Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

i see ppl use multiple screens as well, but i never really understood it...i think you would do great, just as is, with your one screen. but idk, like isaid, i nver understood why ppl use two! looks good either way man! nice job on going big! grow big or go home! lol

Haha thanks brotha im tryna go as big as i can :) without it affecting my hours at work

N only reason i set a second pvc for the support net n i set it six inches above my initial scrog the dude at the hydro said its for the stretch but we shall see! this is my first scrog tho
Fledgling grower here getting ready for my first RDWC system with a SCROG. I have spent the last 3 days mowing through this feed lol. Sooo many thanks to those who have posted, shared opinions and offered advice, Im learning slowly but surely!. I realize that this question may just require some experience with different grows but is there a "most efficient" size for a SCROG? for example, using a 1000w HPS, would an ideal net for a single plant under that light be a 4x4, 5x5? or is it really dependent upon the reflector and the footprint of the light? if this has been answered already, be gentle, there are a lot of pages to process!
I would just go with what you can manage, a bigger scrog is a lot of clipping and pruning under the net..In my case bigger is harder, because I only have access to my plant from one side. So if I can't see it, it will probably get missed
Haha thanks brotha im tryna go as big as i can :) without it affecting my hours at work

N only reason i set a second pvc for the support net n i set it six inches above my initial scrog the dude at the hydro said its for the stretch but we shall see! this is my first scrog tho
i serioulsy would just use the one! i hope other ppl chime in on WHY ppl use two screens more so!
Two screen are used for support. The bottom screen is used for spacing and the top one is used to keep even spacing between bud sites and to support heavier buds. I personally dont use one but to each there own.

Ima give it a try since i already took the time to build this dam thing lol driving bak n forth to lowes

Thought this was great, maybe it will spark someones interest here.
OK my question and I don't know if I'm overlooking it. But the lower shoots when growing from seed. Don't you have to prune that to obtain the the tree like effect when scrogging?
Hows my scrog looking .. what else can i do to get gigantic buds once i flip
I'd say it depends on the strain, if they stretch alot you may want to flip sooner rather than later. And yes tucking continues until stretch slows down.
As for your scrog, I can't say anything about it as it looks more like those looser setups that have the screen more for support than really training the branches apart?
hth anyways ;)
Sorry, you mean for tomatoes? :bigjoint:
No I'm talking about cannabis. Just the structure of the above pic is a example of what I was asking. To make a cannaBis plant have this type of structure I would say the first 2 or 3 shoots would have to be removed ? But I'm not sure I don't know if this is creating to much stress
No I'm talking about cannabis. Just the structure of the above pic is a example of what I was asking. To make a cannaBis plant have this type of structure I would say the first 2 or 3 shoots would have to be removed ? But I'm not sure I don't know if this is creating to much stress

I trimmed a week before the flip to flower than aftwr the stretch...have to clean up rest today but as you can see I didnt do all at once maybe 70% and slowed plants down a tiny bit, if that.image.jpeg
No I'm talking about cannabis. Just the structure of the above pic is a example of what I was asking. To make a cannaBis plant have this type of structure I would say the first 2 or 3 shoots would have to be removed ? But I'm not sure I don't know if this is creating to much stress

You can top twice for 4 main branches, and strip the rest, then train to the corners while spreading side branches to fill in the screen.
Thats what I did was top twice. Those 4 plants filled in well. (I still did it wrong and pulled em over snd through holes further away, I didnt tuck and let grow out as much) always next time. Mines a half assesd image.png image.png image.png image.png attempt as seen by above post. Heres progression pics
image.jpeg First attempt at scrog
Low budget lol. Still working on it. It's at about day 40 of veg. In a 5 gallon bucket so I think I'm flipping soon. I don't won't to get root bound.
... or run out of screen space (depending on how stretchy your strain is). To me, looks like you could flip anytime now! :D

Maybe you or someone else can answer this question.
Keeping in mind i have no clue what strain im running as its a random bagseed.
When should i stop tucking.
Ive read so many mixed opinions. Sone say stop the first day of 1/12
And some say do it up until 2 weeks into flower.
I want to get the most i can out of this 1 plant so im not sure which route would be better.
I read alot of thread but sometimes to much info floods me with misinformation.