
No, you have been trying to redefine the word socialism for this entire thread. You're the idiot who thinks fascism is a form of socialism, despite the privatization that is the core tenet of fascist regimes.
he thinks that supporting the current minimum wage makes someone a marxist.

the dude is an idiot.

you boys having fun jerking each other off?

when you decide to address my arguments rather than your re-interpretation of those arguments, let me know.
so now you argue that you DID verify it was not faked before you posted your bullshit link to a bullshit blog that linked to a bullshit scribd post...

admit it, you didnt even check, you just heard something you thought was suitable for your narrative and ran with it.

you probably didnt even look a millbank's "citation" to scribd, you just assumed he was right and went balls out.

if you DID check it out, why didnt you link to the actual "poll" instead of millbank's blog, who in turn didnt link to the poll?

cuz you are intellectually lazy.

i didnt find it, despite searching, you didnt even bother to check on it.

i cited that study mere weeks after it came out, you fucking retard.


don't blame your stupidity on anything else other than YOU, for it is YOU who is unrelentingly stupid.
you boys having fun jerking each other off?

when you decide to address my arguments rather than your re-interpretation of those arguments, let me know.

you don't have an argument, just a lot of bullshit that you fling.

how does one rebut projectile feces?
i cited that study mere weeks after it came out, you fucking retard.


don't blame your stupidity on anything else other than YOU, for it is YOU who is unrelentingly stupid.
ohh my, you linked to Thinkprogress in another thread, who in turn ACTUALLY linked to the source (which is amazing) some weeks ago

in a thread which i did not participate in.

so why all the bullshit linking to millbank, and through his fail ass blog to scribd, and from scribd to... NOTHING?

because you didnt ever actually look a the poll you thought was so important.

so important is spent pages on opinions of duck dynasty, drew brees, mother theresa and jesus.

trenchant stuff there.
you don't have an argument, just a lot of bullshit that you fling.

how does one rebut projectile feces?
actually, slinging feces is your preferred method of argument.

my arguments are rational, and based in fact.

and i actually read the material relating to said arguments.
ohh my, you linked to Thinkprogress in another thread, who in turn ACTUALLY linked to the source (which is amazing) some weeks ago

in a thread which i did not participate in.

so why all the bullshit linking to millbank, and through his fail ass blog to scribd, and from scribd to... NOTHING?

because you didnt ever actually look a the poll you thought was so important.

so important is spent pages on opinions of duck dynasty, drew brees, mother theresa and jesus.

trenchant stuff there.

you're a smug, insufferable, whiny little twat, especially when you are wrong.

i'm thinking about letting you be right since you are less of a cunt that way, but then i'd have to eschew all my knowledge of basic exponents, order of operations, basic everyday knowledge beyond a 5th grade level, and common sense.

i'd also have to burn my dictionaries, which would require a permit from the fire department and boulder county.

so fuck that, you can keep being a miserable wrongheaded twat who is too much a prick to say "wooops you were right".
my arguments are rational, and based in fact.

OMFG you have got to be kidding me.

you have been caught lying about "leftist fraud", termite farts, basic exponential math, forest fires and global cooling, and a thousand and one other things (like saying philippe rushton isn't racist) over and over and over again.

your arguments are INVARIABLY lies waiting to be exposed.

and you are a piece of shit.
my arguments are rational, and based in fact.
OMFG you have got to be kidding me.

you have been caught lying about "leftist fraud", termite farts, basic exponential math, forest fires and global cooling, and a thousand and one other things (like saying philippe rushton isn't racist) over and over and over again.

your arguments are INVARIABLY lies waiting to be exposed.

and you are a piece of shit.

actually, slinging feces is your preferred method of argument.

my arguments are rational, and based in fact.

and i actually read the material relating to said arguments.

Just like you read Orwell when you thought he wasn't a socialist or Clemens when you couldn't spell his name. So all those times when prevalent logic trumped your fallacies and you resorted to some variation of "you're a marxist" that wasn't shit slinging.

