Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page


Well-Known Member
This is just my second post here at rollitup, so please be gentle.

Something that has always seemed odd to me about scrog is the idea that during flowering fan leaves should be displaced, and even cut, so that the light can shine on the buds. But the bud is primarily a reproductive structure and so its surfaces are not likely to be as good at gathering light energy as the leaves surfaces are, so I'd think the more leaves the better.

Also, does the bud really need any light at all? Some say that a shaded bud will result in more stretch, but in as far as stretch is environmentally stimulated, (as opposed to being a matter of genetics), wouldn't it be the light level at the leaves rather than the buds that controls stretch? After all, it's the leaves that have mediated internode length according to light intensity since the plant was a seedling; is there any evidence that the buds share that job during flowering?

I happen to know of some White Russian that is just two weeks into flower and have placed a little opaque hood over one developing bud, leaving nearby buds unshaded. I'm hoping to see if the shaded bud developes less, or is less potent, than the unshaded ones. I know this isn't a high-quality experiment, but hopefully its results will be a little interesting.
summed up: does photosynthisis occur in flowers?, particularly cannabis plants. Certainly!

Not all the parts of a cannabis flower convert energy by means of light, however some parts do such as the calyx, or sepals. In both can be found
chloroplasts and mitochondrion.


Well-Known Member
I've been reading a lot about Scrogging and I found in my garage what I think will make a good set up for it. So I took a 4 week old Feminized Aurora Indica plant and set it up! Can't wait to see what she dose in it! I'm keeping a journal the link should be at the bottom of the post if your interested in checking it out. I'll post some pics here too! What do you think? :bigjoint:

I'm using: 400 watt MH conversion light for veg, 400 watt HPS light for Flowering, Fox Farm nutes Grow BIG Big, Bloom, & Tiger Bloom, Black Gold Organic potting mix, & I have but not sure if I want to use it for my first scrog Bushmaster. Gravity, and Snowstorm Ultra.

I modified my set up a little today, I think its much better like this. First off I raised up the rack and put it on legs. Now I can put the drain pan on the floor under the pot, which makes flushing and watering much easier. I also removed the big green pipe in the center of the screen. It really was not doing anything, just getting in the way. With it gone it gives the main stem a little more room to breath & grow!
I added three updated pics!



summed up: does photosynthisis occur in flowers?, particularly cannabis plants. Certainly!

Not all the parts of a cannabis flower convert energy by means of light, however some parts do such as the calyx, or sepals. In both can be found
chloroplasts and mitochondrion.
A succinct and helpful answer, thank you. I still wonder though if light energy captured by a bud will fatten that bud directly, or does it benefit the bud indirectly by benefiting the plant overall? I'm not familiar with botany or its terms so it's hard to articulate my question well, but hopefully you know what I'm asking.


Well-Known Member

That looks like it will work great. Good find! Thanks for the post.
Keep em comming! How bout a few of the plants working into the screen?


Well-Known Member


No height restrictions, No method or medium restrictions, the only restriction is to stay within 4' X 4' or less on width of screen. Vertical is fine!

1st Place SCROG KING: Heaviest Harvest, Best Overall.

2nd Place Master Scrogger: Full, heavy, healthy, Just Awsome!

3rd Place Scrog Tech: Best Design.

Winners will be decided by vote via competition judges, and will take home a 420 gift packet, along with being crowned first annual. R.I.U. Scrog King!
Packet includes: To be determined by thread users, donations will be accepted!

Apply to be a judge! Those chosen will receive a judges packet including a chance to win a hand carved pipe from Alaska. (Carved by Antler Artisan; Woodsmantoker)


Well-Known Member
Well fellow scroggers, heres your chance!
After following other competitions here on RIU, I have realized what a learning experience it is for all and would like to see the same done with SCROG. If there is interest and enough folks willing to compete, I will go ahead and post the link.


Well-Known Member
WOW sounds interesting...If this wasn't my first Scrog maybe I would try it out! But I'm still learning. LOL
How many more weeks do you all think before I should switch to 12/12?? See pic! she is 5 weeks old now! under 400watt MH. In 3 gallon pot, filled with black gold potting mix, and I'm using fox farm, nutes. I so want to bud her now, it so hard not to. Especially when I'm out ! LOL:leaf:


Well-Known Member
WOW sounds interesting...If this wasn't my first Scrog maybe I would try it out! But I'm still learning. LOL
How many more weeks do you all think before I should switch to 12/12?? See pic! she is 5 weeks old now! under 400watt MH. In 3 gallon pot, filled with black gold potting mix, and I'm using fox farm, nutes. I so want to bud her now, it so hard not to. Especially when I'm out ! LOL:leaf:
Which Pic?


Well-Known Member
If your not restricted on room around the screen, I would wait till its near full before I switched. Dont worry so much about pushing larger leaves through the screen, let the smaller parts of the top shoots poke through and stretch a bit. Once tall enough to reach a new hole, pull it back through and move it outward. It should only be a couple weeks maybe, and you will be ready to switch. The first two weeks into flower there will be a jump in the plants stretch so you may want to plan to flower a bit before the screen is 100% full.


Well-Known Member
If your not restricted on room around the screen, I would wait till its near full before I switched. Dont worry so much about pushing larger leaves through the screen, let the smaller parts of the top shoots poke through and stretch a bit. Once tall enough to reach a new hole, pull it back through and move it outward. It should only be a couple weeks maybe, and you will be ready to switch. The first two weeks into flower there will be a jump in the plants stretch so you may want to plan to flower a bit before the screen is 100% full.
Thanks a bunch! That pretty much what I thought, I just wanted to hear if from someone who had done it before. I broke off my first branch today ( by mistake)..LOL It was a little small branch, maybe too small to clone but I tryed it anyways. I think maybe next time I will use two plants instead of one. Thanks again!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks a bunch! That pretty much what I thought, I just wanted to hear if from someone who had done it before. I broke off my first branch today ( by mistake)..LOL It was a little small branch, maybe too small to clone but I tryed it anyways. I think maybe next time I will use two plants instead of one. Thanks again!:joint:

I like that, you sound like me a couple weks ago. Also on my first srog, broke a branch and tried to clone it. Best of luck with your scrog:eyesmoke:

Sorry haven't been on in a while guys, first 2 weks of flowering is keeping me busy. Got some pics from a few days ago, will try get some new ones today and catch up on what I missed.

Happy viewing:peace:



Well fellow scroggers, heres your chance!
After following other competitions here on RIU, I have realized what a learning experience it is for all and would like to see the same done with SCROG. If there is interest and enough folks willing to compete, I will go ahead and post the link.
im in think its a great idea..

I got my seedlings up and running not sure on the desing yet im still working on it,
i ll probs b using just 1 of my 600w so 4x4 sounds good.
this will b my third grow but only my second scrog grow..
i was very pleased with the results from my first scrog its the way forward.
but sorry no pics but ill be sure to get plenty for the comp i recently got a good camera..
come on scroggers whos in?



Well-Known Member
Thanks a bunch! That pretty much what I thought, I just wanted to hear if from someone who had done it before. I broke off my first branch today ( by mistake)..LOL It was a little small branch, maybe too small to clone but I tryed it anyways. I think maybe next time I will use two plants instead of one. Thanks again!:joint:
Just like stretching your own limbs, take your time. Some plants do this more easily than others, but almost all of them repair them selfs very quickly. Worry not my friend!

For a neat read, look up: Tissue Culture of Cannabis. Maybe some day you will be able to mail out your "broke offs" to a friend to grow.