Hey woodsman can i get in on the contest? How long will you be having this competion going? I'm gonna bang out a led scrog but i have to wait until after this harvest is that cool?L.E.D. Scrog
I have seen just about everything scrogged from a multitude of species, to giant cannabis plants that fill barns and warehouses. But what I would like to see now is the method following the technology. LED seems to be the newest in efficiency and I would like to add a few more shots to the book. If anyone would like to take on the challenge of running an LED scrog and share photos, I will offer a prize for the winner of the best LED Scrog photo. I am judging on photo quality as well as results. I will be looking specifically for shots of a plant/plants going through the stages under LED (Seed to harvest) without personal effects in the shot. I look forward to seeing you're results!
PHOTO PRIZE: Bluelab Combo Meter - Over $300 value