Elons Little Plan

Isn't it all just political theater though, with nothing substantial likely to really come out of it in the end, or am I just too pessimistic?
Yer being pessimistic, they are in the machine now and it will grind them up, one thing leads to another they say. It's pretty apparent they are guilty of very serious conspiracy charges and the plot's and schemes could involve a thousand or more republicans, not counting the losers who sacked the capitol. It depends on how far Gland wants to go and there are hundreds of fake electors and their enablers in the state houses, they have the documents with their signatures FFS!
Only socialists belive the talking heads. Everyone else knows that socialists live in a fake media bubble that's used to send disinformation about the American political scheme to socialist intelligence services. That way their plan to gain controll over American politics can be foiled by Counter Intelligence Program. Their aren't any corrupt American leaders for your socialist masters to collude with. Those are decoys used to protect the real officials. I'm sure your masters are watching. Tell them to go home. They won't be gaining influence over any actual Americans by infiltrating the Marijuana industry or fludding forums with baseless speculation about plants they never grown or smoked. Also since I know their looking over you shoulders so to speak, they should know that these so called corrupt GOP politicians are just decoys like everyone else they would ever think to target. Therefore you are just waiting all your money trying to make spy rings and controll the American economy because they can't possibly get to "the middle". That's by design. It's designed to be impossible for them to get their Anarcho-Socialist Manchurian Candidates into our actual vital infrastructure and therefore they should save their money for whatever stale socialist snobs do back in Europe because there not going to get what they want from the US. Not even if we have to go to war over it.
You don't really believe that bullshit, you seem in desperate denial, fuck ya got a worse problem dealing with reality than Trump. I mean someone has been pouring unfiltered shit into yer head, unfiltered by common sense and intelligence. You appear to be under siege, are they taking over?
It's top secret they don't want the socialists to know. That's why there's a fake version of the internet for socialists. Your pathology is halerious. I can tell you've never smoked Marijuana in your life. Take a chill pill and move back to Europe. Americans don't like socialist world domination schemers with chips on their shoulders.
Yeah, the fake version is the one we see and the real one is the dark net. halerious? Google is not helping me with that one. You are right, I only grow it for the seeds.

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The rest? I was going to torch this outside but thought better of it.

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You mean like Putin and Trump?

