@calvin.m16 My system is a double trellis SCROG. The first screen is pvc frame with screws to stretch and attach 6” square fabric trellis netting, they are trained outwards as they grow through that one first. The branches are spread and tied if necessary.
And, yes, the second plastic trellis was draped over on the ends. But it’s securely attached with rubber ties to the hanging rope. It acts as a support system for the buds that normally would flop on their sides from their own weight without support towards end of flower.
The plants pictured were trained outwards, superscropped, and topped multiple times. Otherwise, were it just a screen with no training, there would be empty spaces in the trellis.
Sea of Green technique , to me, is very high plant density with a short vegetative period in general. Sometimes 12/12 from seed/rooted cutting. No topping or branching either, generally a single cola.
There is no screen involved with sog, so I would think at the basic level just utilizing a screen WOULD qualify as scrog, as it’s the defining feature.
Just thought I’d post what I’ve got wasn’t aware this doesnt meet the “Scrog” standards