Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
I am tired of Corporations, Wall Street, and the military taking subsidies and causing their part of your tax burden. You might talk about that once.
as has been previously expounded upon AT LENGTH, corporate subsidies is the governemnt picking winners and losers, and i OPPOSE THAT in no uncertain terms.
the wall street bailouts? OPPOSED! IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS!
and seriously, how the fuck do you propose the military is "subsidized"?
it is ENTIRELY government funded. 100% thats not a subsidy.
and as previously expounded upon, AT LENGTH, runaway military spending on shit the military doesnt even want, is BAD
funding hundreds of bases around the world is BAD
an armed force of over a million? BAD
buying new stealth bombers, aircraft carriers and nuclear attack subs when we have more than enough already, and could even do with scrapping a few (or even a lot)? BAD!
you dont listen to what anyone says, you pick out disconnected snippets, and knit them into an imaginary quilt of crazy assumptions and butthurt.
your IMPRESSION of my positions, based on your Feels are irrelevant.
take more thorazine. your psychosis is overwhelming the current dosage.