
I'm not trying to 'rustle yer jimmies', I just don't see advancement in your diagnosis.
As far as you're concerned, there is an overwhelming abundance of socialism in America (at least)...too much so, in fact.
Yet, in comparison to other nations, America isn't even close to this poison well of dystopian nightmares you seem to imply. And the ones that are don't seem to be collapsing into chaos and misery, either.

There's the disconnect. Socialist ideas are not binary; there is no all-or-none condition. I wonder sometimes if you actually believe all the stuff you type, or if it's just hyperbole for the sake of some twisted form of edutainment...
I'm not trying to 'rustle yer jimmies', I just don't see advancement in your diagnosis.
As far as you're concerned, there is an overwhelming abundance of socialism in America (at least)...too much so, in fact.
Yet, in comparison to other nations, America isn't even close to this poison well of dystopian nightmares you seem to imply. And the ones that are don't seem to be collapsing into chaos and misery, either.

There's the disconnect. Socialist ideas are not binary; there is no all-or-none condition. I wonder sometimes if you actually believe all the stuff you type, or if it's just hyperbole for the sake of some twisted form of edutainment...
as i have stated many times before, (lost in bucky and ac's endless shitposts) a little socialism is essential for capitalism's health

unrestrained capitalism is the reductio ad absurdum used by bucky, ac and pada to explain why we need more socialism in our soup.

the addition of MORE socialist influences and MORE state control is a dangerous thing and must be approached with caution.

the ignorance, stupidity and cupidity of the Demos is how "Democratic Socialism" creeps it's way towards The Authoritarian Socialist State, which was clearly described in Mussolini's founding documents on the subject

oddly Democratic Socialism is now popular as a motherfucker among avowed Marxists, while it remains exactly the same heresy that got Mussolini "No True Scotsmanned" out of the ranks of Orthodox Marxism in the first place.

some nations have struck a balance between socialism and capitalism, and it works for them.

i see the deliberate falsehoods, outright lies and language engineering of the crypto-marxists, like AC, the Useful Idiots like Pada, and Fellow Travellers like Bucky and recognize that these assholes are selling the ignorant Demos a bill of goods.

even obvious marxists like barry seotoro are given credibility while they deliberately paint the Authoritarianism they pursue as "Common Sense Measures For The Greater Good"

Barry Seotoro isnt an idiot, he knows full well that he is using Marxist rhetoric, Marxist assumptions and Mrxist schemes to erode our capitalism, but he maintains his lie behind the fig leaf of academic Fellow Travellers in his steady march towards the Authoritarian Socialist State.
as i have stated many times before, (lost in bucky and ac's endless shitposts) a little socialism is essential for capitalism's health

unrestrained capitalism is the reductio ad absurdum used by bucky, ac and pada to explain why we need more socialism in our soup.

the addition of MORE socialist influences and MORE state control is a dangerous thing and must be approached with caution..

Well then, perhaps America needs just a little more socialism to balance out the forces?
It's fairly obvious there is an oligarchy in America which does its best to sway political power. There is also an inverse relationship with labor. The moneyed hands don't need to change their plans much so long as labor's voice keeps slipping with the electorate stupefied by a false dichotomy.
Through the simple math of arbitrage, they make gains in the end.

What in the current system do you see as the check against such potential abuse of power? Are there any?
The 4th estate seems to do a terrible job of informing people, while the 5th estate twaddles off into Bieber-land and Cat videos.
Well then, perhaps America needs just a little more socialism to balance out the forces?
It's fairly obvious there is an oligarchy in America which does its best to sway political power. There is also an inverse relationship with labor. The moneyed hands don't need to change their plans much so long as labor's voice keeps slipping with the electorate stupefied by a false dichotomy.
Through the simple math of arbitrage, they make gains in the end.