How about in this thread when presented with academic historical research papers to back my argument, when you maintained nonetheless that profit was not privatized along with the rest of the industries that the fascist regimes privatized? Still no credible citation I see.

You have all the sound reasoning of a child who believes he's a helicopter.
OMFG you have got to be kidding me.

you have been caught lying about "leftist fraud", termite farts, basic exponential math, forest fires and global cooling, and a thousand and one other things (like saying philippe rushton isn't racist) over and over and over again.

your arguments are INVARIABLY lies waiting to be exposed.

and you are a piece of shit.

And over and over and over and over and over
Hobbies, anyone?
my hobby is explaining the nature of marxism to morons who didnt read the material, and dont understand the underlying assumptions that makes marx's assertions so terribly wrong.

it's a lot of fun, especially when they try to explain how Benito Mussolini isnt a marxist any more, through a tortured series of No True Scotsman fallacies and references to bullshit student projects from a community college in the most heavily marxist area of spain, catalonia.

it's even better when they try to explain why fascism isnt based on marx because Mussolini and Hitler transferred nominal (read as; In Name Only) ownership to party apparatchiks who operated those industries under direct government control, and only pocketed a slice of the profits from said industries, while the lion's share went to the state.

and of course if those apparatchiks failed to deliver, "their" shit was taken away and given to another member of the party's top echelon, in what rational economists call a "Franchise" (as the US does with the public airwaves)

this simple shit is so easy to understand, that even a child can grasp it.

if you "give" a child a bicycle, contingent upon their performing certain chores, and stipulate that if they fail to perform those chores, their bicycle privileges will be rescinded, you have granted the child a Bicycle Franchise, not ownership of a bicycle. Franchises are at their very heart, Socialist in nature, in that actual ownership of the property remains with the state, as does ultimate control of said property. this does not mean the child cannot take on a paper route and thus profit from the bicycle, it simply means his bicycle privileges are contingent on the approval of the state. ergo: Socialism

if however, a child performs chores for pay, and uses that pay to purchase a bicycle, thats capitalism. the child may use that bicycle in whatever manner he chooses, and if he wrecks it trying to jump over a storm sewer, he loses his bicycle, and must save up to buy another, and in the future, he will, hopefully, have learned not to try and jump over storm sewers.

if however mummy and daddy pat him on the head and buy him a new bicycle, well, that's socialism too, and he will almost certainly be out there at the storm sewer tomorrow, ready to try again, since there is no penalty for failure.

yep, even children understand this shit better than bucky, ac and pada.
And in summary, everything is socialist.
Math is proof of that; after all, how can 1+1=2?
Do you breed? SOCIALIST!
Do you share oxygen in a room? SOCIALIST!
Do you use a credit union for banking services? MARXIST COMMIE PINKO!
Passing doobies? STALIN!
And in summary, everything is socialist.
Math is proof of that; after all, how can 1+1=2?
Do you breed? SOCIALIST!
Do you share oxygen in a room? SOCIALIST!
Do you use a credit union for banking services? MARXIST COMMIE PINKO!
Passing doobies? STALIN!

very funny.

however, in reality:
state ownership of "the means of production" is always socialist
state control of "the means of production" is always socialist

state interference in markets is Often socialist (but not always)

socialists dont own the concepts of standards, trade regulations, laws, public works, community projects, infrastructure, minimum wages, or in fact anything dealing with economics.

marx's theories really just boil down to feudalism, where the king owns everyone, and everything and he apportions out Franchises (there's that word again) for management and the right to skim a little off the top for ones' self (which are revokable, with or without cause) to various members of the society who hold his favour, provided they make their payments, and obey his commands.

marx prettied feudalism up, combed it's hair, dressed it in a new pinafore, and named it after himself, but it's still the same old shit, with the same utopian promise at the end of the rainbow, but unlike feudalism, you dont have to die to get to paradise, but just like feudalism, the paradise is equally imaginary.