to his head because of his narcissism and it's associated character flaws. Publicity and attention are like drugs to them and they become profoundly addicted.
Musk is predictable, like most narcissists. He declares he will vote Reblican and that "The left should reflect on why."

After reflection (and reading other interview quotes) I have discovered 3 things:
1. He hates paying union wages and hates labor having leverage.
2. He hates paying his fair share of taxes.
3. The opinion of the richest man in the world is worth less to me than the opinion of a single parent, vet, or homeless person.

I think Elon should reflect on why.
I think Elon has lost quite a bit of credibility. He did prove people wrong and get his car company off the ground eventually, they had serious issues since Elon can't really run a business, but cars finally did start rolling off the line and they made a bunch of money. That was quite a while ago and he has been a jackass since.

Elon is a venture capitalist who hires smart people. The world has given him credit for what those smart people do rather than being the person that brought them together, and he has taken that to heart.

I just imagine him walking into a lab, smoking weed in the stupidest looking manner possible, smacking test tubes together yelling "this is how you science!" at people and walking out smug as hell.