What in the current system do you see as the check against such potential abuse of power? Are there any?
The 4th estate seems to do a terrible job of informing people, while the 5th estate twaddles off into Bieber-land and Cat videos.
that is the inborn hazard of capitalism.

wealth attracts more wealth until it accumulates in a few hands

the powerful erect barriers to entry to protect their market share, and bureaucracy expands.

thats where we are being destroyed, through the poison of federalism

instead of 50 states trying 50 different things, the federal govt dictates to all the states, and all they can do is nibble around the edges.

the creation of the banking cartel, and that cartel's monopoly on the currency and banking powers ensures that control rests in few hands.

even if you win the lottery or discover a motherload of gold under your basement, you cant start a bank and lend your money to others without first paying the dues to join the cartel, and then you must obey the cartel's rules and play the game their way.

the rigging of the game at the highest levels of capitalism ensures that the lower levels are dominated by a few powerful organizations and people.

those organizations pay lip service to government regulation, but since they are the ones who finance the politicians, they actually dominate the government as well.

instead of government regulating the cartel, the cartel regulates the government by financing their client's campaigns, offering their patronage, and getting their clients elected, and in turn their clients operate the government as the cartel deems fit.

as long as all capital must go through the hands of the cartel, the cartel will control the politicians, the media and ultimately the society.

the federal reserve is the parasitic kudzu wrapped around the tree of liberty, slowly strangling it, for the parasite's benefit.

until the federal reserve is chopped out, root and branch, the system will be doomed.

adding another parasitic plant to the tree in the form of socialism, and granting more control to government, which is already corrupted by the federal reserve and the money trust, will only hasten the collapse.
As, I have gotten older and the relationship between big business, big govt, and people seem under-protected. I mean, a clean ocean, safe drinking water, a healthy Earth I am entitled to. These are shared assets of the world population. I am entitled to safety, respect, health-care, and protection from corporate interests.
As, I have gotten older and the relationship between big business, big govt, and people seem under-protected. I mean, a clean ocean, safe drinking water, a healthy Earth I am entitled to. These are shared assets of the world population. I am entitled to safety, respect, health-care, and protection from corporate interests.
youre entitled to the protections laid out in the constitution, a level playing field, and whatever you can win by the sweat of your brow.

while our constitutional protections are being eroded, and the playing field is decidedly tilted, you never had a right to "healthcare" "respect" or protection from "corporate interests" beyond the protections of the constitution.
as long as all capital must go through the hands of the cartel, the cartel will control the politicians, the media and ultimately the society.

the federal reserve is the parasitic kudzu wrapped around the tree of liberty, slowly strangling it, for the parasite's benefit.

until the federal reserve is chopped out, root and branch, the system will be doomed.
I doubt if that part of your logic would bear out the way you think. But that depends on what you mean exactly.
Are you saying scrap the Central Banking system entirely? Or just the "freedom" to determine Monetary Policy?
If the former, you sow seeds for a "free-banking" hydra. That was already tried; it created more problems than it solved (it's an issue of scale).
If the latter, then what is the feedback mechanism? That is, how is the supply managed?
If anything, it would seem the CBs have less control thanks to the ability of commercial finance securitizing whatever has a price tag associated with it.

You may be blaming too much on ideology and not enough on the metric$ by which they are measured. However, I don't even know 5% of what must circle through your mind, so maybe after going over that cycle a few dozen more times, some greater answer will spontaneously materialize like einfallen (I think there's an umlaut in there).

I yearn for a day when currency is an artifact of irrelevance. But it ain't gonna happen...
I doubt if that part of your logic would bear out the way you think. But that depends on what you mean exactly.
Are you saying scrap the Central Banking system entirely? Or just the "freedom" to determine Monetary Policy?
If the former, you sow seeds for a "free-banking" hydra. That was already tried; it created more problems than it solved (it's an issue of scale).
If the latter, then what is the feedback mechanism? That is, how is the supply managed?
If anything, it would seem the CBs have less control thanks to the ability of commercial finance securitizing whatever has a price tag associated with it.

You may be blaming too much on ideology and not enough on the metric$ by which they are measured. However, I don't even know 5% of what must circle through your mind, so maybe after going over that cycle a few dozen more times, some greater answer will spontaneously materialize like einfallen (I think there's an umlaut in there).

I yearn for a day when currency is an artifact of irrelevance. But it ain't gonna happen...
lemme 'splain.

if you want a national bank, it should be operated BY THE GOVERNMENT (ie. Nationalized, like canada did {InB4 OH NOEZ!!! Zocializm!} ) for the interests of The Government, not the cartel.

if you dont want the banks playing hide the sausage with your currency supply, then the solution is obvious, dismantle the cartel and let banks handle their transactions the way they did before the cartel was established, and set monetary policy the way it was before the cartel, through congress.

small local banks, larger state wide banks, and a few national banks, all operating in competition, rather than as an illegal cartel operating with government collusion.

and yes, cartels are illegal in the US, 'cept this one. they got an exception.

