i'VE JUST COMPLETED five weeks pf flower and a big branch has snapped almost right off the main stem of my plant (my father in law has been repairing a shed roof with a friend in the area this morning and i suspect they've thrown something without any regard to what they could be damaging and it has hit my plant) it's literally hanging by a thread....theyv'e also disturbed a frickin bees nest in the area and when i went to repair it with some sticks and tape i got stung twice in the f'in ear so had to retreat...on top of that there's two wildfires raging a few miles either side of my property!!! I mean...come on FFS! should I attempt to tape it up and support it or take it off and dry the immature bud for what it's worth...on top of that i'm bottle feeding a sick kitten that hasn't eaten for two days and could be at death's door!!! Not how I imagined my weekend at all!!
I agree make it a splint and tape it up. I have had a plant gey smashed by a light that fell and was hanging on by threads but I got to it quickly and she recovered within a week. The longer she is broken the higher the chance she is not going to repair herself.
i'VE JUST COMPLETED five weeks pf flower and a big branch has snapped almost right off the main stem of my plant (my father in law has been repairing a shed roof with a friend in the area this morning and i suspect they've thrown something without any regard to what they could be damaging and it has hit my plant) it's literally hanging by a thread....theyv'e also disturbed a frickin bees nest in the area and when i went to repair it with some sticks and tape i got stung twice in the f'in ear so had to retreat...on top of that there's two wildfires raging a few miles either side of my property!!! I mean...come on FFS! should I attempt to tape it up and support it or take it off and dry the immature bud for what it's worth...on top of that i'm bottle feeding a sick kitten that hasn't eaten for two days and could be at death's door!!! Not how I imagined my weekend at all!!

If the limb makes it, it will produce fatter buds....
I split one right down the center of the main stalk on like the 3rd week of flower and taped it up good and it made it to the end with no issues
Hey Guys...thx so much for the support and advice...the internet, my tv signal and my phone have all been out since Saturday shortly after posting due to the forest fires... finally got back online yesterday...fires are out...kitten is eating like a champ...and the branch....seems to be ok?!! I think so at least...would it b obvious if it was dead? I scotch taped it up with some staked support rather in a bit of a rush in the sweltering afternoon heat surrounded by angry bees while the smoke from the fire billowed up into the sky beyond....I find it hard to believe but it looks similar to the other branches with pistils getting browner etc...day 1 of week 7 flower begins tomorrow! I'm so anxious for a decent harvest!!! Thx again :)