Here is a suspended SCROG frame I built, this 5'x5' made out of strapping and masonry string (Less fibers but would love an strong alternative that doesn't lose ANY fibers if anyone knows any) using 3" holes drilled on top and bottom. 4 HSO 707 headbands just went in a few days ago.
On my first grow with this frame I originally attached it to the oscillating fan to bypass using a light mover and was able to achieve about a 3 inches of bud movement on both sides but my racheting strap eventually shit the bed. I decide this time to to attach it to the wall to see if it made a difference.
I think if I was to change anything with this design it would be to allow the top and bottom to have an adjustable height because I think I made them too far apart (Worked well for the headband though.).
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