how sweet.
youre entitled to the protections laid out in the constitution, a level playing field, and whatever you can win by the sweat of your brow.

while our constitutional protections are being eroded, and the playing field is decidedly tilted, you never had a right to "healthcare" "respect" or protection from "corporate interests" beyond the protections of the constitution.
The legislative process outlined in the constitution makes any entitlement possible. There are more than constitutional rights directly, the laws become what the needs of society reflects ideally.
lemme 'splain.

if you want a national bank, it should be operated BY THE GOVERNMENT (ie. Nationalized, like canada did {InB4 OH NOEZ!!! Zocializm!} ) for the interests of The Government, not the cartel.

if you dont want the banks playing hide the sausage with your currency supply, then the solution is obvious, dismantle the cartel and let banks handle their transactions the way they did before the cartel was established, and set monetary policy the way it was before the cartel, through congress.

small local banks, larger state wide banks, and a few national banks, all operating in competition, rather than as an illegal cartel operating with government collusion.

and yes, cartels are illegal in the US, 'cept this one. they got an exception.

how sweet.
Bravo, I am glad someone around here understands how private for profit fractional reserve banking ultimately enriches the cocksuckers while making the rest of us poorer and more marginalized than ever.

Then I think about how government fucks up everything it touches and wonder how long a monetary system run by government officials would last. How long before they just start printing money like mad to pay for social programs that get them votes?

The Constitution laid this all out for us to follow, but we ignored it at our own peril. Central banking should have been outlawed IMO.

Since the USA was on a metal standard for the first 200 years and during that time we won WW2 (debateable), saw the greatest growth of any country in history, became the most powerful nation and were the engine of global growth plus the greatest manufacturer of goods the world had ever seen. During this time we were the biggest creditor nation and everyone owed us.

In only 40 years we went from all that to a mere shadow of our former selves. A manufacturing base less than half the size as before, high unemployment, more poverty and hunger, health care that has been co opted by the greedy businessmen who make money off of our sicknesses, The largest debt any nation has ever accumulated and endless unwinnable wars that destroy our youth mentally and physically.

But with the stock market at all time highs and 100% of everyone fully vested in the stock market, we are all millionaires now.
Private, for profit everything does that. That's why they want to privatize everything and put a fuckin barcode on it.

Pro tip: privatization is a capitalism thing
Private, for profit everything does that. That's why they want to privatize everything and put a fuckin barcode on it.

Pro tip: privatization is a capitalism thing[/QU
Private, for profit everything does that. That's why they want to privatize everything and put a fuckin barcode on it.

Pro tip: privatization is a capitalism thing
says the socialist/anarchist.
I'm coming to your crib to get my fair share of your stuff...........how dare you withhold my inheritance from me.
lemme 'splain.

if you want a national bank, it should be operated BY THE GOVERNMENT (ie. Nationalized, like canada did {InB4 OH NOEZ!!! Zocializm!} ) for the interests of The Government, not the cartel.


if you dont want the banks playing hide the sausage with your currency supply, then the solution is obvious, dismantle the cartel and let banks handle their transactions the way they did before the cartel was established, and set monetary policy the way it was before the cartel, through congress.

In doing that, a lot would have to change, though. For one, the emphasis on "growth" has to be removed from the economic lexicon. That, in essence, would scrap the GDP metric as it stands. What shall we replace it with?
It would be a good idea to flesh out some framework of measurement before shifting the power balance so greatly.

small local banks, larger state wide banks, and a few national banks, all operating in competition, rather than as an illegal cartel operating with government collusion.

and yes, cartels are illegal in the US, 'cept this one. they got an exception.

how sweet.
Yes, it seems the Herfindahl-Hirschman index has been forgotten about. And they aren't the only cartel.
Make lobbying illegal and an offense in which execution is the only sentence.

Be like the Kings of old, anyone caught debasing the currency is relieved of their right hands and their testicles so that their seed can no longer taint the earth.

Bankers run the country into the ground? Hang them from the streetlamps, a message not soon forgot.
The legislative process outlined in the constitution makes any entitlement possible. There are more than constitutional rights directly, the laws become what the needs of society reflects ideally.
and when the plebs demand more from the dole than the productive members of the society can provide, entitlements cause the collapse of the society, and the institution of the authoritarian state.

thats what turned rome from a republic into an empire, and empires fall, every single time.