I agree those guys are dicks.
I mean the builderburg group basically. But their not the only ones just a prime example of European snobbery trying for world domination via mind controll.
Yer being pessimistic, they are in the machine now and it will grind them up, one thing leads to another they say. It's pretty apparent they are guilty of very serious conspiracy charges and the plot's and schemes could involve a thousand or more republicans, not counting the losers who sacked the capitol. It depends on how far Gland wants to go and there are hundreds of fake electors and their enablers in the state houses, they have the documents with their signatures FFS!
So, how do you see it going down? Congress is going to indict him? We all saw how well that went last time. Biden is going to have Merrick Garland prosecute him? Naw, they don't got the balls.
I think I lost you guys.... just ask your self who really controlls you and what do they want to achieve by doing so? There not doing it to be social justice warriors or help the poor. That's just rhetoric and demagoguery. What are they really after by creating the Beast? Basically they want the power to inslave everyone so they can make girls that don't like them have sex with them in humiliating ways. They think it will level the playing field because they have Chodes and their millions and billions still won't get them laid. Power is basically about sex otherwise why go threw all the trouble. It's basically a whole lot of chores. Nobody wants power to help. It's only about sex and humiliating the people who humiliated you. That's the cold war, politics, every conflict in history. Just make sure you don't end up on the side that's involved in unethical behavior because that won't end well. Mass mind controll sex cults are forin intelligence agencies and there constituents are committing treason. The penalty for treason is to be hung by the neck until death.
So, how do you see it going down? Congress is going to indict him? We all saw how well that went last time. Biden is going to have Merrick Garland prosecute him? Naw, they don't got the balls.
Congress doesn't indict anybody, legislative changes need to be made to protect the democracy and constitution, no repeats. The DOJ will indict Trump and many others, including all the fake electors from 7 states, these hearings give Garland and the DOJ tremendous political cover. The DOJ only speaks in court with indictments and public evidence, the federal trials are not televised either. Between indictment and trial they will try to spin shit, that makes it really hard to do, the public will have all the information it needs before the election. Trump might not be indicted until 2023 for federal crimes and maybe sooner for Georgia election crimes, or even worse. The J6 hearings do a good job of breaking the ice and the spell, they will act when the J6 panel are done, or issue an interim report. Count on it, Donald is done and so is the big lie.
another America-hating, Putin-fluffing numbnut…super grasp of the language….
Yeah man, ever so often some account pushes something so ridiculously stupidly transparent that it is hard to not just be a bit stunned by how gullible they must think everyone is to not just dismiss it as trolling nonsense.
It's top secret they don't want the socialists to know. That's why there's a fake version of the internet for socialists. Your pathology is halerious. I can tell you've never smoked Marijuana in your life. Take a chill pill and move back to Europe. Americans don't like socialist world domination schemers with chips on their shoulders.
what Americans don't like is orange assholes trying to steal their country, while all the morons in his party cozy up to white supremacist groups....
what Americans don't like is orange assholes trying to steal their country, while all the morons in his party cozy up to white supremacist groups....
I tend to believe that's all a play like misdirection to convince our enemies were stupid and that it's just the art of war. Basically you always want your enemy to think your dumb and base and asleep at the wheel. That way their easily duped because they actually think the American establishment is comprised of foolish hooligan frat boys using rhetoric and circlejerking to dominate the world stage. But really it's alot different behind closed dores its serious science and reason and the development of the most efficient killing machine possible.
another America-hating, Putin-fluffing numbnut…super grasp of the language….
I didnt mean to blow your cover guys. Just trying to clean up the last of the mess. Hopefully you can be exfiltrated back behind socialist lines and your masters will finally give you the hand jobs they promised you before they sent you to gangstock their enemies and infiltrate Americas infrastructure. Which was a suicide mission.
Only socialists belive the talking heads. Everyone else knows that socialists live in a fake media bubble that's used to send disinformation about the American political scheme to socialist intelligence services. That way their plan to gain controll over American politics can be foiled by Counter Intelligence Program. Their aren't any corrupt American leaders for your socialist masters to collude with. Those are decoys used to protect the real officials. I'm sure your masters are watching. Tell them to go home. They won't be gaining influence over any actual Americans by infiltrating the Marijuana industry or fludding forums with baseless speculation about plants they never grown or smoked. Also since I know their looking over you shoulders so to speak, they should know that these so called corrupt GOP politicians are just decoys like everyone else they would ever think to target. Therefore you are just wasting all your money trying to make spy rings and controll the American economy because they can't possibly get to "the middle". That's by design. It's designed to be impossible for them to get their Anarcho-Socialist Manchurian Candidates into our actual vital infrastructure and therefore they should save their money for whatever stale socialist snobs do back in Europe because there not going to get what they want from the US. Not even if we have to go to war over it.
can you define socialism without googling it first?...woah...i was going to pick apart your wall of garbage, but it's just not worth the effort, you're clearly already poisoned by the koolaid...anarcho-socialist...oooh, big word...for a stupid concept...
fuck dude, it looks like you've swallowed Mao's little red book, What is to be done, and the black jacobins, and are now regurgitating it onto the page...
I tend to believe that's all a play like misdirection to convince our enemies were stupid and that it's just the art of war. Basically you always want your enemy to think your dumb and base and asleep at the wheel. That way their easily duped because they actually think the American establishment is comprised of foolish hooligan frat boys using rhetoric and circlejerking to dominate the world stage. But really it's alot different behind closed dores its serious science and reason and the development of the most efficient killing machine possible.
you're implying that trump is a secret genius behind closed doors? no...
there are some fairly intelligent people in the republican party, but evil geniuses set on world domination? no, they're just fascist, racist fucks with delusions of grandeur and a propensity to take the easiest way out
Wait I'm a communist because I don't like socialists? I don't really care about socialism as much as I just don't like socialists. Their like vegans. There's nothing wrong with being vegan. But why is it that all vegans are part of a luciferian rapey mass mind controll cult? Socialists are the vegans of politics on paper its all well and good but in real life their all satanic.
I tend to believe that's all a play like misdirection to convince our enemies were stupid and that it's just the art of war. Basically you always want your enemy to think your dumb and base and asleep at the wheel. That way their easily duped because they actually think the American establishment is comprised of foolish hooligan frat boys using rhetoric and circlejerking to dominate the world stage. But really it's alot different behind closed dores its serious science and reason and the development of the most efficient killing machine possible.
I disagree. I think you are just confusing the nepotism that has allowed a very small group of idiots who happen to have rich daddies buy up all the media (news papers/tv/radio/internet sites) for their right wing propaganda to trick a relatively small number of gullible/vulnerable people into voting for them in their gerrymandered districts. Unfortunately this low hanging fruit method of politicking was then easily hijacked by foreign dictators and hate mongering fascists.

I didnt mean to blow your cover guys. Just trying to clean up the last of the mess. Hopefully you can be exfiltrated back behind socialist lines and your masters will finally give you the hand jobs they promised you before they sent you to gangstock their enemies and infiltrate Americas infrastructure. Which was a suicide mission.
You are selling the 'socialist' line really hard. It is tough to tell if you are just another in the endless line of trolls or a 'true believer'.

Wait I'm a communist because I don't like socialists? I don't really care about socialism as much as I just don't like socialists. Their like vegans. There's nothing wrong with being vegan. But why is it that all vegans are part of a luciferian rapey mass mind controll cult? Socialists are the vegans of politics on paper its all well and good but in real life their all satanic.
Or I guess could be a religious nut job with the whole 'luciferian' thing.